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Game over.

For me, the driver and the death trap carrying us.

Maybe I caved too soon. I should have put up more of a fight. Taken my chances. I’d probably be safer staying put inBraxton. At least no one was actively trying to kill me there. Or that I knew of anyway. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss.

My father sure has a lot to answer for and one day I swear I’m going to make him pay. Make him suffer for what he’s put me through. For every sadistic and fucked up thing he’s made me do. The fear. The trauma. The neglect, and now this.

Well, that’s if the bastard survives. Right now, I’d bet his chances of survival aren’t looking all too promising. Every single odd is heavily stacked against him, and they fucking should be. Especially after his latest downfall.

I asked so many times, but Melanie remained tight-lipped, as she did all week. She won’t budge. Refusing to tell me anything. Apparently, she’s not allowed to discuss active cases, no matter the implications of the victims. I’m not stupid though. It doesn’t take a genius to work out he fucked up. He’s always been sick in the head. Poorly, as he liked to call it, but there was no stopping him. He craved the adrenaline. Low and behold he soon got ahead of himself, getting caught along the way. It was bound to happen eventually. A fool’s move but shit, he must have fucked up on a massive scale this time. Yet, it’s me who’s paying the price. I’m the one being forced out into the night. The one who’s expected to get on with my life like nothing has happened. Like everything hasn’t changed.

Maybe that’s why the driver refused to acknowledge me. who knows, he could have some crazy sixth sense, allowing him to see me. And I mean, really see me. Right down into the hidden depths of my dark and twisted soul. Witnessing just how damaged and messed up I really am. I doubt he’s the first person to pick up on the venomous poison which flows through my veins and he won’t be the last. A horrific reminder of who I amand where I come from—and that won’t change no matter what name’s attached to me.

I can’t even take part of the blame. Not that I’d want to, but sometimes when life gets a little too much I often wonder if it would be easier if I did. Easier for me. Easier for everyone else around me. The sad truth is, I can’t stop it any more than the air I breathe. I’m a product of his fuckery. This is who I am. By design. By default. Hell, I can’t even apologize for my fucked-up DNA because I never asked for it. Not for any of it.

I’m broken. Damaged beyond repair, all because some sad ass selfish bastard chose to disregard me, dissolving all of his obligations in a heartbeat. That man fed me to the wolves and didn’t give a fuck whether I survived or not.

He was a monster. Someone who couldn’t find it within himself to control his actions. To find a way to curb his thirst for destruction. I’m glad he’s out of my life, but now because of him I’m on a one-way journey to hell.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity of endless torture, the hurst gradually slows, crawling along as the unforgiving earth smooths out beneath us. I watch, transfixed as the trees widen, opening up, allowing what’s left of the days light seeping between the thick foliage. Relief consumes me, holding me tight, leaving just enough room for me to breathe. I don’t think I’ve ever been so thankful for my life as I am right in this moment, and that thought alone speaks volumes.

My chest swells as the outside world comes into view, blinding me with its unstoppable beauty, before large iron gates greet us.

“Are we here?” I say aloud, my uncontrollable curiosity getting the better of me, and just like magic the gates openinward, granting us entry. For the first time in my life, I’m floored. Floored that there’s someone out there, expecting me. Waiting on my arrival.

Fighting against the foreign tears of gratitude as they threaten to spill over, my mute driver hits the gas, rolling forward, completely oblivious and unphased by the days turmoilous events. Unphased by whatever plan has been set out for me.

The seconds turn into agonizing minutes as my new life creeps closer, and it’s one hell of a strange feeling. One I never expected. I was adamant I’d never leave Braxton, yet here I am being escorted into Stonebrooke and excitement is charging through my veins. I’ll be honest, my nerves are shot and the heated suspense of the unknown is creeping around in my head, threatening to take over. A feeling I’m refusing to acknowledge. Granting it zero power to manifest into my reality.

I’m not scared, I just hate the unknown with a ferocious passion. I was conditioned to survive under the hands of someone else’s control, so obviously, I don’t deal with change all too well. I’ve always been kept in the dark through no choice of my own and this… well, this is so different to me on so many levels.

We continue to roll down a massive driveway, illuminated with solar lights on either side, lighting up the way to my final destination and I jump when the hurst comes to a sudden stop, the old, rusty metal groaning out in protest.

My mouth drops when I look out of my window as I take in the monstrous gothic building towering over us. I’ll never survive here. I’ll get lost in the first five fucking minutes. But that’s my future’s problem. Right now, I need to allow mymesmerized mind to enjoy this, because as soon as I’m out of this death trap I know I’ll never witness it with fresh eyes again.

Endless trees line the pristine lawns, and right in the center is a gigantic water fountain, standing tall with half naked statues holding it up. Standing proud, the first introduction to the grandeur this place holds in the middle of the granite driveway.

My attention is captured when I sense movement to my right. This is it. My moment of truth. My fresh start. Hopefully it’s not as much of a shit show as the life I just left behind was. Pulling up my big girl panties, I take in a deep breath and open the door, about to walk straight into my new life, no matter what awaits me on the other side. The crisp fresh air hits me hard, penetrating deep into my lungs, thankfully removing all traces of the stagnant air which consumed me on our journey here.

“Miss Melrose?” A small but firm voice calls out into the darkness before a thin figure appears in my line of sight. She waits patiently for me to respond and that’s when I remember my sudden and unexpected name change.

“Erm… yeah, that’s me.” I stammer, unable to think straight let alone try the impossible task of stringing a coherent sentence together.

“Pleasure to meet you,” she smiles brightly as her face comes into view. On first impression I’m happy to find her warm and welcoming, her eyes wrinkling at the corners. “My name is Ms. White, the Dean of Stonebrooke Hall.” She holds out her hand and I take it willingly. “It’s a joy to have you joining us, and I hope you’ll enjoy your time here.”

Her kind words are unexpected. They leave me speechless. I don’t think anyone has ever spoken to me with suchcare and compassion before and it makes for a welcome change. Here’s to many firsts. She watches me closely. Expectantly and all I can do is offer her a weak smile. This is so far out of my comfort zone and I know I’m fucking it up with each second that passes.

I’m guessing she hasn’t received my file yet. When she does, I don’t think she’ll be as welcoming. Not when she finds out who I really am. Not when she knows the truth, so I’ll try and enjoy my peace while it lasts.

“It’s getting late,” she says when I remain silent. “Why don’t you come with me.” As though reading my mind she adds, “don’t worry about your belongings. Those will be sent straight to your room. But first, you must eat. You have quite a busy day tomorrow so you’ll need your energy.”


I follow Ms. White in silence, my footsteps echoing on the marble floor. I try to take in my surroundings so I can commit this moment to memory, but it’s too dark and everything falls into the shadows.

On first impressions my mind is fucking blown. Sure, I knew Stonebrooke had a reputation for being one of the greatest colleges around but fuck me. This place seems huge and something tells me we haven’t even touched the surface. There’s no way I’m going to be able to find my way around this place all by myself.

It sounds stupid as fuck but I feel like I’ve been transported into a fucking fairytale. Not that I believe in happy endings. Dark, gothic and fucking perfect—a lot like the castle from Beauty and the Beast. Who knows, maybe there could be aBeast or two waiting for me hidden deep in the shadows. That is not something I’d shy away from.

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