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It’s such a ludicrous idea that I can’t help but take it as an insult.

My arms still feel weak as I push myself away from Kieran’s chest.

“Of course, I never knew that it was so simple.” I whisper, the vitriol from earlier coming back slowly. “I wasn’t aware that a doctorate degree or medical license was among your list of accomplishments. What was I thinking? You will be the expert on bulimia then? Or are you going to drag me to doctors that will just have me committed again?”

The sheer arrogance of his promise grated me the wrong way.

Is it not enough that he feels so entitled to my body and my future, but now he wants to claim my mind? The parts of me that I’ve never been able to fix?

Kieran doesn’t dignify my needling with a response. Perhaps that’s for the best, because anything that I would say to him on the subject would only result in more fighting. Instead, Kieran locks his eyes on me, his expression one of pure confidence and surety.

It’s enough to give me pause.

He doesn’t waver. He doesn’t back down.

What does he know that I don’t? Does he really have an idea of how to fix this? I’ve tried so many things over the years with that singular goal in mind and time after time, everything has failed. I feel conflicting hope and irritation.

“Which part do you have issue with, princess? The fact that you have to trust me, or the fact that if this works, you’re going to have to learn how to live your life all over again?”

He has a point.

My nose scrunches in anger, and I hit his chest out of principle alone. I go to hit him again, but Kieran catches my wrist, holding it lightly.

“The first one was free, princess, the second one is going to cost you. Make sure that you will be able to pay the price if you it again.” Kieran warns, his voice stern as he releases my wrist.

I don’t even give myself time to think about it - I hit him a second time.

“Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.” Kieran says, his hand finding the base of my neck and grabbing me backward. His hand cushions the blow of my body against the floor before he climbs on top of me, pinning me in place as he pushes the stretchy pants that he got me down over my hips.

I struggle against his hold. Pushing, fighting, pretending that the heated blood coursing through me vibrantly isn’t one hundred and twenty percent on board with what is about to happen. I want to vent out every inch of my frustration against his skin. He can take it. He will let me, too, and I know that he will. He won’t have a choice.

Kieran’s hands are bruising as he holds me in place, keeping me from hitting him anywhere important. I have every intention of making that slowly healing scratch on his face a dozen times worse but I just can’t seem to manage it.

Kieran grabs my arm, spinning me onto my belly, the frigid floor of the bathroom a shock against my bare skin and I am shocked for a moment, forgetting to hit him, or fight. Kieran lifts my bare ass up into the air, and smacks it - hard.

He knocks the breath out of me, not because it hurts, but because I’m surprised. I’ve never been spanked before. Not by anybody, not for any reason.

“That’s one.” Kieran says, and I can hear how pleased he is with himself. I try to push up off of the floor, ready to spew more vitriol at him. “Stay down and take your punishment or I’m going to add more.”

I twist, eyes narrowed and indignant, “thefuck-ow!”

He spanks me a second time, on the other side, his large hand rubbing the hot, stinging spot that his hand just connected with.

“What the fuck are you doing? How dare y–”

And again.

“Keep arguing with me. You consented to this, princess. You need discipline, and that means that you’re going to have a verystrict set of rules to follow. Say, ‘yes Kieran’ so that I know you understand.”

He’s fucking enjoying this. Sadistic bastard.

“Fuck yourself!”

Another spank. “No, I have you for that now, Princess.”

“If you think you’re ever going to touch me again, I will cut your dick off!” I scream into the bathroom floor. If only his body wasn’t so fuckingbigthen I might have a better chance at fighting him off. He pushes me lower with his forearm to my back. Then, just to prove that he can, he sinks two fingers into my exposed pussy.

I don’t mean to moan. I really don’t.

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