Page 49 of Silk and Steel

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Lovejoy is being smart about this. He’s not running full out, or in a panic. When someone stops him to ask a question—thinking he’s a legit event employee—Lovejoy doesn’t freak out. He smiles and politely answers the guest before going on his way.

This is a slow pursuit, but my heart pounds like I’m running full out. I’m so close. So close to making Emory safe. The hidden holster bearing my nine mil is a comforting weight. I’m not sure I’m going to try and arrest this man.

To keep Emory safe, I’d do anything. And I wouldn’t regret it. Especially after that kiss…but I can’t think about that now. I have to stay focused.

I reach a hallway leading to the restrooms and kitchen area. There’s a huge glut of people here, packing the hall like sardines. I lose sight of my quarry. Politeness goes out the window. I start shoving my way through.

“Watch it, asshole,” snaps one elderly gentleman.

“Sorry, Mr. Nicholson. I’m a big fan,” I call over my shoulder. I never take my eyes off the path ahead. In particular, I watch the kitchen door and the lavatories.

How did Lovejoy make it in here so easily? He has to have help, from several sources. Otherwise, they would never be able to pull these stunts off.

I catch a glimpse of a tall blonde man heading into the kitchen. I finally cut through the crowded hallway and then break into a run.

My shoulder slams into the swinging metal doors. I scare the shit out of the kitchen crew. A woman in a chef’s hat drops a silver mixing bowl. Crab cakes go spilling onto the floor, but I’m finally in arm’s reach of Lovejoy.

“Got you now, you son of a bitch.”

I grab his shoulder and spin him around, tearing his jacket sleeve in the process. I cock my fist back, ready to knock Lovejoy into next week…

Only to realize I’m staring into the face of someone much younger, confused, and terrified.

“Sorry,” I say quickly. “Sorry. Thought you were…”

I push past him and run through the kitchen. Blasting out the rear exit, I find myself in an empty alleyway, with only a stray cat and a huge bag of garbage as my company.

Lovejoy is nowhere in sight.

Dejected, I make my way back to Emory. The kitchen staff glare, but they don’t say anything. I guess I have that kind of look on my face.

Emory looks up hopefully. But once she sees my expression, she understands that I failed.

“I’m sorry. He gave me the slip.”

She nods, her mouth turning into a thin, tight line.

“He threatened my family, again. That serial killer was outside my sister’s house.”

“Shit. We need to call–”

“I already did. Both the police and Platinum Security.”

“Good. That was good thinking. What did they say?”

She sighs. “The police said they'll send a car out, but Jax said that’s not good enough. He’s going to have Bastian watch over my sister’s place tonight.”

“Bastian’s a good choice. I feel sorry for Blumbert if he tries something with that bad ass mother around.”

“I thought you were the killing machine at Platinum Security?”

I grunt. “There can be more than one. Lovejoy is in the wind. Let’s get out of here.”

We leave the party, passing the dance floor on the way. It feels like our dance was a long time ago, now. Emory’s upset, and understandably so. After all, I assured her she would be safe and then her crazy ex showed up.

“How did things go with Diego?” she asks when we’re back in the truck.

“Not as well as I hoped. Diego doesn’t know shit.”

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