Page 8 of Tempting Teacher

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“Do you need it in cash, or can I Venmo you?” She doesn’t seem to be bothered in the least with the details, so I guess that should make me feel a little better.

“It has to be cash. I can’t exactly report this to the IRS.”

“Oh yeah, of course.” She laughs nervously. “That makes sense.”

“Okay.” I look over her shoulder at the water wondering if I’m making the biggest fucking mistake of my life, and then give her a final nod. “I’ll text you. I’m going to take off.”

“Yeah, okay.” She swings her foot back and forth, making a wide arch in the sand. “I’ll talk to you later then.”

I nod, then turn to head back to the house. After only a couple steps, I twist my head. “My mother named me Alexander. Xander is the name I use for my work at Temptations. And my mother, she’s amazing.”

Chapter Four


Bolting upright in bed, my eyes dart to the clock on the nightstand to check the time. Blowing out a sigh of relief, I register it’s only a little past ten. I tossed and turned almost the entire night; my mind unable to stop as I obsessed over what my first lesson with Xander would be like today.

I finally passed out around five, and must have slept hard because I feel like I just had a full night’s rest. Perhaps the nervous energy fluttering around in my stomach was tricking my body into thinking it was well rested? In any event, it was time to get my butt in gear, so I throw the covers off and head to the shower.

I’m meeting Xander at two at his apartment, but still need to figure out what I’m going to wear, (what does one wear to a sex lesson), eat something and then go to the bank to get his payment. Ten thousand dollars. It’s the first time I’ve ever used any money from my trust, and it’s to learn about sex.

When I told Serena about my arrangement with Xander, I thought she would object and try to talk me out of it. She surprised the hell out of me though and didn’t even blink twice at the idea. Her exact quote, “There’s a hell of lot worse people you could learn from. You go, girl.”

So, here I am, getting ready in the guest bedroom at my aunt and uncle’s apartment in the city. Not really knowing what Xander planned on covering with me, I made sure all my bits were waxed the previous day, and gave my legs and underarms a fresh shave in the shower. I smooth on my favorite scented lotion and apply some cream to my face. I walk to the dresser, pull open a drawer and stare down at my panties.

I’ve never been one to wear sexy under garments. I wear what’s comfortable, so my collection consists mostly of silk bikini bottoms and a few thongs that I’ll wear only if the outfit absolutely requires it. I can certainly understand from a man’s perspective why a thong is sexy, but to me, having a thin piece of material cutting into my butt crack all day sucks.

I doubt Xander will be getting into my pants today, or anytime soon for that matter, as he did state there would be no actual sex. I stop analyzing, grab a pair of the briefs and slide them on, a matching bra going on next.

Now for the hard part. What the hell do I wear? This isn’t a date. But it’s not like I’m going to a classroom either. If I throw on some cut-offs and a t-shirt, he might take that as too casual. If I throw on a sexy outfit, he may think I’m expecting more or that I’m treating this like a date. Which, for the record, I am not. In the end, I decide on a simple pink sundress and slide my feet into my favorite sandals. I run a brush through my long hair and decide to let it air dry. Giving myself a once over in the mirror, I nod in approval. Simple is usually better, right?

Three hours later, my heart hammering against my ribs, I raise my sweaty hand, clench it into a fist, and knock on his door. Less than a minute later the door swings open, Xander appearing in its frame. I take an unconscious step back, startled again by how handsome he is.

His gaze travels the length of my body before looking up at the ceiling, his head shaking back and forth. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“What?” Glancing down, I run a hand over my dress checking to see if I spilled something.

“You look like a little girl in that dress, that’s what.” His hand sweeps between us like the offense of my outfit should be so obvious. “How am I supposed to treat you like a woman in that?”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” My brows pinch together and I cross my arms. “Would you prefer I take it off? Then you can see that I am most definitely an adult.”

“Keep your clothes on little girl.” He lets out a low growl, yes, a growl, then wraps his hand around my bicep and pulls me into the apartment, slamming the door behind me. “I knew this was a bad idea.”

Yanking my arm out of his grip to dig into my purse, I thrust a thick envelope at him. “Do you think ten grand in cash is a bad idea?”

“I think I should have charged you twenty.” He sneers, dragging a hand through his dark locks, before snagging the money from my hand. Turning, he strolls away. “Come on.”

My mouth hangs open a second before snapping shut as I scurry after him. He stops in front of a wide-open space that contains a living room and kitchen area. He spins around to face me and points to one of the couches. “You can sit there.”

“Yes, sir.” Mocking a salute as I move toward the seat.

Chuckling under his breath, he sits across from me, tossing the envelope of money onto a nearby table. “We’re not playing that game today, but if we were, you’d already be over my lap with a pink ass.”

My heart trips in my chest, my breath catching somewhere in my throat. Lowering myself until I’m sitting, I wonder if I heard him correctly. Glimpsing in his direction, I find him analyzing me with an intensity that sends a flush of goosebumps across my skin. I stare back at him, willing myself not to fidget, waiting for him to speak. When he finally does, I wish he hadn’t.

“Tell me how you touch yourself.” One leg crossing over the other as he leans back, his arms stretching out to rest along the back of the cushions.

“W-what?” My face heating.

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