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I don’t see him until lunch, after Evie and I are done shooting. When I get to the trailer, he’s already there, wearing dark jeans, a patterned button-up, and coordinating tie that bring out the blue in his eyes.

He’s brought food from Lyle’s, again, for everyone. The crew spreads out across the bench seats and chairs in the trailer, while he passes out the orders. I stay standing by the door, my fingers curled around the latch in case I need to make a run for it. I’m that nervous.

In between handing people their food, Zach’s eyes travel to mine. My heart doesn’t know what to do: race or flutter.

It settles on leap around wildly. Like a cat chasing a moth flying in and out of the predator’s range of sight. It’s cute when a cat does it. Not so much when it’s happening in your chest. If my stomach joins the leaping there, I’m definitely going to throw up.

Then Zach sends me a shy, unsure smile that I’ve never seen on him before, and my heart goes still. He’s nervous too.

I just need five minutes alone with him. Five minutes to make sure we’re on the same page. The page where we’re both scared we’ll mess up our friendship and, possibly, our business relationship. Then we can make a plan to keep from ruining either one.

While everyone else gulps down their food, I linger over mine. First of all, because it’s not good. Secondly, my stomach is too unsettled to eat. And even though the rest of the crew finishes eating super-fast, they don’t leave. They talk and talk. Then talk some more.

So. Much. Talking.

In reality, it’s probably not any more than usual, but Zach’s not saying anything, and neither am I. We steal furtive glances at each other, grinning softly when our eyes meet. The trailer is small, but he’s still too far away. And, at the same time, close enough to make my stomach dip up and down in waves of excitement.

Finally, I can’t take it anymore. This is my show. These people all work for me. So I pull a diva, girlboss move.

I haven’t left my spot by the door—even eating while standing—so I throw it open. “Okay! Everyone out! Zach and I need a minute.”

The room goes silent. All eyes are on me, obviously looking for an explanation.

“To go over our scripts,” I add quickly.

My eyes dart to Zach, whose lip pulls to the side in a pleased half-grin. Somehow, this makes me even more nervous.

“Please.” I punctuate my final ask with enough pleading that everyone stands and files out one by one.

Evie is the last one out. She leaves me with an eyebrow wag and a know-it-all smile that makes my whole face heat up. I shut the door behind her, then turn slowly to Zach.

He’s sitting at the small table, his legs stretched long under it, his hands clasped in his lap. And I have no idea what to say now.

So I go with, “Hi.”

“Hi, yourself.” He dips his head toward the seat across from him. “You want to sit?”

I nod and slide into it. Zach sits up tall and swivels toward me. Space is tight in here, and our knees are so close, they almost touch.

Zach rests his elbows on his knees and leans close enough to let his fingers graze my knee. And I’m so glad I wore a skirt today, but I really wish it were warm enough that I didn’t have to wear tights with it.

“I’m sorry about dinner last night. Adam needs my help again tonight, but how about tomorrow?” He circles my knee with the tip of his index finger, goosebumps prickling the flesh up and down my legs.

“Evie and I are shooting in Florence tomorrow. We won’t be back until late.” My hand slides down my leg, like metal being pulled toward a magnet, until two fingers are hooked lightly around his.

“The day after?” he asks.

I smile. “What are we doing here, Zach?”

He shrugs. “Trying to figure out a time to go on a date?”

I huff a laugh. “You know what I mean. Are we caught up in a moment ? Is the line between acting and real life blurring?”

His brow creases, and he drops his head. “I’m not sure I know what you mean. The only moment I feel caught up in is a moment I feel like I’ve been moving toward my whole life. I just didn’t know it until now.” He traces his thumb across my fingernails, then looks at me with eyes full of hope.

“But what if this doesn’t work? What ifwedon’t work? What then? How do we go back to being friends?” I can’t pull my gaze away from his, but I also can’t be taken in by the hopefulness there. I operate on sureness and certainty, not blind faith.

“Do you want this to work?” Zach leans closer, cupping my hand with both of his.

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