Page 9 of Taking Flight

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He scratches the scruff lining his otherwise perfect face, a gleam in his eyes as he stares back at me. After what seems like moments, but in actuality is just a few seconds, he explains. “Not a trick. Just a unique way of getting to know what someone is really like in a more relaxed setting.” He paces back and forth then stands in front of me again. “We had already made the decision to hire you, sight unseen, given your reputation and all the different ways we could watch your work online. When we realized that I would be flying back to this office on the same flight as you, I asked them to book my seat next to yours. I wanted to make sure we were getting someone authentic and not someone who knew how to easily contrive herself, as well as the media.”

“Like the genuine way you represented yourself?” I stomp a foot then throw a hand up as I continue. “You completely misrepresented yourself! And took advantage of me in a situation I obviously wasn’t aware of!”

“How exactly did I take advantage of you, Chloe?” He takes a step forward, which I counter, flinching when I feel myself bump up against the window, trapped like a fly in a spider’s web. My eyes dart up to his as he continues. “By sharing a couple drinks? A meal? Watching a movie together.” He smirks. “Which you fell asleep to, by the way.” He steps a little closer. “Or was it when I held your hand through a patch of rough air?”

I stare back at him, my breathing shallow, his closeness only causing me to be more confused. Why does he have to smell so Goddamn delicious? I shake my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts, then make my appeal. “Because you knew who I was. And how much I wanted this job. And how attracted I was to you. And you invited me to dinner. You don’t do that to a possible colleague.” I raise my eyes to his. “How will I ever know if I got this job because I’m the best you could hire, or if it’s because my boss wants to sleep with me!”

“First, if I wanted to sleep with you, I could have done that last night.” His eyes bore into mine as he grits out his response. “Second, I’m not your boss. Ross Peters is. I’m just one of the partners who work here. Third, you’re getting this job based entirely on your own merits and because Ross loves your work.” He takes another step forward, his body now leaning into mine, his voice a growl as he finishes. “And let’s get one more thing clear. I don’t want to just sleep with you. I want to fuck you, long and hard, and then, I’m going to want to do it again.”

“Fin.” I gasp when his hips thrust against mine, making his intentions more than clear. “Don’t make this more difficult for me.” I look up into his eyes, almost giving in right there. “You know I’m attracted to you. How are we supposed to work together?”

He releases my arm, taking a step back as he runs a hand through his tousled hair. He tilts his head toward the ceiling, a long breath leaving his lips before he looks at me again and begins to speak. “I know. I’m sorry. It wasn’t meant to be sneaky, or even a trick. The last thing I ever expected was to be so attracted to you. Or you to me.”

I snort. “Really?” I wave my hand up and down the length of his body with a dramatic flair. “How could anyone not be attracted to that?”

“Not this again.” He bows his head, a small smile playing at his lips. “Listen, there is no one that is better for this job than you. It’s yours. On a silver platter.” He steps over to the table and leans against it. “Chloe, the bottom line is the company wants you. To be honest, your job and any direct interaction you’d have with me will be minimal at best. You deal with Ross. Ross deals with the partners and clients. If this were a conflict of interest for me, I wouldn’t even broach it.”

“It, being your attraction to me?” I wonder out loud.

“I think it’s pretty mutual, but yes,” he concedes.

“This doesn’t feel right. I feel like I’m getting the job for all the wrong reasons.” I move to stand in front of him.

He grips my shoulders with a gentle touch and stares down at me. “You’re getting this job because you are the best choice. Ross hired you, not me. I’m giving my partner approval. Sex free. No influence.”

“I need to know that you have no authority or say in my job. That it’s all Ross. I don’t want my integrity comprised by anything happening between us,” I plead, my desire to explore what I’m feeling for Fin obvious. This is a job offer of a lifetime, but, let’s face it; men come and go.

Sensing my internal struggle, he continues to argue, “Chloe, the only thing you need to worry about where I’m concerned is to make sure I look good to the public and the clients. That’s it.” He steps into me then, pulling my body flush. His face just inches above mine as he looks down at me. “Anything else that happens is between you and me. No one else.”

I lick my lips, wanting to kiss him, to wrap my arms around his waist, but know this isn’t the time or the place. Instead, I back out of his hold and peer back at him. “Okay, I need some time to think and review the offer Ross presented.” A wave of shyness sweeps over me as I continue. “And to think about you.”

“Fair enough.” He walks to the table to grab the folder Ross presented me with earlier and hands it to me. I retrieve my bag off the floor beside the table and start for the door.

“I’ll ask Gina to call a car for you.” He pulls the door open for me and allows me to walk ahead of him.

“Actually, I’d rather walk. It’s not that far, and I could use the time to think.” I turn, extending my hand to him. “Thank you for everything, Mr. Harrison.”

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