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“And here’s the kicker.”

“There’s more?” What else could there be?

“They say you interfered in another pack’s business and helped a human intending to bring down the mafia shifter packs.”

This was too much, and I dug the heel of my hand in one eye.

Flint continued. “Which you kinda did.”

“No. He was undercover with the Obsidian guys. He wasn’t aiming for anything else other than Dane and his thugs. You know what they’re like. You hate him and his pack. But also, he’s my mate.”

I was stretching the truth because Matt hadn’t said one hundred percent he was only looking at Dane’s pack. But that was the impression I got.

“You’re going to have to defend your actions. Today. 7 A.M. And Matt will have to be present after you’ve spoken to them to verify your story.”

“That’s in less than an hour.”

“Ranger!” Matt’s plaintive voice reached up the stairs.

“Coming,” I yelled back.

“Is that your mate? He sounds kinda needy.”

“Hey. I never complained about Tony winning verbal arguments and twisting you in knots, big bro.”

“We’re not kids, Ranger.” Except Flint was using his big-brother voice. “This isn’t a competition.”

Sure sounded like it.

“Matt doesn’t know about us.”

“Better get him up to speed.” He ended the call, and the phone beeped when he sent the link to the online meeting.

I practically slid down the stairs. Matt was waiting at the bottom, the end of the quilt twisted in his hand.

“Why you’d take so long?

I reached out, and after a slight hesitation, he walked into my arms as though he belonged there. “My brother likes to talk.”


I sat him on the couch. “There’s been a complication.”

“Dane?” His voice was decibels higher than normal.

“No.” How did I explain this? “There’s a governing body that we answer to, and they expect me to explain my actions regarding Dane’s accident.”

“The mafia have a system of government? I thought if you were good, you kept your head, and if not.” He slid a finger across his throat.

“No, there are rules.” I got on my knees at his feet and picked up his right hand, the one with my mark. “You won’t understand much of what’s about to happen.”

“To me?” he squeaked.

“No, this is about me.”

“Why do you keep saying I won’t understand? Tell me. Just lay it all out.”

“I will.” I had to. But not before the conference call. “After we speak to the elders.” I rushed on, not wanting my mate to question me about the use of the word elders. “All you have to do is tell the truth about what happened in the car.”

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