Page 41 of Lethal Sins

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On the pretense of checking behind them, he stole a glance. Her cheeks were still flushed. A mixture of embarrassment and exhilaration bubbled up inside him. He’d spent years carefully cultivating his image as the unflappable genius, the guy who always had a plan. And here he was, acting on sheer impulse.

However this turned out, it felt good. He couldn’t lie.

Despite the absolute absurdity of the situation, he couldn’t bring himself to regret it. That brief moment, that fleeting connection, felt more real than anything he’d experienced in years of covert ops and double-crosses. It was messy and impulsive and absolutely perfect.

As they approached the exit, a wry smile tugged at his lips. If he was going down in flames, at least he was going down with style.


The heavy doorsof the Smithsonian Castle swung shut behind them with a soft thud, sealing away the tension and danger they’d left inside. Paige blinked rapidly as they emerged into the brilliant sunlight, her eyes stinging from the abrupt shift from fluorescent gloom to natural radiance. But it wasn’t just the sun making her feel dazed and off-balance.

Her lips still tingled from Cody’s unexpected kiss in the dim corridor, the memory of it sending a warm shiver down her spine even as they power walked away from the scene of their daring escapade. Part of her brain was busy cataloging their escape route, watching for potential pursuit, but another part kept replaying that moment—the urgency of his lips on hers, the heat of his body pressed close, the look in his eyes when they’d separated.

A mile melted away beneath their feet, marked only by the steady rhythm of their footsteps and the occasional brush of Cody’s arm against hers. Each contact sent a fresh jolt through Paige’s system, a confused jumble of adrenaline, attraction, and the ever present weight of their mission.

Finally, a nondescript van materialized from the urban camouflage of parked vehicles. As they clambered inside,greeted by the relieved and curious faces of their team, Paige found herself wondering which would prove more challenging: explaining their heist or deciphering the new, electrifying tension between her and Cody.

“Did you get it?” Tai asked, his eyes fixed on the briefcase in Paige’s hand.

Paige nodded, her grip tightening on the case. “Affirmative. The drive’s secure.”

Fenn leaned forward, his expression serious. “Any complications?”

“Nothing we couldn’t handle,” Cody replied, his voice neutral.

The ride back to the embassy safe house was thick with unspoken words. Paige’s skin prickled with awareness, hyperconscious of Cody’s presence beside her. His silence was deafening.

Fenn’s voice cut through the quiet. “So, what happened in there? You two look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Paige forced a laugh, the sound brittle even to her own ears. “Just the usual. Bioweapons, secret labs. You know, a typical Tuesday.”

Cody’s response was equally vague. “Mostly, we just stuck to the plan.”

His words hung in the air, laden with double meaning. Paige’s fingers twitched, itching to touch her lips where the ghost of his kiss still lingered.

She snuck a glance at Cody, noting the tightness around his eyes, the slight clench of his jaw. Probably wondering when she was going to blow his cover.

The memory of the kiss flashed through her mind again, unbidden. The warmth of his lips, the jolt of surprise, the fleeting moment of connection. She pushed the thought away,her inner voice scoffing. It was just a ploy, a calculated move by a master spy to throw her off balance, to win her over to his side.

Well, it wasn’t going to work. No matter what he said about having a crush on her in school, she wouldn’t be swayed. She was a seasoned operative now, not some starry-eyed schoolgirl easily manipulated by a handsome face and a soft kiss.

As the van wound its way through the DC traffic, she steeled herself for the confrontation to come. She had a job to do. A team to protect. And if that meant exposing Cody’s true identity, then so be it.

The kiss meant nothing, she told herself firmly. Nothing at all.

As they entered the safe house, Paige’s grip on the briefcase tightened, her knuckles turning white. She hesitated, unsure whether to hold onto it or set it down.

Kate’s sharp eyes caught the tension in Paige’s stance. “What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Paige swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry. “Everyone, sit down,” she managed, her voice sounding strained even to her own ears. “We need to talk.”

The room stilled, a sudden hush falling over the team. Even Cody, his face a careful mask, lowered himself onto a nearby chair. The air crackled with anticipation as all eyes turned to her.

She took a deep breath, her heart pounding so loudly she was sure everyone could hear it. Then, like ripping off a bandage, she blurted it out. “Cody is Tanner.”

For a moment, stunned silence reigned. Then Fenn blinked, his brow furrowing in disbelief. “Tanner, as in Consortium Assassin Number One? That Tanner?”

She nodded.

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