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“Hearts,” she says under her breath absently.

“What was that?”

She glances up at me. “Hearts. I have more than one.”

I slow blink. “Oh.”

She looks at her clasped hands, at her many claws. “I need to accept that protectiveness is a part of you.”

I crouch in front of her, and take her wrists. Not tightly, and I don’t use them to pull her into me. I just hold them. “I think the only thing youneedto do is understand that my concern—and probably your brothers’, can I say that?”

She shoots me a warning frown that tells me she’s not ready for me to stand up for the men—or males, whatever—who she’s had to put up with while growing up.

“Okay,” I concede. “Back to me. Just me.” I lean in, exuding sincerity out of my pores. “When I show you and Stacy concern?”

Gaze searching my face, pretty scaly lips pressed together, she meets my eyes and nods, listening.

“It means Icare,”I tell her. I let my thumbs stroke her wrists very gently. “Baby, I just care. And I’ll tell you this: if you can try to see my caveman-ness for what it is, I will…” I swallow, “try to tone it down.”

Inara’s face registers surprise. “You will?”

Feeling ill, I nod. “For you, I will do my best to meet you halfway.”

Inara leaps on me, taking us to the floor, me landing on my back, my head hitting the maple planks with a thunk. “Oh, Matt!” she cries exuberantly—and she kisses me and starts ripping off my clothes.

First fight? Not bad.

Make up sex?BEST. EVER.


“Stacy isn’t here. This is me, not freaking out,” I say woodenly as Inara pets my back.

We’re staring—

Okay,I’mstaring. Inara is calmly splitting her attention between the window facing the mostly empty parking lot and my head, because I think she’s watching for it to explode.

Because Stacy isn’t late for work, but she’s late when you consider that she’s always here early, and boy now—

BY now. Fucking hell, I meantby now,she should be here. IF HE HURT HER, I WILL KILL HIM DEAD.

“How are you handling this?” Inara whispers. She’s fiddling with her earbuds, which are yoked around her neck and dangling amid her hair strands.


“You look upset,” she whispers more.

“That’s crazy, because I feel great.” In fine form. Like I could probably whip that kid with a cat-o’-nine tails for hours and not even get tired. That’s if he’s still alive to beat on, because if Stacy’s mom gets ahold of him first, she may be no taller than Stacy, but I’m willing to bet she’s going to wear her momma bear in a big way. Like a rip-him-limb-from-limb way. And if she’s not physically strong enough to peel the kid apart, I’ll help her wield the chainsaw.


“Hmm?” Speaking of chainsaws, it would be good for me and Stacy’s mom to maybe get our alibis in order. You know, just in case. My eyes slide to Inara. “Would you lie to protect me?” Before she can do more than blink and her forehead scales pinch tighter in concern, I add, “And one other person you know through a common friend?”

Inara’s eyes narrow. “What are you—”

The boyfriend’s car carefully winds its way into the lot, like the parking area could be littered with IEDs and snipers.

Through the windshield, I see twin fawns lock eyes with me like I’m an oncoming train. Baby Bambi looks terrified. Faline gives me a judgemental look so dark it borderlines as a threat.

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