Page 11 of Savage

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I push that thought aside, trying to keep my mind focused on the here and now. Storing it away for another moment in time. I don’t want anything to creep in and affect my mood. Seriously, even though I’m hella nervous, this is the best I’ve felt in as long as I can remember. I don’t want anything to get in the way and ruin this foreign yet amazing feeling as it bubbles deep in my chest. I want to keep it alive for as long as physically possible.

Before too long we come to a stop just under a marble arch, in front of a pair of double oak doors. “This is the Great Hall.” She announces, watching me, her small beady eyes curious. I don’t know what she thought she was getting from me but I can already tell I’m everything she thought I wouldn’t be. Just looking at her startled expression tells me as much.

“I can imagine this must be overwhelming for you. I don’t want to show you too much at once. A full guided tour will be arranged for you tomorrow. I’m sorry I’m throwing you in at the deep end but I didn’t expect you to arrive so late…”

Yeah, neither did I, but the coffin dodger driving the hurst clearly had other ideas. My arrival far from his top priority.

“Tomorrow will be pretty full on for you so I’d suggest you eat dinner and head straight to your quarters. You’ll need all the rest you can get.”

Quarters? What the hell is this place? Next, she’ll be telling me there’s a common room for my house too, like Stonebrooke is some kind of Hogwarts on steroids. “Where will I be staying? How will I find where to go?” I ask, not sure if I’vespoken out of turn. I’ve been brought up to only speak once I’ve been spoken to, otherwise it would lead to dire consequences.

Ms. White opens her mouth to answer me, but she’s quick to close it again, her attention averted. “Savage.” She says the name like it’s an inconvenience. “Dare I ask what you’re doing?” Her tone has changed drastically compared to when she was speaking to me. Gone is the soft, carefree tone I’d become accustomed to, and in its place is a straight talking, no bullshit taking stern Dean. One who doesn’t tolerate problems on her ship.

“Just heading to the library.” The deep voice replies. “Last minute studies. You know how it is, and I’d hate to fall behind.”

She shakes her head in what I’m guessing is disbelief as her short gray pixie cut blows in the wind. I’m not sure if she buys his excuse but when I look at him, he doesn’t strike me as the type of guy who’d go out of his way to study. He looks like he’d be the type of guy to burn the library down with everyone else still inside it.

“I’m sure that’s a likely story, however your plans for this evening will have to wait.”

“It’s pretty important.” He deadpans, zero emotion in his voice.

“I need your help with something, and I won’t be taking no for an answer.”

“No can do.”

A small smile curves on her lips as she takes another step toward him. “It’s non-negotiable.” She warns, her tone taking adownward turn, growing sterner by the second. “You see, this here is our new student and she needs some assistance.”

“Brilliant,” he snarls back, clearly in no mood for small talk. He’s eager to make his escape and to be honest I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t want to be lumbered with the new kid either. “I don’t see how that’s my problem.”

“Maybe I didn’t make myself clear. Allow me to rephrase… I’m making this your problem.”

I turn to face him and my blood runs cold when I see him watching me, like a predator lying in wait as he eyes up his prey. An icy shudder runs straight down my spine when his midnight blue eyes look me up and down, and he looks far from impressed with what he sees.

He’s tall, well-built, his muscular shoulders set wide as he folds his big arms over his never-ending chest. His eyes are sharp, captivating and framed by long thick lashes. His nose is straight, his plump lips perfectly proportioned. Seriously, his cupid’s bow would give most of the supermodel’s a run for their money. This guy looks like he’s just come from hell to torture my soul some more. Sent specifically to hurt me. His eyes, although captivating, are dead. Completely void of any emotion. Scary as fuck. Maybe the Dean will rethink her decision and take pity on me. Maybe she’ll let him get on with his plans because a guy like this has no business being all alone with me. Surely, she wouldn’t be so cruel to send me to the dogs on my first night.

“Sorry Ma’am.”

“I’m asking you for a favor, Savage. I think it’s high time I claimed a few of them in, don’t you?”

“Why don’t you ask one of the first years to do it. I’m too busy to babysit a stray.” He growls out, looking right at me ashe calls me a fucking neglected scabby dog. Against my better judgement my hands fly to my hair to make sure it’s not all over the place and his wicked smirk tells me he doesn’t miss it.

“I don’t want a first year, Savage. I’m asking you and I won’t ask again.” For such a petite woman she sure knows how to hold her own. She’s kind of scary too when she gets all authoritative.

Realizing my time is up, I turn to get a better look at him and when he steps toward me all the air is knocked out of my lungs. Like I’ve just been sucker punched in my chest, his large frame casting me into the shadows. He’s not happy about being my escort, that much is clear in the sharp set of his jaw, his Adams apple bobbing as he swallows down his argument.

“Fine.” His eyes linger on me longer than necessary and all the small hairs on the back of my neck stand tall and I know it has nothing to do with the cold night air circulating around us. No, this is my body warning me to stay the hell away from the tall, dark, tatted stranger. My heart, however, is a whole other matter, beating violently in my chest, thudding hard, desperate to escape the beautiful monster. Desperate to avoid the inevitable pain and trauma along with his devastating beauty.

“I’m glad that’s finally settled. Phoenix, this is Dane Savage.” The Dean muses, almost like she’s second guessing her decision. Quickly realizing she’s about to feed the innocent lamb to the fucking lion. My fate is in her hands and she doesn’t seem to care. Dane, however, tried to give me a free pass and I know I won’t be as lucky going forward. “Now, I’m about to do something most people wouldn’t dream of, but Mr. Savage knows better than anyone not to get on the wrong side of me. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, Ma’am.” He bites back through clenched teeth and I hear the lack of conviction in his tone. This boy is bad news, and a stupid reckless part of me is intrigued to find out more.

“I’m going to place Miss Melrose in your capable hands,” her small beady eyes watch us both cautiously. “And I’d like you to make sure Miss Melrose gets to her room safely.” She turns, this time focusing all her attention on me. “I hate to do this. I know it’s not professional or the usual standards we hold here at Stonebrook but your late arrival hasn’t given me any other option. I have an urgent meeting that I must attend.”

“I can always try to find my own way…” I shoot my last chance saloon, but I’m ignored as my plea falls on deaf ears around us.

“Handle her with care, Savage.” She ignores me completely, her mind already made up. More than happy to stick with her decision. “Don’t make me regret putting my trust in you.”

I’m forced to watch with bated breath as the Dean turns on her heels, leaving me all alone, out in the dark with someone who looks like he’d live comfortably in my nightmares. I’m beginning to think that coming to Stonebrooke is going to be more detrimental to my mental health than hiding out in Braxton.

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