Page 3 of Revelations

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“I know you got a baby at home, Gen. It doesn’t mean you aren’t still a damn woman who needs a man in her life. At least someone who will fuck the hell outta you and get rid of those pesky fuckin’ cobwebs,” Nix says, laughter filling his voice because he’s always telling me that shit. Yeah, it’s been a while since I had sex.

I don’t even respond to Nix’ words. He is waiting for some kind of response from me. Instead, I shake my head, grab my list, and head for the storeroom where all of our alcohol is kept.Opening the door slowly because it’s been a while since I’ve seen Devil and he sometimes comes in to take inventory, I don’t see the couple on the opposite side of the room. It’s not until I hear a masculine groan that I snap my head in the direction of the sound. There, on the left of the storeroom is Devil leaning against the wall with his head thrown back and eyes closed. My eyes travel down his body, taking in the skin on display where his tee-shirt has been pushed up under his cut. I don’t stop until I take in the man on his knees in front of Devil. I don’t need the light on to realize it’s Raptor, Devil’s best friend.

Raptor’s head is bobbing up and down and I know he’s giving Devil a blowjob. Devil reaches down with one hand and digs his nails into the short hair on top of Raptor’s head. There’s really nothing for him to grab onto though. I take in the scene before me, my panties becoming wet as fuck. Both men are sexy as sin and they know it. The muscles in Devil’s thighs are tight with tension as his groans come faster and louder with every passing second. Raptor reaches his arm between Devil’s legs. I can’t see what he’s doing, but Devil loves it based on the sounds coming from him.

“I’m gonna cum,” Devil states, his voice graveled and filled with lust as his eyes snap open and he calls out Raptor’s name while staring at me.

Devil is breathing hard, his chest rapidly rising and falling as he pants through his release and Raptor’s continued movements on his cock. My eyes drift down when Raptor sits back on his heels and I see Devil’s pierced cock. He’s got barbells running down the length of his shaft that glint in the dim light filtering through the window above Devil’s head. Dusk has come and gone, the sky dark now with the moon shining bright.

“The fuck are you doin’ in here?” Raptor yells, his voice hard and lethal as my gaze snaps to him while Devil tucks his cock back in his jeans and does them up. “Fuckin’ answer me!”

“I’m getting what I need to stock the bar. I do this every night I work,” I answer him, my face on fire with the blush I’m sure covers my skin. I’ve never seen anything so fucking sexy in my life as what I just walked in on.

“Yeah. I’m sure that’s what you’re doin’, Genesis. You probably watched us walk in here and followed us to get some kind of blackmail,” Raptor says, jumping to his feet quicker than I thought he’d be able to move and rushes over to me.

I back up until I’m plastered against the door of the storeroom. Raptor doesn’t stop moving at me until his chest is pressed against mine as he grabs my wrists and holds them above my head. It doesn’t hurt, but I’m terrified of the man in front of me as he runs his hands down my sides around my pockets.

“The fuck are you doin’?” Devil questions the man in front of me as he steps up closer and runs his eyes up and down my body with hate and anger in his eyes.

“Searchin’ her for a camera or somethin’ to record us. This bitch wants to have somethin’ to hold over our heads, Dylan. No one knows about our relationship and she figures she can use it to her advantage,” Raptor states as if it should be obvious as he finally releases my wrists and steps away from my body so I can take a full breath.

“You won’t find a camera or anything on me, Raptor. I promise you that. I won’t ever tell anyone what I saw in here tonight. It’s none of my business what the two of you do in private. We’ll be opening the doors of the club in a little while and I need to stock the bar for Gavin. He doesn’t ever show upearly to make sure it’s done. No one ever shows up early but me. I’m sorry I didn’t immediately leave when I realized what was going on, but I was shocked as hell,” I tell Raptor, my eyes going over his shoulder where Devil stands, his arms folded over his chest as he glares at me.

“Never fuckin’ asked you to come in early, Genesis,” he growls out, pulling out his pack of cigarettes.

