Page 43 of Forget Me Not

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Out of my peripheral vision I notice Dad and the two men run for the front door. His two companions have their guns drawn, but my dad’s hands are empty. Business as usual, letting everyone else do all of his dirty work for him. Then, as if it has been choreographed, the windows shatter and men in black propel through them. I duck my head and cover it with my arms as shards of glass rain down on top of me.

These military trained men don’t take time to orient themselves before going after the enemy. Their feet pound on the ground asthey rush toward my kidnappers. When two fingers press down on my neck’s pulse point, I raise my head to see who’s touching me. The black knit cap covers his face so I can’t pinpoint who it is, but then he speaks and I recognize him by his voice.

“You good, girl?” Garrick asks.

“I’m good now,” I respond, relief pouring through me.

“What’s the damage, Berlynn?” he inquires, his fingers moving across me as he checks for injuries.

My throat is scratchy and irritated. But I don’t have any other alternative than to speak, they need to know what’s going on with me before they try to move me and cause further damage. “I have a pounding headache and my ribs hurt. I think they’re cracked. If not, they’re pretty bruised. When I went to crawl for safety, my hip wouldn’t cooperate, I couldn’t lift my body so something’s going on there too. Other than that, I’m peachy.”

Garrick crouches on the heels of his feet and presses a button on his shoulder. “We’re going to need to get her to a doctor. She has an array of injuries that need to be checked out. Aris is going to need to drive her to the emergency room. The police are going to need a report.”

“The Rangers are enroute. Hamburg stalled the lights and sirens until I gave him the authorization for his team to move in,” Kayson states.

“Who’s Hamburg?” I ask, distracting myself from the aching pain radiating through me as Garrick continues to probe and prod on my sore extremities.

“He’s our contact inside the Texas Rangers. He’s been part of the team looking into your dad and his associates. We’ve beenworking hand in hand with him in order to gather intel and take him down,” Garrick tells me.

“Y’all have a lot of contacts.” I hiss as he touches a sensitive spot on the back of my scalp.

“Sorry, girlie. Your night isn’t going to be a pocketful of sunshine from here moving forward,” he teases.

“And it was before now?” I ask, snorting.

“I s’pose not,” he counters. “Sorry your family is?—”

“Assholes?” I finish for him. “Jackoffs, criminals, morons?—”

“Yeah. All of that,” he chuckles.

“Aris is incoming,” Kayson warns.

“Are you ready for that?” Garrick wonders, looking into my eyes to make sure I’m emotionally stable enough to deal with my overprotective man.

“I’m ready,” I confirm. “He’s gonna freak out.”

“You think?” Garrick asks, raising his eyebrows into his forehead.

“I think that ship has sailed,” Kayson adds, crouching down beside us. “Prepare yourself, Berlynn. He’s past the point of freaking out, he’s angry as fuck.”

“Joy.” I snort, rolling my eyes which has my pounding head intensifying.

I must’ve shown my discomfort on my face because Kayson gives me a tender squeeze on my shoulder. “Just let him rant and rave,don’t cause yourself any more pain than what you’re already in by reacting to his antics.”

I don’t shake my head like I want to because I’m afraid I’ll knock something loose. Instead, I inform them, “He may annoy y’all, but he’s my balm. I’m not worried about it, guys. He’ll pull his neanderthal act then he’ll get all cuddly and go into mother hen mode.”

“That’s what a man in love does,” Garrick announces, smiling down at me.

“Where is she? Get out of my way,” Aris demands, shoving his way through the men who’ve disarmed and contained my parents as well as their buddies. “You!” He stops, pointing an accusatory finger at my dad along the way. “I have enough evidence to bury you for a lifetime. You too, Lucinda. Enjoy your last moments of freedom.”

“That’s my man,” I giggle. “Having to ensure his enemies know he’s got the upper hand.”

My two champions look at me as if I’ve grown a second head. Kayson shakes his head and Garrick rolls his eyes before they help me stand so Aris can see me.

“Steady,” Garrick states.

“Take it easy,” Kayson urges as they grip me underneath my armpits to help me stay upright.

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