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See you soon, my client just sat back down from our short break. Need to get this appointment finished so that I can start yours on time.

I flag down my server and put in Ethan’s order to go, as she refills my glass with more lemonade. I sip it slowly while I scroll through my Facebook feed. I stop on a post from Ben’sbrother, Jack. He proposed to his girlfriend tonight, and she said yes. I always loved his family; they were the nicest people and welcomed me right in. I’ve kept in touch with his mom and sister Emily the most, but our contact has become more infrequent as the time since Ben died grows. I quickly leave my “congratulations” comment and try to hold back the emotion that fights to overtake me. Had Ben still been alive, I’m sure we would have been there for this exciting event in Jack’s life, and that just makes me miss him even more.

Fucking cancer.

I’m pulled from my fog when my server approaches and sets down the to-go bag, along with my bill. I quickly pay her and leave. I still have about a half hour before I need to be at Ethan’s shop, so I window shop and people watch to pass the time.

Upon entering the tattoo shop, no one is manning the front desk, so I take a seat on one of the couches to wait. I know Ethan is with another customer and wasn’t sure exactly when he’d be done. I pull out my phone to send Ben’s mom, Candace, a message, since I haven’t talked with her in a while.


Hey! I see congratulations are in order for Jack and Cassie!


Thanks, sweetie, he is on cloud nine. How are things? How’d your move go?


Things are good, I’m all moved and unpacked. I really love my new place and the neighborhood! It’s full of little local shops and restaurants. I start my new job on Monday. And I’m finally getting my tattoo. I’m actually sitting in the tattoo shop waiting for my appointment right now.


I’m glad you’re settling in well. Please send me a picture once it’s done! I sure miss your sweet face.


I miss you all so much. I’ll send you a picture for sure. I think you’re going to love what we came up with.


I’m sure I will. Call or FaceTime me soon so we can catch up. Love you, sweetie.


Love you, too. I’ll try calling this weekend.

I flip back over to Facebook and my nerves kick in a little as the time passes. One of the reasons I’ve put off getting this done is I’m worried about the pain involved, both physicallyandemotionally.

Chapter Four


I’m just finishingup the last little bit of this tattoo when I hear the door chime. Knowing that Cam is coming, I focus on wrapping up, so I can get out to see her. I don’t know what it is about her, but she does something to me. I’ve never been the one to have a serious relationship; hell, I’ve perfected the bachelor lifestyle over the years, and it has always suited me just fine.

“All right, man,” I tell James, as I wipe down his new tattoo. “You know the drill. Keep it covered, apply the healing lotion, and don’t scratch it.” I hold up a hand mirror, so that he can see his new ink.

“Thanks, man. It looks great. Can you snap a quick picture of it before you wrap it up?” he asks, handing me his cell. I take a couple pictures for him before covering the ink and sending him on his way. I clean up my station, making sure to take my time and not rush the cleaning process.

I walk out to the reception area and see Cam sitting there, looking at something on her phone. I stand there, admiring her for a few moments. I take in the way she smiles when looking at a picture on her screen, moving on to a small chuckle at something she finds funny.

I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about her that makes me want to know everything I can. I feel this pull toward her, and that’s something I’ve never felt with a woman. It’s kind of weird, especially since I’ve only been around her for maybe an hour total, and don’t really know anything about her, except that she just moved to town and lost someone important to her.

“Hey,” I say, the word coming out gravelly.

Cam looks up from her phone and smiles as soon as she sees me. “Hey! Here’s your dinner. Do you want to sit and eat before we start?”

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