Page 32 of Tempting Teacher

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“Alright,” I wrap an arm around her back. “Now that you know I’m alive and well, time for you to be off, Mother.”

“Tell your parents I said hello.” She wiggles her fingers over her shoulder as Xander guides her away. “And nice to meet you, dear.”

“Mom, stop trying to play matchmaker anytime you see me with a woman.” I shush out, snagging her jacket to hold it open for her.

“What?” She rolls her eyes. “You’re thirty-two, Alexander. You’ve got to start thinking about these things.”

“Mother, I’m fine.” I herd her toward the door. “Thank you for checking on me. I’ll call you tomorrow to reschedule dinner. Please send dad my apologies.”

“Oh, speaking of your father, one of the things he wanted to talk to you about tonight was the annual board meeting. He wanted to confirm you would be attending.” She stops in the doorway. “This is important, Alexander. He’s not going to be able to run the company forever. He’s approaching sixty-five.”

I scrape a hand through my hair, exhaling a long breath before speaking. “Mother, I’m a professor. I don’t want to be CEO of the company. Dad and I have talked about this. I’ll serve on the board, but we need to groom someone else for that position. I thought I’d already made that clear.”

“Well, you know your father.” She muses before leaning forward to kiss my cheek. “I’ll tell him you’ll be at the meeting.”

“Is the Block Island house still open?” I toss out at the last minute.

“Actually, it is, but I’ve let the staff go for the season.” She purses her lips as she stares at me.

“I might go for a couple days if that’s okay.” I ask.

“Of course.” One brow arching. “Alone?”

“Good bye, Mother.” I give her a slight shove over the threshold, blow her a kiss and shut the door, heaving a sigh of relief. I lean my forehead against the coolness of the wood for a moment to gather my wits. It’s been a night so far, and it’s only half past eight. I blow out a breath as I straighten, and stroll back to the living area.

Summer’s not on the couch, and a quick scan of the room doesn’t reveal where she is. Maybe she went to the restroom? I decide a refill of bourbon is in order, and snag the glass off the table as I make my way to the kitchen.

After sipping on my drink for several moments, without Summer reappearing, I go off in search of her. My apartment isn’t very big, hosting the main living area, a bedroom and a bathroom, so it doesn’t take long for me to discover her.

I push the bedroom door open, the light from the living area shining a beam onto the bed where a small ball shape is formed. I move closer, confirming it’s Summer, curled up tight, her breathing shallow and steady as she sleeps. It’s no wonder. I’m sure between the stress of the attack and the bourbon, her mind and body finally gave in to exhaustion.

I take a step back, my focus entirely on Summer. It looks like she made herself at home, noticing she’s changed into one of my t-shirts. She must have looked through my drawers until she found one. It’s long enough on her that it covers her up to mid-thigh, and I can’t help but think it looks pretty damn good on her.

I gather the plush blanket folded on the end of the bed, using it to cover her. She lets out a small, content sigh as her body relaxes under the weight of the material. Her long, blonde hair fans out behind her, no longer in those silly pigtails. I shake my head, accompanied by a slight eye roll, as I recall the outfit she was wearing in class. My dick jerks under the constraint of my jeans, and I shift it back into place, frustration reigning supreme at how my body reacts at just the thought of her.

I continue staring down at her, scratching at the rough stubble on my chin as I consider my options with her. I’d be lying to myself if I try to claim I’m not attracted to her. My body’s reaction is a constant reminder of that fact. But it’s more than my attraction to her. I genuinely enjoy being in her company, and missed her smart mouth and naivety at the same time. I like that she doesn’t try to conform to society’s rules and standards, and instead marches to her own beat. She acts on instinct alone, no filter, and that is completely refreshing after the many fake people I encounter on a regular basis.

She’s the only woman I’ve ever had in my bed. The thought dawns on me as I continue to stare at her. It also occurs to me that I like her there. Which is definitely a first for me as well. I’d love to climb in beside her, but I don’t want to send her any more mixed signals than I already have. Why in the fuck did she have to walk into my classroom? Anyone else’s, but not mine.

I finally pull myself away, treading lightly so I don’t disturb her, leaving the door ajar in case she wakes and needs something. I toss the rest of the contents in my glass down my throat, fire scorching a path to my empty stomach. I realize we never did eat. I make a mental note to feed her a full breakfast when she wakes. I get comfy on the couch with a book, and dig in, hoping I’ll tire out enough to fall asleep. Of course, as soon as I gather the blanket around me, all I can smell is her. She invades my senses, even when she’s not near me. She’s become my heaven and hell and doesn’t even realize it. I need to decide if I want to be the sinner or the saint.

Chapter Seventeen


I blink awake, heat enveloping my back, my mind catching up as I remember I’m at Xander’s. I try to sit up, but an arm tightens around my waist, its owner tugging me closer. My heart accelerates into overdrive, as I sneak a peek over my shoulder to confirm, yep, it’s him. Not that I was expecting anyone else. I just certainly didn’t peg him as a snuggler.

It’s clear he’s still asleep by the soft snores escaping him, but I’m not sure what I should do. He mumbles, his waist pushing into my bottom, my mouth forming into a big ‘O’ as it becomes clear he’s sporting some serious morning wood. I try and scoot my middle forward, which results in him dragging me back, with more unintelligible mumbling coming from him as he grinds into me.

Shit. Heat pools between my legs. I clench my lower lip between my teeth as I ponder what my next move should be. Before I have time to figure it out, his hand starts to drift up my stomach and curls around my breast. Double-shit. His fingers caress over the top of my nipple, now starting to turn into a hard peak. Is he seriously doing this in his sleep? His breathing is still even and shallow, his exhales warm against my neck where his face rests.

My body reacts blindly, my back bowing into his cupped hand, an unconstrained moan tumbling from me. His grip tightens as his hips thrust forward, his lips hot and firm, suddenly pressing into my neck. His length throbs against my ass, my skin flushing at my increased pulse, my hips grinding back into his.

A soft moan vibrates against my neck, and my center clenches in response, my body and my mind falling under his spell. I twist my head and seal my mouth over his, fireworks exploding under my lids at the contact. My body follows suit, turning, my bare legs tangling with his jean clad legs as I wrap my arms around his head to kiss him harder. His tongue sweeps inside, and I swear, I can taste hints of the smoky flavor of the bourbon we drank last night.

I’ve dreamt of being in his arms again for the last month, but it’s nothing compared to the real thing. His mouth slides off mine and begins to trail down my chin, peppering small kisses in a path towards my neck.

“Xander,” I pant, as he moves lower, his body freezing at the sound.

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