Page 17 of Savage

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Dane Savage obviously. The guy’s a fucking psycho—even if he’s a sexy one at that.

It’s been one hell of a day and throughout it all, this has to be the worst part. Not being trapped here, locked in against my will. No, that I can handle. The same way I’ve done many times before over the years. No, it’s knowing that someone like Dane is out there. He knows I’m here but I don’t know what he’s going to do about it. He’s locked me up, and I doubt he’ll come rushing back to save me.

He's left me here to teach me a lesson. Pissed, his ego bruised because little old me wouldn’t bow down to him. That I had the audacity to stand up to him. Right now, living life on the edge, unaware of my next move, the thought of hiding out in Braxton sounds more appealing.

I haven’t heard another source of life since Dane left and the realization hits that I’m stuck here where there’s no sense of time. No sense of reason.

I’m well and truly fucked, and I’m starting to wonder if my mind-blowing orgasm was worth it.


Tick tock… time’s running out, motherfucker.

Wrenching my steel gaze away from the maritime clock on the far wall, it’s steady tick echoes around me. A warning from the devil himself. Each second cuts deeper, a firm reminder of the odds stacked against me. Odds I should have mastered. Odds I should be holding in the palm of my fucking hand. The thought provokes me. Gnawing at my insides, pushing me further away, outside my comfort zone.

Slow and steady…creeping in like a silent assassin, intent on taking a deadly hit; killing what’s left of my depleting composure.

Jaw clenched, my teeth grind together in frustration as I continue to fight an impossible battle. An endless internal struggle raging deep within me. Fighting against every fiberof my being. Locked in a deadly stalemate. Going against everything nature intended. Struggling to contain the ferocious beast lurking beneath the surface.

A monster most people have no business seeing.

Yet the Devil’s words continue to ring loud and clear in my mind. He’s gone and fucked everything up. Messing up my plans in the process. Right now, there’s not a lot I can do about it—except sit back and wait.

If only.

He knows better than anyone that calm and composed isn’t my style. It’s been a few hours and I can already feel my body breaking under the impending restrictions he’s trying to put in place.

The room suffocates me. The air thick and heavy as the built-up tension crushes my lungs while trying to resist the primal need to lash out. Refusing to give in and succumb to the darkness clawing at the edges of my mind. Each shallow breath is forced, keeping my heavy legs somewhat steady. My mind is as close as it can get to being level-headed. Preventing the chaos around me as it threatens to attack, wreaking havoc and unsalvageable damage on everything around me.

I breathe in deep, raising my hand and cup the back of my neck, allowing my fingers to trace the knots of tension building there before rubbing in slow deliberate circles, waiting for a relief which never comes.

Each painful throb echoes deep inside my skull, pulsating in perfect unison with the relentless clock hand on the wall and the irony isn’t lost on me.

Taking a much-needed moment to collect myself, desperate to silence the racing thoughts in my mind, I allow my eyes to scan the room before me. The only light comes from the antique lamp in the corner and the moonlight as it seeps through the large Gothic window in our living area, casting elongated shadows across the polished tiles beneath my feet.

Blunts, loose bud and empty beer bottles decorate the granite table, a perfect caption of Dane’s whereabouts today. But is the son of a bitch here now? Like fuck he is. When I need him, my good for nothing stepbrother is nowhere to be found.

I called him hours ago, telling him we needed to meet up and discuss the current events. The son of a bitch agreed to meet me here at the Manor House. The only place in Stonebrooke that truly belongs to us and no one else. No other students are allowed here, unless one of us personally invites someone over and that doesn’t happen all too often.

I called him and asked him to meet me here, knowing we’d be able to talk without being disturbed by prying eyes and hushed whispers. By guys who want to be us and girls who’d do anything to fuck us. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad position to be in but there’s a time and a place, and right now isn’t the time or the place. But as usual the bastard has done a disappearing act. He’s gone off radar.

Pinching my nose, I turn to face the solitary figure leaning back on the plush leather sofa, hidden deep within the shadows before the embers of his joint light up and illuminate his face as he takes a long pull, before exhaling and blowing the cloud in my direction.

Cameron: My youngest stepbrother. Still wild. Still all kinds of fucked up, but more on the quiet side, unlike his big brother. Cameron has made his feelings known many times. Hewants in on the family business. Dane’s all for it, but me; I’m still undecided.

Matteo, he won’t hear a fucking word on it. Personally, I agree with him. As tough as he is, I don’t think he’s ready. Some people are born for the life, and some people can’t handle being thrown in at the deep end. They need to adjust. Climatize. Take baby steps, and Cameron, he’s some people.

I’ll admit, recently he’s become quite the silent observer, which isn’t always a bad thing. Cameron’s problem is he knows how to piss me off and get right under my skin. A habit both him and Dane can’t seem to break.

“Wanna talk about it?” he asks, finally breaking the stoic silence before popping the cap off his beer.

“What, with you?” I raise my brows, suspicion heavy on my tongue.

“Why the fuck not?” Cam doesn’t sound offended, more amused. “You’re the one who told me that a problem shared means less to worry about.”

“Thanks, Cam. I appreciate it, but I think I’ll pass.”

I know he means well. Cameron always does. Where Dane is all psychotic, Cameron actually has a brain and a heart. One of the main reasons why I don’t want him getting caught up in the shitstorm swirling around us. Right now, it’s best he stays out of it. The less he knows the better and regardless of what Dane has to say, I know Matteo will back me up on that front.

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