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The damned tears start to fall.

“Please, please do not hurt him. Please, he doesn’t deserve this. I-” I hate that I’m begging. “I will do anything.”

Kieran’s face hardens. It’s like my words aren’t even touching him. He’s not hearing me. Or, if he’s hearing me, then he just doesn’t care. The only thing that I can see in his eyes is steely cold resolve.

My heart breaks just a little more when he pulls his hand out of mine.

“Orders are orders, Ada.” His jaw tenses, like he wants to say something else and then changes his mind. He refuses to make eye contact with me. “Disobedience isn’t an option.”

With that, he turns on his heel and heads toward the door after Liam. I try to hurry after him. I grab at the back of his shirt, a last desperate attempt to make him stop, even though I know that it’s not going to do any good. I have to try. I just have to.

“Tell me what deal you need!” I beg. “What do you need from his family? I can do it! Let me go, I can talk to him. We can reach an agreement. I know him. Please, Kieran!”

Kieran snaps, his answer to my begging is swift and brutal. He grabs me by my upper arm and pulls me close.

“You’re hurting me,” I gasp, knowing that his fingers are going to leave marks on my skin. His face is only inches from mine, but that thrill that I’ve gotten used to having when he’s this close to me isn’t there now.

A shiver runs down my spine, and something primal in me knows not to fight him, not now. I don’t dare trigger him when I’m this vulnerable.

I don’t expect for him to kiss me.

It’s a fierce, primal sort of reaction. The kiss is hard, and punishing. I cannot name the emotions his body is screaming at me, but I’m powerless to resist them. I don’t want to. He scoops me up, my legs wrapped around his waist before I even realize that I’m moving. He has the shirt up and over my head before I can breathe. If it means that I have enough control over this situation to make him stay, then I will do whatever I need to do in order to make sure that happens.

I know that he’s using this to show me that he’s the one who is in control. I know that he is trying to prove to me that what he says goes and that there’s nothing that I can do to stop this from happening.

I want to prove the opposite.

I’ve allowed him to do what he wants until now. I’ve allowed him to move me, and fuck me, and have his way with my body and I’ve even enjoyed it. I might not have any experience in taking control, but I’m determined to do so.

I roll my body against his, locking my feet behind his back and pushing my fingers up into his hair. I pull firmly, the way that I’ve learned to do from him. I bite his bottom lip the same way he does. Does it make his toes curl the way that it does mine?

Kieran chuckles, a rich and husky sound as he breaks our kiss. Try as I might, I’m not changing things. I’m only challenging him to hold me tighter, to undress himself faster. I feel him jostling with his pants, and the zip of his black jeans right before we collide with the wall. He hefts me higher, his body pinning me against the drywall so that he has the freedom to touch me anywhere he wishes. He takes advantage of that fact, tracing my soft curves, trailing his knuckles along the underside of my breast before cupping it in his hand. The difference of soft touches and the firm way I’m pinned, it’s dizzying in the best possible way.

All thoughts of attempting to control the situation fly out of my mind the moment that Kieran’s teeth sink into the side of my neck. There’s no gentle admiration or trailing of his lips over my skin to shift the sensation. No, this is hard and claiming. He sucks the skin hard enough that I know there’s going to be a bruise there tomorrow, or a love bite.

It shouldn’t turn me on to think about him marking me in a way that other people can see.

I’ve spent my whole life obsessed with my physical image that wanting to be marked by him goes against every one of my rules. I’ve had panic attacks about scraped knees or accidental bruises because I didn’t want them to show on camera or on the runway. What the hell is this man doing to my brain?

My head falls back and hits the wall with a soft thump as he does it again, lower. Protests stop registering in my mind as I turn to putty in his hands. I wantonly roll myself against him - he can’t be inside me fast enough. If he stays here, inside me, I win anyway.

I push again, rolling against the fabric he’s trying to remove. Then he’s there, the heat of him hard against my entrance only makes me wetter. I want the stretch of him filling me. It’s a craving that I don’t think I can ever properly fulfill.

He rubs himself along my slit, teasing me despite my near desperate attempts to lower myself onto him. He refuses, the sadistic bastard.

“Kieran, please.” I breathe, and he shifts his hand to cover my mouth.

One inch, and he stops. My gaze locks on his, frantic and desperate for more despite the completely controlled look on his face.

Maybe I’m not winning this after all.

Holding eye contact, I don’t dare look away as he drops me on his cock. He slips inside the warm heat all at once and it’s almost painful. I try to kiss him again but he pulls away.

“Eyes on me, princess.” He growls in a low voice. I love when I can tell that his focus is cracking. I’m getting under his skin, little by little. I do as he ask, even though I’m having trouble keeping my eyes from rolling into the back of my head as he starts to move in and out of me. Each snap of his hips knocks the breath from my chest.

When he knows that I’m not going to look away, he hooks his hands under the backs of my knees, lifting into an uncomfortable position like he’s trying to force my knees to hit the wall on either side of my body - picking up speed all the time.

All I can do is hold on. The angle that he’s at makes him brush right up against the spot inside of me that makes me see stars with each and every thrust. This isn’t about my pleasure, this is him needing to prove something to me, and I’m thundering toward my climax all the same. Higher and higher, my throat feels raw from how loud he’s making me scream. I can’t seem to stop it and I don’t dare to look away.

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