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A sense of power and control surge through me. Charging my veins. Making my hollow heart pump steady in my chest, pounding wild and free as I watch the brat spread out before me.

Flat out.

Dead to the fucking world. She’s weak. Vulnerable. Trapped and held at the hands of my mercy. Fuck, she’s so beautiful. More so when she’s like this… utterly defenseless. Comatose; fueling my sadistic need for more.Always more.

This isn’t my first time. I’ve been here many times before. Hiding out in her room. Watching silently from the shadows. Slowly creeping closer. Desperate to strike. My intent is to kill her, to watch her bleed out before me, but she’s been holding me captive. Gripped by the fucking balls, like a mothdrawn to a heated flame. Hypnotized. Knocked completely off guard by the foreign emotions she stirs up inside me.

Emotions I never knew existed—until her.

All I know is that they’re unwanted. Unwelcome. Much like her fucking presence in my life.

Her shallow breathing fills the small space between us. Each one more labored than the last. The thrill of not knowing if these will be her final ones keep me hooked. Focused. A sick and twisted pleasure swells in my chest… as well as my dick at the possibility that tonight’s deadly dose could be the lethal shot, sending the electrical current in her heart spiraling out of control, causing her to arrest beneath me.

Wouldn’t that be something?

Her life is in my hands and the dumb bitch doesn’t even realize it. Too dumb. Too fucking deluded to notice the dangers which surround her every minute of every day. This brat is more than happy to remain deep inside her deluded little bubble, ebbing and flowing along with the invisible yet destructive tides of her captivity.

Playing numb, hiding from her own demons is what she does best. The similarities between us aren’t lost on me, no matter how hard I try to ignore them. However, the sweetest part of our situationship is that it’s purely one-sided. It doesn’t matter what happens between us in this room; both of us blanketed by the darkness because she won’t remember. This sleeping beauty won’t remember shit. Not a goddam thing. The sedatives I slip into her water each night make sure of that.

What should have been a routine job; a quick expose and dispose fast turned into something else. Something none of ussaw coming, and nothing could have prepared me for the events that followed.

A sick, sadistic obsession.

An obsession I’m not ready to give up on just yet. A secret that only the three of us know. A secret—a sacred vow, which needs to stay between me and my brothers.

We share her.

All of her. Our delicious little victim. The three of us savage her body like she’s a piece of meat. Hungry predators tearing her apart. This brat: our little fuck piece loves every fucking moment we impale on her small, perfect, forbidden body.

Our captive has been conditioned to think our sadistic and psychotic behavior is normal. A little wild and crazy, but normal all the same. An act of lust. A vicious, selfish need while fooling her mind into thinking we care about her. This stupid damsel is adamant she can change us. That she can tame the wicked Savage brothers. But that isn’t possible. Even if there wasn’t a nasty history which binds us, you can’t physically love someone with a hollow heart. You can’t change what has already been made.

No, the truth of her captivity is far more hideous. More damaging and destructive than she could ever comprehend. What she doesn’t know is that she’s an integral part of us… but not in the way she wants to be. It’s kinda funny how life works out. Especially when this disobedient brat has always been the missing piece to the deadly and destructive puzzle we’ve been trying to solve. One I’ve spent many years working on, silently watching from afar… and now, thanks to a wonderful twist of fate, this damsel in distress is mine. She belongs to me. Mybrothers can do with her as they wish, but she’s mine to fuck up in the best possible way.

My revenge is getting close. So close that I can almost taste the sweet victory from her hot salty tears.

Hell, if only that were the case. That’s how it used to be. How it fucking should be but all my plans, every single one went straight out the window when I came face to face with her for the first time. I fucking hated how she made mefeel.I’m notorious for being brutal. For being an emotionless bastard but fuck if she didn’t break something in me. I’d gone from being super confident in my decisions to second guessing myself at every turn.

I knew I had to change things. I had to mix things up and fast. If my game plan was going to happen the way I needed it to, then I needed to work smarter, not harder. I needed to use everything to my advantage. Every minute detail—every step of mass destruction had to be timed to perfection.

No one was more shocked than me to find out just how much I enjoyed playing with her. Fucking with her mind, body and emotions. Way more than I ever thought I would. Even more so when I’ve spent so long fantasizing about her inevitable downfall.

I visualized all the different ways this could play out. Of all the ways I wanted to break her, piece by beautiful piece. Messing with her fragile state of mind until she can’t take it anymore. Until she’s down on her knees, tears streaming, her body bare and bruised, crying out…. Begging for my mercy. Something which will never come. Pleading with me to stop. To end it all—this wicked game she plays so well, along with her pitiful existence.

“Such a pretty little brat,” I whisper. “Such a fucking waste.”

I’m not stupid. I know better than anyone that looks can be deceiving. Black fucking magic at its finest. The darkest kind. Built up to hold so much power, the ability to lure in your victim, pulling them closer under false pretenses while perfectly masking the demon hidden from view. Silently simmering just below the surface.

I know this because I’m the master of deceit. Something I perfected long ago, along with many of my other hidden talents. Talents this brat will soon discover.

A soft moan escapes her parted lips as she falls deeper, catching me off guard as she slowly succumbs to the darkness. Struggling to fight the drowsiness as it pulls her under, taking her innocent and vulnerable mind to places she’ll never remember. Totally oblivious to the monster standing just inches from her, lurking in the shadows. Oblivious to the wicked and degrading acts I do to myself and her body when it’s just the two of us. Getting off on the fact that she has no way of stopping me.

I’m a monster. “What happens in this room stays in this room, isn’t that right, princess?” I mutter, my heated breath grazing her lips. Just knowing there’s a small chance she can hear me but can’t fight me off, it drives me fucking crazy.

Her body is mine to do as I please. Savage property ‘til the end. Fuck, most chicks would give up their soul to experience a taste of what this ungrateful brat has. I’ll be honest, there have been times where I’ve come close—too fucking close to derailing the plan. Sending this freight train straight off the track. My mind gets consumed, overshadowed by the thought of her. The very essence of her, causing me to falter. Making me forget all about my endgame.

I’ve been ready to expose the beast hidden beneath the mask. More than happy to teach this brat a lesson or two while she’s conscious. More than happy to show her what monsters are really capable of. And I mean real monsters. Not some Disney make-believe bullshit. I’m talking about the ones who wait it out in silence. Biding their time. Always on the lookout for the perfect moment to strike.

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