Page 28 of Lords of the Campus

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He leans down, pressing a searing kiss to my lips as he tangles his hands in my hair. “You have no idea what you do to me, Songbird,” he murmurs as he slips his tongue into my mouth. “Make me feel good.”

His fingers go under the waistband of my leggings, pushing inside my folds. Arousal floods my veins as he touches me, moving his fingers quickly and carefully to bring me right to the edge. His citrus and cedarwood scent surrounds me and I feel lost in a haze as he tips me over the edge with just his fingers.

By the time he’s done, I’m left trembling, my clothes disheveled and my mind reeling. Zane smirks, brushing a strand of hair from my face. "Remember this, Lyric. We own you. Body and soul."

I nod weakly, unable to meet his eyes. As he leaves the bathroom, I sink to the floor, my body aching and my spirit shattered. The realization hits me hard. This isn’t about breaking me anymore. They want to possess me completely, to leave no part of me untouched by their control.

I gather my strength and pull myself up, knowing I have to face them again. The game has changed and I’m caught in their twisted web with no way out. At the same time, though,some messed up part of me enjoys the way they seek me out, as though they’re desperate without me. It’s strangely empowering, knowing I command so much of their time and attention, though they’d be loathed to admit that.

The next day, Levi corners me outside the gym again. This time, instead of dragging me back to his room, he pulls me into a changing room before his mouth devours mine, kissing me with heat and fervor. When he pulls away, our mouths are connected by a string of saliva and his pupils are blown wide with lust.

I half expect a repeat of the other day, but instead, he lays me down on the wooden bench and eats me out like a man starved.

My walls clench around his tongue as it finds my entrance and goes inside of me. Then he starts stroking deep inside as his fingers rub circles into my clit. The combination sending sparks down my spine. “Fuck!” I whimper, trying to be quiet.

Levi’s fingers move faster, his tongue darting in and out of me as he brings me right up to the brink. I feel myself losing control far too quickly, slick gushing out of me as he torments me into oblivion.

By the time I come back up for air, Levi looks as wrecked as I feel and he pulls me onto his lap, yanking down his sweats so I sink immediately onto his leaking cock. Our bodies fuse, and I feel molten heat coil inside me once more. His mouth finds mine, kissing me with an urgency that almost overwhelms me.

My body moves of its own volition, raising and lowering onto him, seeking friction.

“Fuck, Lyric,” he whispers, voice ragged. “Don’t stop, God, don’t stop.”

“Take me, Levi,” I pant, running my hands over the hard planes of his body. “I’m yours. Take me!”

Levi’s hands move up my body as he pulls me closer to him, dragging me back down for a searing kiss that takes my breathaway. My eyes flutter shut as I ride him, getting lost in the sensation of his cock inside me.

Even though it feels good and I never want this moment to end, I know it will, inevitably. And then we’ll go right back to our usual dynamics where they ignore or belittle me until they want me again.

I’m going to have to do something sooner or later. This entire thing is getting to be toxic and if I let it continue, someone is going to get hurt.

All thoughts are chased from my head as Levi’s tongue curls around mine and his cock pumps deeper inside me. My pussy throbs, desperation growing as I seek completion. As my body seizes up, Levi’s hands cup my cheeks and he moans into the kiss, filling me up as he hits his own release.

We break apart, panting as we catch our breath. “Good girl,” Levi says, leaning down to kiss me again.

The words go straight through me, heart clenching as I wait for the ache to subside. I know he was just being flippant, but it still stings, this farce we’re playing at.

As he leaves, I find myself sinking down onto the bench again, legs like jelly. As good as it feels to be desired, all I am to them is a toy, a plaything, something they can get their jollies off with before finding new ways to torment me.

I can’t keep living like this. I sit up, clenching my fingers against the wooden bench as I realize that it’s already too late. I’m the one getting hurt.

I’m going to have to do something about this. I’m not sure what. Do I tell them off, take my son, and leave? I’d be giving up my secure future, but in the end, my heart would be safer.

Or I could face them head-on and report them to the Dean for harassing me. They already think I’m a manipulative traitor, so it doesn’t matter if I act like it, right?

While it would feel good to get revenge by outing their behavior, I also know I can’t go through with it. My son would also be the one to get hurt in that situation, especially if they find out that Eli is theirs.

With a sigh, I stand up again, going over to the sink to wash my face. I know I need to make a decision soon. I’m just not certain what the correct decision might be yet. Do I give up everything for my son or do I turn the men in who fathered him?

The agony weighs on me even as I quietly exit the gym and head for class. Something has to be done soon, but what? And at what cost?



Iwalk across campus feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. It’s been a good few weeks. Since we ramped up the pressure on Lyric, I’ve felt more like myself. She’s become our release valve, our way of taking back control. Every time we push her, it feels like we’re erasing a bit of the past, reclaiming our dignity.

The smells of vanilla and lavender linger faintly from my jacket, mixing with the fresh scent of the morning air. It’s almost enough to make me smile. Almost.

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