Page 78 of Stars and Scars

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“All right. Be careful, Gray.”

I give her one last, firm look, as if daring her to leave, and then head over to Malloy.

“They’ll let anyone in here,” I say as I approach.

“What in the fuck are you wearing? You look like a tool.”

I shrug. “Agreed. What are you doing here, Malloy?”

“Wyatt’s parties draw a ton of people. I’m doing some private dick work, trying to find proof of a cheating husband for his wife. What’s your excuse?”

“I’m still working the Order case. Any chance you could help an old pal out?”

Malloy tosses back a glass of champagne and belches noisily.

“What do you want me to do?”

I grin, and explain my plan. Then Malloy and I part ways, each taking a different route around the ballroom to the forbidden doors.

I stop just behind a tall potted plant, watching through the verdant fronds as Malloy stumbles up toward the bouncers.

“Hey, you son of a bitch, I heard you were making eyes at my woman,” Malloy says, slurring his words badly. I have to admit, he makes a damn convincing obnoxious drunk. Probably because he’s had plenty of real world practice.

“Sir, I need you to–”

Malloy dumps a drink on the guard’s shirt. I didn’t even see him pick up a fresh glass of champagne. Both bouncers move away from the doorway and shove Malloy. He stumbles back with his hands up.

“My mistake, boys.” Still facing the guards, he walks backwards in Charlotte’s direction. “I’ll just go and rejoin my old lady.”

I duck through the open doorway while they’re distracted. I give one last look to make sure Charlotte is still safely where I left her, and then head down the corridor.

It’s obvious why the guards were at the doors. I can hear the sounds of people snorting coke through a closed door. Another room, likewise shut up tight, emanates the sounds of lots of people having sex.

It didn’t seem to me like McCloud was heading for blow or an orgy. He had too much purpose in his stride. I continue to search, though I resolve to come back and check the closed rooms if I don’t find my prey.

I pass by a group of revelers, more of the performance artists. Taking a draw from my vape, I strut past them like I own the place. It seems to work, because none of them give me a second glance.

I continue down the corridor until I reach a T junction. I feel the breeze, and smell the ocean from the left hand hallway, so I check that out first. I find a pair of big patio doors standing wide open.

Walking through them, I find myself standing before an enormous outdoor pool. One of those super fancy ones, with the fake rock grottos, waterfalls, swim up bar, the whole deal. I am a bit surprised to see water in the pool instead of cornflakes like the one in the other courtyard. No one seems to be around, it being a bit too cold to swim.

Except for one Connor McCloud. He sits in a U shaped extended sofa, fingers tapping away at a laptop. I fire off a text to Malloy, telling him I have my prey in sight.

Then, remembering my past mistakes, I send off another text. Only then do I make my move.

I come over and sit down beside him. He doesn’t even glance up when he speaks.

“Piss off. I’m not in the mood for company.”

“Me neither.”

Something in my tone makes him look over. He takes in my influencer appearance and sneers.

“Nice hat,” he says, oozing with irony. He goes to close his laptop screen but I grab it before he can. “Hey, what the fuck?”

He’s not looking at anything overtly suspicious at the moment, but that’s not going to stop me.

“Hey there, McCloud. Or maybe I should call you by your nomme de guerre, Stormbringer?”

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