“I’ve never once said you did, Devil. But, if someone doesn’t do it, then the club won’t be ready when the doors open. You want to lose business because the bar isn’t stocked? Or have the customers put their own chairs down at each table when they come in? I even make sure the mini fridge is stocked in the dancer’s room. So, if I don’t come in to take care of all this shit, who else is gonna do it?” I question Devil as Raptor steps back next to him and glares at me in return.

“I won’t deny you’ve become an asset here, Genesis. You go above and beyond to make sure the club is ready to go every shift you have. Every time I’ve asked you to step up and do somethin’ you’ve done it without question. Includin’ coverin’ shifts for everyone else,” Devil admits reluctantly as he uncrosses his arms and puts an unlit cigarette in his mouth. “What I won’t tolerate is you fuckin’ thinkin’ you can blackmail me for any reason. I don’t owe you shit, Genesis. In fact, you only have this job because Vault forced me into hirin’ your ass.”

“Trust me, I know this. You’ve let me know it every day for the last year and a half that I’ve been here. I don’t fit the mold of someone who should work in a strip club because I’m too fucking fat. Yet, I’m the one making the most in tips every damn night, I have men hitting on me every shift before they get drunk, and I’m the one taking time away from my baby at home to ensure this club is ready to open five nights a week. I don’t have to do any of this shit. Vault has assured me that Ican have any job I want with the club. Something with better hours and people who will value me and not make me feel as if I’m a fucking burden,” I say, letting all of my pain and anger out toward the two men as they stare at me with wide eyes.

“Why don’t you keep that baby in mind when you think of betrayin’ Devil and me. You tell anyone what you fuckin’ saw in here, I’ll make sure that baby is taken from you and you willneverget him or her back again. I’ll rub it in your face every fuckin’ day. You wanna go to Vault with this shit, I’ll make sure you not only lose the baby, but you fuckin’ lose your job and everythin’ else here in Pine View. You will have nothin’ left here,” Raptor says, his voice cold, hard, and holding the hint of the promise his words are telling me.

“You’re gonna threaten to take an innocent baby from me if I spill your secret? He has nothing to do with this shit, Raptor. He’s completely innocent and I won’t see him fucking tortured and shit because you two want your secret kept. That’s really fucking low even for the two of you,” I state, tears filling my eyes with the thought of Matie being taken from me and put into foster care.

“You have no clue the lengths I’ll go to protect our secret. This isn’t for you to tell anyone, Genesis. You don’t know the lengths the club will go to in order to protect one of their own. You’re completely alone in the world and have no one to back you up. Yeah, I read the background check King did on you when you got hired. No one will fuckin’ miss you or that baby,” Raptor states his voice turning even more lethal than it’s been up to this point.

“Don’t worry, Raptor. I know exactly how alone in the world I am. I’ve always been alone in the world and that won’t change anytime soon. You don’t need to tell me how my fucking life is. I’m pathetic and no one wants me around. The onlyperson I have in this world is the baby and I know how fucking sad that is. I won’t share your secret with anyone because it’s not mine to share with anyone. I don’t give a fuck what the two of you do as I just said. Leave me the fuck alone to do my job in peace,” I state, tossing the notebook with the list of what needs to be restocked for the bar on the ground at their feet. “And restock your own fucking bar. I’m done going above and beyond for the likes of you who doesn’t appreciate anything I’ve done here in the club. When I leave and the place goes to hell because you want to take advantage of me like the rest of the staff here, you can explain it to Vault.”

Without another word or backwards glance at either man, I leave the storeroom and head for the locker room to change into my uniform. When I’m waitressing at Enchantment, I have to wear a pair of black leggings and a crop top that’s tight as fuck. It leaves nothing to the imagination and my stomach is on display. I hate the fucking clothes I have to wear, but there’s nothing I can do about it. So, I suck it up, change, and put the dreaded heels on my feet. Leaving this fucking job will be worth it because of the shoes alone. I hate wearing heels and have never found the appeal before.

The rest of the night, I do my job and go out of my way to avoid Raptor and Devil at all costs. Instead of going anywhere near the bar when I’m not turning in drink orders or grabbing something to take to a table, I remain moving around the floor at all times. Before I know it, the night has come to an end and I leave on my own while I know Deegan, the bouncer and a Prospect for the club, walks out every other female there, no one walks me out. I guess I don’t have to worry about being attacked because I’m too fat and no one would bother with hurting me for that reason alone. Fuck everyone here!

