Page 15 of A Future in the Bay

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“Sure,” he said, grinning, “but I’m already blending in with the locals and charming everyone with my pleasant, laid-back attitude.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I can’t argue with that. I know your charming nature and your jokes have probably won the hearts of the people of Blueberry Bay already.”

“See? Even my own sister thinks so. And she’s sick of all my jokes by now.”

“I’m sure that serious-minded doctor was another story, though,” Olivia pointed out. “I bet she was having none of your jokes.”

He chuckled. “Well, I didn’t exactly tell her any jokes, but yeah, she didn’t seem too pleased. But I can’t blame her for being stressed under the circumstances, and she wasn’t mean or anything. I don’t think she’s all bad. She seems interesting—and I expect she’ll acclimate to Blueberry Bay before long.”

“Well, I hope so. If she’s the stressed-out type, she might not give herself the time to really let go and get to know people.”

He nodded. “Yeah, but I’ve decided I want to help her settle in here.”

“Oh, really?” Her expression was almost gleeful, and he knew he was going to get teased again in a moment or two.

“What’s so surprising about that? We’re both new. I figured I could help her feel more comfortable here. And I could maybe help her kind of learn how to take on a more… uplifted attitude.”

She arched a brow. “You have a very optimistic way of moving through life. Is it your mission to make sure that everyone else is optimistic too?”

He grinned and dipped a carrot in the ranch dressing before popping it into his mouth. “I don’t see what harm it would do. And this doctor seems like the perfect candidate.”

“Hmm. I see what you’re saying. And the fact that she’s pretty has nothing to do with your benevolent intentions, huh?”

He lifted a brow at her. “Who else in this town do you propose that I teach how to be optimistic?”

She nudged him with her shoulder. “That’s a good point. And all kidding aside, I think that’s a sweet idea—to help welcome her to town. If she’s new here, she’s probably feeling lonely and out of place. It’s always hard to move somewhere new and leave an old life behind.”

For a few moments, they sat comfortably side by side, both looking out across the playground. Isaiah ate a couple more carrots, finding that he was enjoying the taste more than he thought he would. He kept thinking about meeting Gwen, and wondering what kind of a person she was underneath her curt exterior.

“I think I’ll go over to the doctor’s office and welcome her as well,” Olivia said after a few moments, smiling. “I’ll makesomething for her. Lemon bars. I make some seriously good lemon bars. That should make her feel welcome.”

Isaiah thought privately to himself that it was ironic that his sister wanted to bake something with a sour flavor for the less-than-sweet newcomer.

And anyway, it’s going to take more than sugar to sweeten that woman up,he thought to himself.

Then he smiled. He was up for the challenge.


Johanna turned to smile at her boyfriend, Everett Howell, as she cuddled up closer against him. The two of them were outside at night, and she could hardly see him in the darkness, but she could see him enough to know that he was smiling at her with a glow of affection in his eyes. They were out on a hilltop on the edge of Blueberry Bay together, snuggled close together with a blanket around both of their shoulders. It was a beautiful cloudless night, and despite the chilly temperature, she felt warm and cozy next to the man she loved.

They were there to stargaze using Everett’s high-power telescope—stargazing was a passion that they shared, and it was something that had brought them together when they were first beginning to date. Johanna took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh smell of the night air. Overhead, the stars twinkled like jewels, and the wind rustled in the branches of the nearby trees. An owl hooted in the distance, adding a kind of thoughtful music to the beautiful night.

“It’s so peaceful being here with you,” she said, squeezing his hand. He smelled slightly of fish—something that was rare for him, even though he was a fisherman, but she found she didn’t mind in the slightest. She was happy that he’d come straightfrom working to be there with her. It showed how much he cared about her, and how much he valued their time together.

“It’s so peaceful being here with you,” he told her, kissing her nose. “A perfect night.”

“The weather is perfect too,” she said. “Not a single cloud. And maybe it’s how happy I feel, but the stars look particularly bright tonight.”

He nodded. “Look at Orion. I haven’t been able to pick it out so quickly in a long time.”

“Maybe it’s the sky, or maybe it’s that you’re an astronomy expert.” She nudged him fondly.

“Oh, I don’t think I’m an expert,” he said, although he sounded pleased.

Privately she thought to herself that he was absolutely an expert. She admired his quick mind so much—and she loved even more that it was paired with a gentle sense of humor. Everett was a kind, considerate man underneath his rough exterior.

As they gazed up at the sky, taking turns using the telescope, they excitedly pointed out various stars to one another.

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