Page 68 of Lords of the Campus

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The boys and I become more active parents to Eli, juggling our classes and responsibilities with our newfound roles. It’s challenging but deeply rewarding.

Classes are in full swing and the days are busy, but we make it work. We take turns picking Eli up from daycare, helping him with his little homework assignments and spending quality time together as a family.

In the evenings, we gather together at the frat house dining table as a family, sharing stories from our day and planning for the future. It’s a far cry from the tumultuous times we once faced and it feels like a dream come true.

As I walk to class one chilly morning, I reflect on how much has changed. Lyric and Eli have become our everything. It makes me determined to be the best version of myself for them. The future is uncertain, but for the first time in a long while, I feel like we’re all moving in the right direction.

I push open the door to the lecture hall, ready to start Medical Ethics 202. As I walk across the row of chairs, someone’s foot trips me. I nearly go tumbling, but I catch myself at the last second and right myself, turning around to glare at the person responsible.

My eyes land on the figure of Max Byers. I scowl, pissed that he has the nerve to look smug.

“How juvenile,” I tell him, rolling my eyes. “Tripping me? What, are you six?”

Max curls his lip in disgust. “Watch your back, Cooper,” he snarls.

Before I can retort, the professor walks in and I move along, getting settled for the lecture. Throughout class, though, I feel Max’s eyes boring into me, the hairs standing up on the back of my neck.

I have no idea what his problem is, but I’m determined to ignore it. It doesn’t matter, anyway. Byers is a loser and his opinion means exactly jack-squat to me. Besides, this class is intense enough anyway. I don’t need distractions.

I’m bent over writing down the notes when I feel my phone buzz against my thigh. Reaching into my pocket surreptitiously, I pull it out, concerned it might be an emergency with Lyric or our son.

I don’t recognize the number at first, so I raise my thumb to swipe away the notification, but I feel ice flood my veins when I see the text.

Snitches get stitches, Cooper. You'd better watch yourself.

My eyes flick up to look for Max in the row behind me. He’s writing notes too, so the text didn’t come from him. Unease settles in my stomach.

What the hell is all this bullshit about? I know Max is part of the Sigmas, so I wonder if it has to do with the whole Cameron business at the party last semester. The professor turns on a video clip which distracts me long enough to remind me that I should deal with all this later. I put my phone away and get back to work.

The text stays at the back of my mind, though. Who sent it? What does it mean? Is someone threatening us? I debate sending a message to Archer and Zane but decide to brush it off. I don’t want to escalate anything unnecessarily. Maybe someone is just pissed that the Alpha Lambdas are stronger than ever. Could be a simple inter-frat rivalry.

Still, something about the text nags at me, even as the professor wraps up class. I head out, still trying to decide if it's worth doing anything about, when I notice Max following me. Not wanting to deal with him, I decide to head in a different direction. Whatever he wants, he can screw off.

But I round a corner and find myself almost running into a few more Sigma Thetas. They’re blond, clean-cut types like Archer, but there’s a menacing aura around them.

I roll my eyes. If these dudes think that angry looks and intimidating postures can scare me, they obviously don’t know anything about me.

“What do you want?” I ask, stepping back so they aren’t so close. But I turn my head and spot Max strolling up behind me.

Fucker. He corralled me into this corner so he and his cronies could confront me.

“We’re only here to talk,” Max says, holding his hands up in mock surrender. His voice is light and airy, despite the calculated gleam in his eyes.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” I tell them. “I’m busy. Go harass someone else.”

I attempt to muscle past the three other Sigmas, but they block me in and Max circles me, eyeing me up like prey caught in a trap.

“You and your boys think you’re some hot shit, don’t you?” he asks.

I grit my teeth “Is this about Cameron?”

“That little bitch set him up,” Max sneers. “She seduced him and then cried foul when he tried to get with her. You and I both know that she’s nothing but a whore. I mean, you spent all of last semester telling that to anyone who would listen, right?” He tilts his head, waiting for my answer.

I swallow hard, suddenly and painfully reminded of how badly we trashed Lyric’s reputation. “Your boy tried to assault her,” I tell him, my jaw clenched tightly. “We pulled him off her before he could hurt her.”

“It’s so typical that you Alphas would go around telling anyone who would listen that bitch is nothing but a loser and a slut and then side with her as a way to get back at the Sigmas,” Max spits out. “You and your frat bros are losers, exactly like her.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I snap. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Lyric isn’t a slut. She’s an Alpha Lambda princess, so you’d better shut your damned mouth if you know what’s good for you.”

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