Chapter Two


STAYING AT ENCHANTMENT last night was one of the worst decisions I could’ve made. Watching Genesis work, flirt, and stay as far from Devil and I as possible was almost torture for some reason. I don’t honestly know what the fuck is going on with Devil and me because he’s feeling just as rotten as I am. I know why I feel so damn horrible. I’ve never threatened a woman the way I did Genesis last night. If anything, I’m usually the one who would be comforting her and making her see the benefit of not sharing our secret in a calm manner. What happened in that storeroom once Devil blew his release down my throat was the exact opposite of who I am and what I do. The only positive in the situation is we know Genesis won’t take our shit. She stood up to both of us without hesitation and the only crack in her armor is the baby she has in her custody. We know he’s not legally hers, but no one knows the circumstances of how she came to have him in her life.

Morgan is the only one who knows the truth and she won’t give up Genesis’ secrets for any reason. Vault asked her what was going on with the baby one time and Morgan went off on him in front of everyone. She stated that we all get to have our secrets when it comes to the club and as far as she’s concerned, this is a secret of the sisterhood. Annabell stood right up next toMorgan and agreed with her and told her husband to stop asking for secrets Genesis didn’t have to share with anyone in this club. He slept on the couch that night so I know he won’t push for answers. I’m not close with Morgan so there’s no way in hell I’m about to face her anger by trying to ask her what’s going on with Genesis and the baby. No one wants to see her that pissed off again.

I watched Genesis all night last night and saw her bust her ass at work. She flirted with the men in attendance and didn’t bat an eye until they got a little too handsy. Deegan kept a close eye on her to step in if needed. He didn’t leave his post one time. Genesis turned all the men down and managed to get them to stop touching her without angering a single person in the room. For the rest of the night, none of them touched her either. If anything, they handed over even more money than all the other waitresses combined received during the same shift. Genesis wasn’t lying when she stated that she makes the most in tips on a daily basis. I’m glad she doesn’t have to split that shit because she would end up losing out on a lot of money and everyone else would gain.

The only time Devil and I almost lost our shit was when Gavin didn’t know we were still at the bar. I watched on as Genesis walked over to turn in another drink order, wondering why Deegan was following her movements with his eyes and a glare as he turned his attention to the bartender. It took seconds to realize why Deegan was acting the way he was. Gavin treats Genesis like shit. He bitched at her for not having clean glasses behind the bar about halfway through the night, told her to get what he needed for more alcohol to fill the coolers and shelves, then almost forced her to fill the ice. She doesn’t even do that before the club opens from what Devil has told me. He’s the one to fill the ice because it’s heavy as fuck. Devil had to keep me onthe stool so I didn’t beat the fuck out of Gavin for his treatment of Genesis. Honestly, I was no better to her when I realized she was in the storeroom with us.

No, Devil and I didn’t miss the flush covering her neck and face as she watched me suck his cock. She was turned on and probably would’ve fucked us both right there if it weren’t for my harsh treatment of her once we were done. Honestly, I don’t have any excuses or a good reason why I was the way I was. The only thing racing through my mind was fear that our secret would be shared. Devil isn’t ready for anyone to know and I’ve been keeping this from everyone I love and care about for years. Just before moving here, I wanted to talk to my dad so bad about this shit and still kept my mouth shut. Devil has his reasons for not sharing our relationship with anyone else. I don’t like them and it makes me feel as if he doesn’t really care about me like he claims. However, now isn’t the time to bring this shit up when I have a feeling deep in my gut shit is about to hit the fan.

Today I want to go to Genesis and talk to her. To apologize for the way I talked to her and threatened her yesterday. Unfortunately, I have to work today and then I’m coming back to the clubhouse for church. We never have any clue how long church will last so I can’t say that I’ll have time to go to Enchantment before she leaves for the night. I’ll have to go see her another day when I’m able to catch her away from work. Honestly, having that kind of conversation isn’t meant to happen in Enchantment. Not when there are cameras all over the place and so many people who could overhear our conversation. I’m going to have to figure out what she does outside of work and try to catch up to her then.

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