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“Would you recommend a different area?” she asks.

“Not directly on bone. Maybe if we drop it slightly, so it’s closer to your hip, but not actually on the hip,” I say, pointing to the area on my body.

“That would work. I’d still be able to keep it covered when at work.”

I grab one of my business cards from the counter, quickly jotting down my cell number on it before handing it to Cam.

“Here’s how to reach me. I put my cell on the back, so feel free to text or call me directly. We don’t always have someone working the desk. If you want to rework either design, just let me know, and I can change any element for you.”

Cam stands, reaching out her hand to me, and I take it in my own, feeling that spark as soon as our skin connects again. The flash in her eyes tells me she felt it, as well. “Thank you so much, Ethan. I really appreciate your help and look forward to coming back to get the tattoo.”

After we say our goodbyes, Cam and Holly head out of the shop while I grab my things from my station before locking up and heading home.

Chapter Three


I’ve hadthe designs Ethan drew up for a few days now. I really love both of them, and finally decided I want to have Ethan combine them together. I also haven’t been able to gethimout of my mind. From his bulging muscles peeking out of the t-shirt he had on the other day, to the scruff covering his face, it made me feel something I haven’t felt in many years. His “boy next door” looks and charming smile also had me feeling butterflies deep in my stomach, and maybe just a tad lower, in my nether region. I don’t know that I’m ready to read into that feeling, but I definitely noticed it. I also can’t get past the zing I felt each time we touched. I saw the realization in his own eyes when we shook hands before I left his shop.


Hey, it’s Cam. I wanted to discuss my tattoo. Can I stop by sometime soon to do so?

I go back to unpacking and getting all my things put away in my new apartment. I love my new place and how everything is coming together as I get it all unpacked. I’ve just finished emptying a box when my phone chimes with an incoming text.


Hey! I’m at the shop all day today. I have some free time between appointments around 2 for an hour if you want to stop by then.


I’ll be there! Thanks!


Anytime, see you this afternoon.

I’m so excited to finally be moving forward with this tattoo. Ben was such a huge part of my life and even though I miss him every day, I’ve promised myself that with this move, I will move on. Nothing can change the fact that he’s gone, and I know he would want me to find someone to love again. Hell, he made me promise him shortly before he died that I would.

I finish up another few boxes before it’s time for me to walk over to Ethan’s shop, arriving a few minutes early.

“Hi,” I tell the woman working the reception desk. “I’m here to see Ethan. He knows I’m coming.”

“Sure thing,”she replies. “Have a seat over there. Ethan is just finishing up with his client and should be done shortly.”

I give her a smile and walk over to the couch. While waiting, I pull out my phone and check my Facebook. My cousin Shannon has posted a few new pictures of her new baby.Cue ovaries exploding. He is such a cute baby and makes me long for kids of my own. I keep scrolling through my feed until I hear my name being called.

“Cam, come on back,” Ethan says, walking up next to where I’m sitting.

I try to ignore the deep timbre of his voice as I slip my phone back into my purse and stand, following Ethan back to his area. I take advantage of walking behind him to let my gaze wander over all those sinewy muscles that nicely fill out his t-shirt and jeans. Once we make it to his room, I pull out the original drawings he made me.

“So, what did you want to discuss?” he asks, as he takes a seat on his stool, smiling at me.

“I loved both of these options, so I was wondering about possibly combining them.”

“Sure, I can do that. What are you thinking?”

“My idea is to take the feather and turn it so it’s under these words, with the birds coming up on the right side like this,” I tell him, pointing to the saying he had on his drawing with the feather. “Then take the heart with Ben’s name and place it under the feather.”

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