Page 42 of Arrow

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A ghost of a smile tugged at Arrow's lips. “You don’t go anywhere without letting me know.”

Arrow's smile faded as quickly as it had appeared. He pushed off from the counter, closing the short distance between them with a slow, deliberate step. Emilee's heart raced, her body hyper-aware of his approaching presence. The air crackled with tension, a mixture of his anger and her own nervous energy.

“I'm glad you've found friendship with the other littles,” Arrow said, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine. “It's important, especially considering their daddies are Watchmen too.”

Emilee nodded, a flicker of hope rising in her chest. Maybe he wasn't as mad as she thought.

But then Arrow's eyes narrowed, and that hope fizzled out. “However,” he continued, now close enough that she could feel the heat radiating off his body, “was I not clear in my note for you to stay home?”

She swallowed hard. “You were.”

“And do we not have a rule about telling me where you'll be at all times?”

Emilee's stomach dropped. She knew where this was going. “We do,” she whispered.

Arrow raised an eyebrow, waiting.

“Yes, Daddy,” she added, her cheeks flushing. “We have that rule.”

As Arrow loomed over her, Emilee fought the urge to step back. Her body was a confusing mess of fear and arousal, drawn to him even as she dreaded the consequences of her actions.

“Good girl,” Arrow said, his tone softening just a fraction. “At least you remember the rules. Now we just need to work on following them. This is the third time you've broken the rules. I need to impress upon you the seriousness of your actions in a way that you might remember longer.”

She knew she'd messed up, but the thought of punishment made her stomach churn. He would not let her off with a simple hand spanking like the last two times. Oh no, she suspected that her face would look more like Mia’s this time around. Under her breath, she muttered, “Trinity was right, yet was coming. None of us knewyetwould be today.”

Arrow's keen ears caught her words. He paused, his brow furrowing. “What do you mean?”

Emilee bit her lip, realizing she'd have to explain. “Well, um, I ran into Mia and Catie at Day & Night,” she began hesitantly.

Arrow's eyes widened slightly, but he remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

“They actually apologized,” Emilee rushed on. “We kind of... came to an understanding. But Mia's eyes were all red and puffy, like she'd been crying a lot.”

She watched Arrow's face, trying to gauge his reaction. “We figured her Daddy must have... you know... punished her. I told the girls I’d never been punished where my eyes would be red and puffy and you could feel it the next day. Trinity said not yet I hadn’t…”

Arrow's expression softened slightly, but his stance remained firm. “I see,” he said, his voice a low rumble. “And did this make you nervous about coming home?”

Emilee nodded, her cheeks flushing. “A little,” she admitted. “But I knew I'd messed up. I just... I didn't want to face it yet.”

Arrow sighed, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from her face. The gentle touch sent a shiver down her spine, contrasting with the tension in the air.

“Oh, Kitten,” he murmured, “You know I don't enjoy punishing you. But rules are there for a reason, to keep you safe.”

Emilee's eyes stung with unshed tears. “I know, Daddy. I'm sorry.”

Arrow nodded, his expression a mix of sternness and relief. “It's about time those girls faced consequences for their actions,” he said, his voice low and measured. “I'm glad to hear they apologized to you.”

Emilee's eyes widened slightly, surprised by his agreement. “Yeah, I... I don't think they'll be mean to me again,” she said softly, twisting her fingers together nervously. “It felt... genuine, you know? Like their Daddies weren’t forcing them to apologize but more, they truly wanted to.”

A flicker of relief passed over Arrow's face, his shoulders relaxing almost imperceptibly. “That's good to hear, Kitten,” he murmured, reaching out to brush her cheek with his calloused hand. “I’m glad we won’t have to worry about words being exchanged at The Citadel or in town. Makes me feel a bit better.”

The tender gesture was short-lived, however. Arrow's expression hardened once more as he stepped back, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “Now, Kitten,” he said, his voice dropping to that commanding tone that made her stomach flip flop, “It is time for your spanking. Remove your pants and underwear, then bend over the arm of the couch.”

Emilee's breath caught in her throat, fear and anticipation mingling in her chest. Her previous spankings had always been over his knee, the familiar position somehow comforting despite the punishment. This was new, unfamiliar territory.

“B-but, Daddy,” she stammered, her voice small, “I thought... you always spanked me over your knee.”

Arrow's gaze softened slightly, but his tone remained firm. “Not this time, Kitten. You need to understand the seriousness of your actions.”

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