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“I don’t even know whatthisis.” I’m trying to hold my ground, but my whole body is flooded with the nearness of Zach.

He smiles like he’s figured out something I should I already know. “I think it could be love. At least, I hope so.”

My breath catches. When I let it go, I let go of all my worries and the need to know our future. “Me too.”

I lace my fingers through his, and his smile grows wider. Softer. “Then we don’t leave anything to chance. We make this work.”

That’s when I kiss him. There’s no other way to answer him. With a few simple words, he’s wiped away my worries, but not my disbelief.

Could Zach Thomsen really be in love with me? Or is this a dream? His gentle kisses are the only thing that convinces me this is real. His lips traveling over mine, kissing each corner of my mouth and everything in between, are better than anything I’ve ever imagined.

With each soft kiss, our urgency grows. I’ve been waiting a long time for this. More than the few days since Teri mentioned she writing a kissing scene for us. Longer than I’ve ever let myself admit.

I’ve watched Zach date girl after girl, listened as he told me they’d finally kissed, always believing I would never be that girl. His friend, yes. His shoulder to lean on, of course. His first practice kiss? Didn’t think twice about it. But now, I’m not just the girl kissing him. I’m the woman he’s falling in love with.

With that thought, I sink deeper into our next kiss. Zach follows my lead and pulls me from my chair onto his lap. My skirt hitches up, but there’s nowhere for my legs to go. So he stands, lifting me with him.

I wrap my legs around his waist. He swipes all the empty food wrappers off the table, then sets me there. We pause for half a second and laugh, both in disbelief. Maybe because we’re each kissing our best friend. Or maybe,hopefully, because we are very good at kissing each other.

We’ve been in sync emotionally for most of our lives. So I guess it makes sense that physically we would be too. Zach and I know each other well enough to guess what the other is thinking. But what I didn’t realize until right now is that connection spills over into the physical. Zach knows exactly how to kiss me, like he’s had years of practice.

And judging by his moans, I’m doing the same for him.

I forget everything else except the soft hair at the nape of his neck as I run my fingers through it, the strength of his hands cupped around my ribs, and the gentleness of his lips when they nip at mine.

Nothing else. Just the two of us…

And Stella, who’s pounding at the door.

Chapter 36


Stella is not my favorite cousin right now. She probably never will be, because I don’t think I’ll ever forgive her for interrupting this moment.

“Zach! Georgia! I need you out here!” Her rapid knocks don’t stop.

In fact, she moves to the window. Georgia and I see her peering in at the same time, Stella’s face wide with surprise. Georgia unwraps her legs from around my waist. I step back, smooth my shirt, and straighten my tie while she slides off the table. We both try not to make eye contact.

Not that we have anything to be ashamed of. I’ve never felt better in my life, or more sure that I’ve just kissed the last woman I will ever kiss. From now on, it’s just Georgia. Because no one will ever be able to kiss me the way she just did.

When our eyes finally meet, we both smile.

“We should do that again,” I say. “Soon.”

“Mmhm.” Georgia rises onto her toes and rubs her thumb across my lips. “You’ve got a little lipstick here.”

I kiss her thumb before she moves onto my cheek.

“And here.” She rubs my cheek, then moves to my neck. “A little here too. This shirt will probably have to go to the cleaners.”

“Guys!” Stella knocks again. “Please open the door.” Her voice is muffled like she only wants us to hear her.

I sigh, then pull Georgia in for one more kiss.

I open the door just as Stella’s about to knock.

“What do you want?” I snap then look past her to see the last person in the world I want to see right now.

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