Page 28 of Smolder

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“Thank you,” she said, sounding almost pained.

I chuckled. “You’re welcome.”

“Whenever you want that date, just let me know.”

Even if this was a job, my ego was feeling slightly bruised. She hadn’t been this accommodating before I righted all her wrongs today.

“I didn’t do all this for a date. Sure, I’d come to see you, hoping to charm you, but as for all the other things, I wanted to help. I like you, Royal, but my pride is still intact. If you are agreeing to this because you feel like you owe me, then don’t. Just accept it as help from a friend.”

My dad would probably slam me against the wall while holding me by my throat if he heard me right now. But he wasn’t here, and I had to make sure she was going to go out with me because some part of her wanted to. Even if in the end, it didn’t matter one fuck what she felt or wanted.

“My not wanting to go out with you wasn’t about you. Look at yourself. I told you, I tried dating out of my league, and it didn’t end well.”

The sincerity in her tone made my chest tighten. She was probably full of bullshit right now. The woman had a mirror. She could see herself. She had to know guys drooled all over her. But that speech was pretty damn convincing.

“Like I said, he was a boy. I’m a man. I want to get to know you. Spend time with you. As for leagues, no one is out of yours. Wealth doesn’t measure a person’s self-worth.”

A small, breathy sigh came over the line. “Okay. Yeah. I’d like that too. Although I can’t believe that you’d still feel like this after what you witnessed today.”

It’s a game, Sebastian. Play it. Don’t get hustled by the hustler.

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow night at seven. Is that okay?”

“Oh, uh, my dad. He’s not here, and I can’t leave Grams.”

He’d be there. But I wasn’t trusting that bastard with her Grams either. If there was anyone I did feel protective over in that house, it was the grandmother.

“Let me handle that. Just be ready at seven.”

“What do you mean, you’ll handle it?”

“Do you trust me?” That was a bit of a gamble. My dad’s plan today had set this in motion—the winning her over—but I wasn’t sure it was enough.

“Yeah, I guess I do.”

Grinning, I stood back up and headed for the door of the police station. “Tomorrow night at seven. Wear something short.”

She laughed. “Okay.”

“Bye, Ace,” I said.


Ending the call, I opened the door to the station and walked inside.

The officer up front recognized me and motioned for me to come around the desk. “You sure you want this ornery bastard?” he asked.

I hadn’t made the call; my father had. I’d been too busy getting everything else handled for Royal.

“Unfortunately,” I told him. “It’s for his daughter.”

He smirked. “Ah, yeah. I’ve seen her. She’s been in here to get him before. Knockout and hard to forget.”

“Yeah,” I agreed.

“Makes more sense now.”

I bet it did. I was sure he’d hit on her when she was in here before. She got fucking hit on all the time. The bullshit about being out of her league was something she used to make a man think she didn’t know she was beautiful. Well, I wasn’t the dumbass who had written that song. A gorgeous woman knew she was gorgeous, and she knew the power that came with it.

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