Page 4 of Arrow

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“At two?” Arrow asked.

“She’ll come home with me.” Arrow said, then looking as surprised as she was at the suggestion.

“Look, I appreciate the concern, but I will be fine. I won't be in Grand Ridge and not your problem,” Emilee said. “If you don't mind moving your patrol car, I will get out of your hair.”

“Sleeping at the truck stop isn't safe either, “Arrow said. “There is... a situation happening over there we’ve been monitoring.”

“What situation?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “There are plenty ofsituationsthat occur over there.” She knew drugsand sex trafficking were definitely happening, and she'd heard rumors about a motorcycle club terrain war.

“A situation we aren’t at liberty to discuss as it involves an ongoing investigation,” Dax answered. “You sure you are okay with her coming to your place? She's a stranger.”

“She’s not exactly a stranger. I've seen her at The Citadel a few of times, which means she’s a member. All members have background checks run. We can call Jay and see what he knows,” Arrow said.

“She and Catie used to be friends,” Dax supplied. “She was working for a catering company and there was a bit of a scene last year at an event.”

“A scene? What kind of scene?” Arrow asked, his brow furrowing.

“The two girls had words and--”

“You know, as nice as it is to be spoken about while I am sitting right here, if you aren't detaining me, officer, I'd appreciate it if you moved your damn car. I'm not going home with him or anyone else and...”

“The mouth on this one,” Arrow said. “If she was my little…”

“But I’m not. I’m not yours or anyone else’s.”

“No, because if you were, you wouldn’t be out here at two o’clock in the morning and you sure as heck wouldn’t be using the language you are.”

“I'm going to give you two choices,” Dax said. “The first choice is I can detain you and you can stay in the jail tonight. It's warm and you will be safe.”

“Detain me? For fucking what?”

“For trespassing on private property,” Dax said.

“Watch your mouth, little girl,” Arrow commanded, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at her. “I’ve had about enough of your cursing at my friend.”

“This is bullshit,” she muttered. “Who do you think you are?”

Dax shook his head and ignored her question. “The second choice is to head over to Arrow's house. I can personally vouch for his character. He has a large four-bedroom house. He won’t force you to do anything you don't want to do, Emilee.”

“You know my name, too?” Emilee startled at hearing it.

“I do. I'm one of the board members at The Citadel who voted on your membership application. While you might have had a personal issue with Catie in the past, we aren't the type of organization who is going to prevent people from joining based on drama with other members. Littles have spats. It's not uncommon.”

“I'm not a Little,” she protested.

“Oh?” Dax raised an eyebrow at her. “So why are you attending the DDLG playdates?”

“Is this really a necessary conversation right now? You are outing me…” She looked pointedly at Arrow.

“No, he's not. I just said I’ve seen you at The Citadel. I was there last week at the playdate. I saw you speaking with Mia and Makenzie.” Arrow said. “Now, Dax gave you two options. If I were you, I'd take the second one. I have a guest suite with its own bathroom. I won't make any moves on you, Emilee. You aren't my type, anyway. Come back to my place, have a warm bed to lay your head on and we will figure everything else out tomorrow.”

You aren't my type.

Of course she fucking wasn't. Was she anyone's type? A former drug addicted prostitute with no formal education. Not to mention the amount of weight she'd gained since she'd been in recovery. No, she didn’t imagine she was anyone’s type. Let alone a man who clearly worked out and took good care of his body.

Arrow cleared his throat, and she looked up to see both men staring at her.

“Fine. It doesn't sound like I have a fucking choice, anyway.”

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