Page 71 of Inherting the Mafia

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I almost turned around to go back and punch him.

"Luca," I called out when I saw the man coming out of the dining room. "We might have a problem."

"Define problem," Luca requested.

"Carmine said something about the Romanos wanting you taken out. They offered a peace agreement to him if he did their dirty work for them. He's got guys waiting outside the gate to attack."

Luca pulled out his phone and started barking out orders, the main one to get Nico and his grandparents to the safe room. Once he was done with that, he made another phone call.

"Vinnie? It's Luca. You know those extra men you said you could send my way? How far out are they?"

I hadn't realized Luca had put the phone on speaker until I heard Vinnie's voice. "Trouble?"

"Looks like the Romano family are stirring up trouble and they've got Carmine convinced to do their dirty work for them."

"My uncle said they are only about ten minutes out."

"Tell them to be careful," Luca warned. "I doubt these guys came unarmed."

"I'm going to go get Vito and go talk them down," I said. "As the head of the family, they have to listen to me, right?"

"Technically, yes," Luca replied, "but since none of them have ever met you before, I doubt they will."

"Which is why I plan to take Vito with me. Him they know." It wasn't a great plan, but it was the only one I had at the moment.

"I'll call my grandfather," Vinnie stated, "and see if he can do some nosing around about the Romanos. If they have declared all out war on you, you know we'll back you up."

"I appreciate it, Vinnie," Luca replied. "My main concern is that nothing happens to Nico. If things get to dangerous here, can I send him your way?"

"My uncle and my men flew into the airport there. If your family needs a ride out of there, just get them to the airport. I'll let my pilot know he might have a passenger or two. I'll protect them until you come for them. You have my word of honor."

Luca visibly sighed in relief. "Thank you, Vinnie."

"I know you'd do the same for me if needed."

"I would," Luca stated, "but let's hope it never comes to that."

"From your lips to God's ears, my friend."

Luca hung up with Vinnie and put his cell phone away before turning to look at me. "I need to go have a word with Nico before he freaks out. Are you going to be okay by yourself?"

I nodded. "I'll be fine."

"Try not to rack up such a large body count this time. I'm running out of room."

I snorted. "I promise nothing."

Luca chuckled as he walked away.

I turned and made a beeline for Luca's study. I wished I'd had time to ask him for more ammo clips, but I was praying Iwouldn't need them. I really didn't want to have to shoot any of my own men.

I would if forced to though.

I hurried back to the study just in time to hear Vito say he had just come out of the closet yesterday. I was damn happy about that. It felt as if not only had he come out of the closet, but he had come out full force.

Even if something happened in the future and we didn't work out—I was praying that didn't happen—at least he could continue to be true to himself.

I pushed open the study door and stepped inside. "Vinnie's people are ten minutes out. Luca has Nico on lockdown. We're on idiot duty. I need you to go with me since none of these guys have ever seen me."

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