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“The shop isn’t ready for tomorrow.” As much as it kills me to do it, I get up and make my way to the stairs. I only make it a few steps before Tara grips my wrist, spinning me around. The desperate need to claim her lips as mine again is overwhelming.

I’m about to give in when every candle that was lit suddenly snuffs out. We reach for each other in the darkness, and I try not to dwell on how good it feels being this close to her.

A sliver of light seeps through the window, enough that once my eyes adjust to the dark I’m able to guide Tara to the wooden stairs. She keeps her hand firmly in mine as we step down one at a time until we’re in my shop. The moment my feet hit the plush carpet, the candles illuminate, making Tara and me jump.

“Where is that bloody tarot book?” I grumble, releasing her hand to go in search of it. Not a second later, her fingers are interlaced with mine again, bringing me a sense of calm in this madness.

Tara teases, “They’ve upped their game.”

“I don’t think this is a game,” I sigh. Pulling the book from the shelf, there’s a card sticking out like a bookmark. She lets go of my hand and an emptiness fills me that I can’t explain or begin to address. I take out the card that says ‘Lovers,’ along with two others that fall to the floor as I open the book: Two of Cups and Four of Wands. The page that was saved describes soulmates, and I bark out a laugh. “Soulmates?”

“Aw, you don’t want to be my soulmate,” she laughs, nudging my shoulder with hers.

“The idea is ridiculous. One person who shares the other half of your soul? What about my friend, Jaxon? He fell in love with two people. You mean to tell me that only one is his soulmate?”

“Sounds like my ex.” Tara blows out a long breath. “In a month, she fell in love with two men. One of them was her best friend, Jax.”

“Wait… what did you say your ex’s name was?”


“Fuck. Me.”

Chapter 5


“Wait, you don’t think they are the same people?” I chuckle.

“Jax used to come into the bar with Greta a few times a month. They were just friends, but a month or two ago, they came in with my friend’s ex, Troy. He wasn’t welcome in the bar, for obvious reasons, so we haven’t seen Greta or Jax since. You dated Greta?” She replies with a nod. “The world is too fucking small.”

“She cheated on me with my brother. We were on a break, and she didn’t know he was my brother at the time, but…” I sigh deeply, unable to put the words together. It’s all a web of fuckery.

“Well, I hate to say it, but she’s happy. I wish I could tell you she’s a miserable cunt, drinking away her sorrows. She’s madly in love with Jax and Troy. Maybe a soulmate isn’t defined by two people? But, for what it’s worth, I can’t say I’m the least bit upset that you’re single.”

Fuck, I love listening to her talk, but when she’s flirting? I’m a fucking gonner.

“According to your haunted bookstore, I’m not supposed to be.” I take a quick survey of the shop, and nearly everything is put back the way it’s supposed to. “I have an idea.” Moving a few stacks off one of the tables, I pat it twice. “Sit down.”

“What?” she laughs.

“Sit down,” I repeat a little less aggressively. She does as I asked and I step between her legs. “Your store is ready for tomorrow, there’s probably a camera in here somewhere; whoever is trying to scare the shit out of us is probably watching. Why don’t we give them a show?”

“And you won’t be moving in tomorrow?”

“I promise!” Moving her chunky, blonde braid off her shoulder to her back, I kiss her neck, whispering against her skin, “It’s been months since I’ve touched someone. Tell me to stop and I will. But do me a favor?” I nip at her sweetly as I pull back. “I want you to narrate everything I do to you, especially everything youwantme to do to you.”

My lips return to her neck and she sighs, “No fisting.” I can’t help but laugh. “I’m serious, Tara, my cunt isn’t made for that kind of stretch.”

I slide my hands up her thighs, gripping her ass to pull her closer. “Are you sure about that? I’d bet you could take it.”

“As hot as that is in books, no. Absolutely not. Three fingers,tops,” she insists.

I lick up the side of her throat, making her shiver. Me.I’mmaking this goddess in front of me do this. And, fuck, she tastes good. She balls my dress at the sides in her hands, and pulls me impossibly closer. “If I can make you come with my whole hand inside you, you’re going to show me how you touch yourself with that vibrator upstairs. Then, I’m going to do it all over again.”

“While I’m loving this pleasure Domme side of you, there’s one problem with this little plan of yours.”

“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”

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