Page 31 of Forget Me Not

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“Berk is so damn happy since getting Tracker that he’s floating around the house with his head in the clouds,” I say, breaking the silence.

“He is,” Aris says in concurrence. “Not gonna lie, I was a little leery about having a dog around the house. Not because I don’t want Berk to have his companion, but because I was concerned that with Tracker being a pup, Berk would end up tripping over him when Tracker gets excited and gets underneath Berk’s feet. There are a lot of stairs here, and all I could see in my head was him tripping over the furry mutt and falling down them.”

“Pup.” I snort. “He’s an awfully big puppy. I didn’t realize they got so big as fast as they do.”

“He’s a big boy,” he chuckles. “And he’s not done growing yet.”

The thing about the dynamic duo is that they’re so close already that they’re like magnets. Joined at the hip. You can’t separate them, and they always know where the other one is and are magnetically drawn to each other. Where there’s one, you can find the other. “Tracker’s gonna be fierce. A force to be reckoned with. He’s already so protective over Berk that it’s a tad scary.”

“It’s what he’s been trained to do, my love,” Aris consoles. “Do look at it in fear, Tracker is Berk’s second line of defense.”

“Like you want me to have with a gun?” I ask, lifting my head and peering into his eyes. “I think I’d rather have a taser or a blow torch.”

“A blow torch? Do you even know how to use one of those, Berlynn?”

“I do,” I tell him, nodding my head. “I helped Jase when some of our equipment needed to be welded. He taught me because I wanted to learn. It looked like fun.”

“Well, I’ll be damned, you’re full of surprises. My woman is amazing,” he coos, causing my sexual appetite to reignite. ButBerk is due home any moment now, and if today is like all of the others before it, he’ll want us to join him for his afternoon snack while he tells us all about his day.

The alarm on my phone sounds off. It’s the one I programmed to go off daily to let me know that we have thirty minutes until the duet of Berk and Tracker walk through the door. “Come on, we need to get cleaned up before Berk gets home and lets loose a war cry because I’m not down there to welcome him.”

“Lead the way, baby girl. I’m right behind you.”

With our hands roaming across the other’s body as we help each other get clean, I realize I should’ve set an earlier alarm because we barely made it in time to get dressed and down the steps.




Later that night,I’m restless in bed. I’ve tossed and turned to the extent that the sheets are twisted and wrapped around my ankles.

I can’t sleep with her scent surrounding me. No matter how much I begged and pleaded, she argued that she didn’t want to sleep in my room yet. That she wanted to take the time and explain how the dynamics of our relationship have changed to Berk.

I don’t blame her for not wanting to jump in head first, but I wish we’d had that conversation with her brother before it was time for bed.

Blowing out a heated breath, I roll over and face my nightstand to look at the time. Three in the morning is late for me to finally fall asleep considering I have to be up in a few short hours in order to head into the office and be on time.

Unless I call in sick.

But I’d hate to do that to my dad considering he let an employee go yesterday and the office will be feeling that loss.

It’ll be hectic and disorderly.

Not because she was an exceptional employee, but because the rumor mill will be out in full force and everyone will be scrambling, wondering if they’ll be the next to be let go.

We need to douse that fire before it gets a chance to grow.

With those thoughts running rampant in my mind, my eyelids grow heavy and exhaustion begins to drag me under into the abyss of sleep.

I jolt awake what only feels like moments later to my phone blaring. My eyes are raw and gritty, and when I glance over to see what time it is, I realize they’re blurry. It takes a second for me to get my wits about me before I reach over and yank my cell phone from its charger.

When I recognize Kayson’s name scrolled across the screen, I instantly answer. “What’s going on?”

“You need to get to the office! Someone set a bomb and blew it up!” Kayson hollers through the receiver. “Kristoff and his team are on their way to your place to watch over Berlynn and Berkley. Something feels fishy about the entire thing, but you’re needed here. You’ve got to deal with the cops while I put out some feelers.”

“I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Hold the fort down until I arrive,” I bark into the phone, already up and jumping into somesweats. “I’ll let Berlynn know what’s happening and then I’ll be on my way.”

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