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“Then why the gun?” He held the gun’s grip and leaned back, screwing up his face as if he smelled something bad.

“An extra precaution. Mate.”

He hesitated before repeating, “Mate.”

I asked him for his mating hand.

“Mating what? Oh, I get it.”

“This is for all eternity.” I kissed his mark.



“You said they’d be naked.” I gripped my head cause it was about to explode.

“Shit, they brought a helicopter.” Ranger jerked his head up at the gray sky where a tiny dark blip was getting closer.

How was that possible? Ranger insisted they couldn’t get here. Flint agreed. They’d be in wolf form before shifting they said and… and… My brain was fixated on their dicks contracting in the cold weather.

The copter couldn’t land in this weather. No way.

It was raining but more of a light drizzle than the torrential downpour of the past couple of days. The area around the cabin was waterlogged, and thick mud had been dredged up by the swollen river, leaving the landscape scarred.

I couldn’t make out the driveway under the sludge, shredded bushes, and the remains of uprooted trees. What had been a lawn was marked by deep gouges in the earth, making it appear as though an excavator had clawed it. Or a giant wolf. The storm had left nothing untouched, and what lay outside the cabin was something I’d only seen on news footage.

The flying beast hovered in the air while the wind battered its blades. A part of me hoped it would crash. Fuck, I was wishing death on someone. Even a bad guy like Dane deserved to be in prison and not dead amidst the destruction of the countryside. And maybe the pilot was innocent. I couldn’t allow those thoughts to creep into my head.

Ranger told his uncle and dad, along with the three other guys, to protect me in the house while the other men shifted and vanished outside. He placed the laptop on the porch, Ranger and Flint pretending this meeting was about handing over information. I eased a window open, wanting to hear what they said, though with the wind and helicopter blades whirring, I doubt I’d make out anything. Uncle Arnie cautioned me about standing too close, and while I appreciated his concern, I had to know what was happening.

I watched as the helicopter hovered a few yards above the ground and a man tumbled out into the mud. Holding my breath, telling myself he may be injured and unable to move, I waited. But he stood, and even covered in muck, I recognized him. Dane’s sneer was more offensive and sinister when the rest of him was coated in gunk.

More men jumped out of the chopper. I couldn’t count them. The helicopter dipped and swayed in the wind before taking off. Shit, they had no way of leaving.

Dane tramped over the broken fence, holding onto upright bits of metal as water streamed past him, threatening to knock him off his feet. A man followed his boss, the others fanning out while one grabbed a guy who was crawling through the mud. Maybe he’d broken a leg, but the rest were in one piece. Damn it.

“I want two things,” Dane yelled. “First, the files and bank details. I swear if you fuck me over and you’ve retained a copy, I’ll destroy everything you love.”

What was the second?

“Once we finish here, I never wish to see your face again. You disgust me, making money by destroying people’s lives,” Ranger yelled.

My former boss struggled to stand while one bodyguard lost his footing and was swept against what was left of the fence. He howled and clung to a metal footing.

“Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do the same thing. But you’re too much of a pussy.”

Ranger ignored Dane’s taunts.

When Dane and I had last met, if someone had said shifters were real, I’d have thought they were hallucinating. That day in the car, his gaze had terrified me, but now, I understood some or most of his bravado came from his beast.

Dane grinned, his teeth dazzling against the mud smeared over his face.

“I suspect the rest of your family is nearby.” He sniffed the air. “Their scent is everywhere.”

“Not surprising, as it is our cabin,” Flint yelled.

Ranger didn’t move, his back ramrod straight. “But you’re not here to discuss my family.”

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