Page 38 of Forget Me Not

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“I’m gonna fire every last one of them,” Kayson growls, punching the steering wheel as we speed down the dirt road. “I trainedthem personally and they were all exceptional, yet they still managed to fall down on the job.”

Kristoff is sitting in the back seat, sending out ‘be on the lookout’ text messages. “Do you have any photos of Berlynn in your phone you can send me so I can attach it to these postings?”

Too angry and despondent to verbally answer, I shoot him off several that I’ve taken over the past few days.

My phone dings again. When I pick it up, I notice that my incoming message is through text and not email. Swiping the notification with my thumb, I see another video on the screen and see it’s Berlynn’s beautiful face that shows up this time around and not that of my sister.

“Aris. I’m in the parking garage, but I’m hiding. They haven’t spotted me yet, but I’m watching as they put Addy in a car which means I’m about to expose myself to them. It was my one request and I emphasized that they wouldn’t find me unless they let her go. I didn’t forward you my response to my dad’s demands because it wasn’t important in the grand scheme of things.”

She swallows her choked words. I close my eyes, listening to the sound of her cracked voice. All I can wonder about as I tune into what she’s saying is did I tell her I love her enough? Does she know I’ll walk through hell to bring her back to me?

“I have to tell you something. Before I do, and I hope it eases your worry and conscience. You’re going to be able to find me if you follow my directive. You’re going to think this is strange, but when all of this started, and things got dicey with my dad and mom, I talked with a doctor and with the help of his veterinarian wife, I had Berk and myself microchipped.It was a risky move; one we weren’t sure would even work considering they’re designed for animals and not humans. But against all the odds, it works. I’m forwarding you the link to the app, as well as the login and password information. Don’t hate me, Aris. I knew with this data you’d be able to rescue me, but Addy doesn’t have that at her disposal. She’s in a white Nissan Versa. The license plate is NVT 4454. Make sure she isn’t followed before you come after me. I love you. See you soon.”

When the video pauses and I notice her wide, fearful eyes, mine begin to swim with unshed tears. “See you soon, my love.”

“Smart woman,” Kayson says.

“The smartest,” I concur.

“We’re going to get her back,” he says, trying to appease me.

“Tonight,” I vow.




“Alright,Daughter. Enough of your stalling, come out and show yourself. Addison is in the car; the doors are locked but I’m gonna keep a gun aimed at her head until you’re in my sight. Only then will my guys release her and let her go on her merry way.”

Squaring my shoulders I walk out from behind my hiding spot and call out, “Over here. I’m not leaving this position until she’s out of the garage.”

“Very well,” he says, sending me a spiteful smirk. “Let her go.”

“And no one follows her,” I tack onto my dad’s announcement.

“And no one follows her,” he adds. “You are quite the negotiator. You got that quality from me.” His bragging has me gaping at him. I didn’t get jack shit from him. No way. No how. I’m nothing like him.

Once I see the taillights fade in the distance, I start walking his way on trembling legs. “What do you want?” I ask, giving him a go to hell look.

“Why you, of course,” he cackles like a madman.

“Well, I'm here now. What are you gonna do with me?” I taunt.

“You and I, we are going to go somewhere nice and quiet and have ourselves a little chat,” he informs me. “Catch up.”

“There's no place quieter than here,” I assure him, demonstrating my point by pushing my arms out to where they're even with my shoulders and twirling around in a circle. “We’re all alone here, Daddy Dearest. Why don't we have it out here? Tell me what you want.” I don’t touch the whole ‘catch up’ comment, there’s no use. He doesn’t give a shit about what’s been going on in my life.

“Ah, shucks,” he says in a dramatic tone and snapping his fingers. “I don't have anything I need with me. Looks like you're going to have to come with me or next time it'll be your brother I take.” He knows, the bastard knows that that threat is the one he can make that’ll have me bending my will and going with him.

“You leave him alone; he's done nothing to you. He can't sign any papers and he can't give you what you want because it’s my money you’re after, right? Mine and Berk’s. You want our inheritance because you're too much of a low life and entitled bastard to get out there, get a legitimate job and earn money for yourself. We both know stealing from your children isn't beneath you. You're a coward.” I'm so angry that spit flies from my mouth.

So damn angry, in fact, that I don't pay attention to how much distance is between us because it's not enough to keep hishand from flying out and connecting with the side of my face. Momentum and force behind his swing has me toppling over and landing on my side. It's been a long time since I've been struck by him. The pain radiating from my jaw up into my forehead has tears swimming in my eyes.

“Like I said, you’re nothing more than a coward. You’re not a man. A real man doesn’t hit women,” I say, persecuting him.

“A real man keeps the women in his life in line. There’s a pecking order, Berlynn. A real man reminds women of their place in society… at the bottom of the barrel where they’ll sink before they recall how to swim to the top, and that won’t happen until I give you a life preserver.” He sneers. “I think it's time that I reminded you of that.”

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