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Sloane shifts in my arms, her small hand finding mine and giving it a squeeze. “Dexari’s cockspikes emerged for me.Doesn’t that mean our union is blessed by your gods? What is abominable about that?”

My father’s gaze flicks to our joined hands, his expression unreadable. Then Paxari takes his arm. “Think carefully before you speak again, Denari. Look at how happy our son is, how happy they both are. Sloane is Dexari’s perfect genetic match, just as I am yours. Would you truly seek to deny their bond?”

Denari opens his mouth as if to argue, yet Paxari cuts him off with a disapproving look. “I understand your reservations about her alien race. Yet who are we to question the will of the gods?”

My father’s shoulders slump ever so slightly as my mother’s words seem to strike a chord within him. She squeezes his arm. “Our son has made his choice. It is our duty to stand behind him, as his parents and as his subjects.”

Sloane removes herself from the protection of my arms and points a finger at my father. “Listen up, old man. One of these days, I’m going to give your son the precious heirs he so desperately needs.” She pauses for effect. “The heirsyourbloodline needs to continue its rule. If you wish to have a relationship with your grandchildren, I suggest you get on board with the idea of me being queen. If you don’t, I’ll make sure you’re cut out of their lives.”

Stunned silence falls over the courtyard as Sloane’s threat hangs in the air. I do not know if she would follow through with her threat, yet I cannot help admiring her bravery and bravado.

After several tense moments, Denari throws back his head and lets out a booming laugh. He sidesteps Sloane and claps a hand on my shoulder, the look in his eyes no longer angry and defiant.

“She reminds me of your mother at that age,” he says with a chuckle. “I do hope you are up for the challenge.”

Turning his attention to Sloane, he gives her an appraising look. “Very well, Consort. Consider me on board.” His voice softens. “Take care of my son.”

With that, he gives my shoulder one final squeeze before taking my mother’s arm and striding from the courtyard, leaving Sloane and me alone to process this unexpected turn of events.

Just as I am about to say something to Sloane, my communicator beeps with a text message. “It is from Renowlf,” I say. “Since he could not reach me by vid call, he wants me to know that he and his queen are on their way to visit. They should be here by suns set tomorrow.”

“Is he the one with a human queen?” Sloane asks.

I nod. “We should hold your coronation while they are here.”

Sloane grins. “Do I get a crown? I’ve never seen you wear one.”

“I only wear mine during formal occasions. And yes, you will get one.”

She wraps her arms around my waist, and my cock twitches from her contact. “The confrontation with Denari didn’t start off well, but it had a good resolution. I think that calls for a celebration.”

“What kind of celebration did you have in mind?” I ask, hoping her idea of a celebration is the same as mine. Something private, unclothed, and intimate.

Sloane leans in to my spiked erection, making me groan. “Take me back to bed, Dex, and I’ll be happy to show you,” she whispers.

Chapter 35



I sitin front of the enormous mirror that was brought into the guest suite at my request. Yes,thatguest suite. The one where all this started.

Staring at my reflection feels like I’m looking at a stranger. I’ve never worn this much makeup or had my short hair teased into something resembling a beehive before.

The robe I’m wearing is…well, something out of a fairytale. Deep sapphire and silver, with intricate beading that looks like it was spun from starlight. It’s heavy, too. And I meanheavy. I feel like I’m one wrong move away from tipping over in all this fabric.

“You look beautiful,” Mia says from behind me, adjusting something delicate near my shoulder. She’s wearing her own royal robe, classy and understated, and somehow manages to look both regal and relaxed. “Dexari won’t know what hit him.”

I snort. “If he’s smart, he’s probably running for the hills right about now.”

Mia laughs, her smile lighting up the room. “I doubt it. If anything, he’s pacing in a grand, dark hallway, rehearsing someoverly dramatic speech about fate and destiny.” She gives me a sly grin. “You know, typical orc romantic stuff.”

Paxari flits around the room, her gentle presence a welcome addition to the small group of women helping me get ready for the coronation. She’s all grace and wisdom, and just being around her makes me feel a little more centered.

“My son is a lucky male,” she says, her calm voice carrying a weight that makes me believe her. “The gods have chosen well.”

Mornah hands me a goblet filled with something light and fizzy. “Drink this. It will settle your nerves.”

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