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The phone I’m holding is already on the images I took earlier and Sweet Surrenders socials are already logged into on the device. I find the add button, but heavy footsteps pull my attention and I find Jace stalking over to the snack table where Ledger just was.

My mouth falls open at the sight of him, his chest glistening through the cut-out sleeves of his shirt, and I find it harder to breathe. He turns, eyes locking onto mine, and a smirk tips at the corner of his mouth as he catches me staring at him. I should look away. I know this, but I find it impossible to bring myself to do so.

His hair is damp from the sweat pouring from his scalp, only making him that much hotter, and I tighten my hold on the phone in my hand. I have work to do. It’s crucial that I avoid messing this up, yet my gaze stays locked on his.

“Jace,” my brother says from behind the curtains. “We only have twenty more minutes to perfect this. You can eat when we are finished.”

Jace swallows what’s in his mouth, tosses the rest into the trash, and then struts past me with a wink before disappearing behind the curtain. Only when he’s out of sight can I breathe easier and turn my attention back to the task at hand.

When I look down at the phone, a message pops up on the screen asking if I’m sure I want to make a post, and I click yes. I must’ve done what I was supposed to without realizing it. As soon as it’s posted, I slip the phone into my pocket and calmly make my way over to the guys standing at the entrance to the stage.

“I’m going to take a few pictures once you guys start. Then, do you mind if I head back to the hotel?”

Trevor shakes his head. “Not at all.” He smirks and winks at me. “Make sure you get my good side, coach.”

I scoff and smile. “It’s hard to believe there’s a better side.”

His eyes lighten, and I silently curse at myself for being an idiot. I know he’s attracted to me. That much was apparent when I first started working with them, but I’ve done well with keeping itappropriate — that just went out the window, and I hadn’t even meant for it to happen.

Raising Havoc finishes the last of their song and they all gather their things before heading off stage, nodding to Sweet Surrender along the way. My guys head into their respective places while Jace eyes me curiously from a dark corner of the room with a snack in his hand. I ignore his stare, focusing more on Sweet Surrender, and take my phone out to snap a few pictures.

As I frame each shot, I can’t help but compare them to Raising Havoc. Sweet Surrender has talent, no doubt, but there’s something raw and magnetic about Jace and his bandmates. Something I’m trying desperately not to be pulled in by.

It’s only been a few minutes since I made their post, but there are already new comments on it that I can’t help but look at with a smile. I’m about to open my mouth and tell the guys to come look when my eyes widen at the screen before me.

My heart skips a beat as I scroll through the comments. The enthusiasm is palpable, but something feels off. I frown, scrolling back up to the post. And then I see it. My blood turns to ice in my veins.

This is not what I posted.

Panic claws at my throat as the full weight of my mistake crashes down on me. This isn't just a professional blunder - it's a betrayal of the trust Sweet Surrender placed in me.

The image of their disappointed faces flashes through my mind, followed quickly by the realization that this could be the end of everything I've worked so hard for. The irony isn't lost on me - I've spent so much time worrying about Jace being a distraction, and in the end, it was my own carelessness that might cost me everything.

I shake my head, tears stinging my eyes, and stumble away from the stage to disappear backstage. While music echoes through the stadium’s speakers, I tap my foot frantically on the floor and desperately hope that no one manages to screenshot the image that I posted before I delete it.

My fingers fly over the keyboard, desperately trying to contain the damage. Each passing second feels like an eternity, the weight of potential consequences pressing down on me.

Notifications keep popping up - more shares, more comments, more evidence of my monumental mistake spreading like wildfire across the internet. It's a race against time, and I'm terrified I've already lost.

How could this have happened?

Instead of the images of Sweet Surrender, it’s an image of me in a bikini and smiling brightly at the camera. It’s nothing provocative, but it’s definitely not the band that everyone on their page was hoping to get a look at. I curse under my breath, then carefully go into their account and delete the picture.

Maybe this is all okay.

“Uh, Mal?” Brent says behind me, phone in his hand as he holds it out to me. “What is this?”

I slowly close my eyes, praying that it’s something innocent, and grab the device with a smile that I’m sure he can tell is forced.

When I look at the screen, dread fills my stomach, and I groan loudly. “What the hell did I just do?”

Brent nods and sits next to me, his hand coming up to rest along my spine. “It’s fine, and I’m sure you’ll figure out what to do.”

“I already deleted the post, but I’m sure it’s all over the place already.”

“You got this, sis,” Brent says softly. “Maybe Julia will be able to help you out?”

“I’m not dragging her into this mess. It’s my problem to fix.” I hastily grab my purse sitting on the table in front of me, then look to the stage where the guys are rehearsing with a frown. “Can you please tell them I had to head out early, but tell them as little as possible… okay?”

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