Page 19 of Arrow

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A sharp sting blossomed across her skin as Arrow's palm connected. The next smack landed before she could fully process the first. A hot tingling spread across her skin. Emilee gasped as another smack landed, sending a jolt through her body. She gripped the edge of Arrow's lap; her knuckles white.

Three more swats landed hard on her bare bottom, and she moaned out. She hadn’t expected the spanking to hurt as much as it did. She definitely wasn’t expecting the coiling inside of her stomach and the pulsing of her clit. A discipline spanking couldn’t turn her on. Could it? Arrow's hand came down again and again in a steady rhythm. The initial shock faded into a building warmth that radiated through her body. By the tenth swat, her backside felt like it was on fire.

The burn in her backside was a reminder of Arrow’s rules and of how quickly her life changed. One night she was sleeping in her car and the next she was over the knee of a sexy as fuck military veteran as he impressed upon her ass his expectations of safety and discipline. Within his arms, he offered her a structure within which she could find freedom. Tears brimmed in the corners of her eyes, not because of pain, but because of the intense emotional connection and the vulnerability she was feeling.

Arrow paused, his hand resting gently on her heated flesh. “Are you doing alright, Kitten?” he asked softly.

Emilee nodded, not trusting her voice. She hadn't known she needed this—his firm guidance, his unwavering authority. How had she gone so long without a Daddy to keep her in line? She’d convinced herself she wasn’t deserving of one and yet, in two short days, Arrow had broken down a wall that had taken years to build.

“Good girl,” Arrow murmured. His tone hardened as he continued: “We're halfway there. I want you to think about why you're being punished. How you made Daddy worry about you and how you defied him when you didn’t come straight home.”

“Y-yes, Daddy,” Emilee whimpered.

She hadn't known she craved this—this structure, this discipline. The realization hit her harder than Arrow's hand: she needed him. Needed his guidance, his firm but loving correction. Another volley of smacks rained down. Emilee’s hips involuntarily bucked, but Arrow's strong arm laying across her lower back held her in place.

“I don't want to punish you,” he said between swats. “But I will if that's what it takes to keep you safe. Do you understand?”

“Yes! I'm sorry, I'll be good, I promise! I’ll never break another rule as long as I live,” she swore.

Arrow chuckled. “We have a rule against lying, Kitten. I know you’ll break rules and each time you’ll find yourself facing the appropriate consequence. It’s all part of our lifestyle and the goal to help you be the best little girl you can be.” His hand resumed its work, but Emilee welcomed the pain now. Each stinging slap reinforced her decision to try this with Arrow. She would obey him. She would make him proud.

As the spanking resumed, each stinging blow drove home how thoroughly she had disappointed him. Emilee's worldnarrowed to the sensations coursing through her body and the sound of Arrow's steady breathing above her.

She surrendered herself completely, knowing she was safe in Daddy's capable hands.



Twenty minutes ago, she was over his lap getting her bare ass spanked. Now, she stood, leaning on the counter, coloring a picture while Arrow removed a pan of dinosaur chicken nuggets from the oven. Turning, he put the sheet pan on the top of the stove and motioned for her to sit down at the table. She shook her head no. Her butt didn’t hurt too much standing but she didn’t want to know what it felt like to sit.

“Sit down at the table, Kitten. I’ll bring you a plate.”

“Nuh-uh. I’d rather stand.”

“I wasn’t asking.” He raised an eyebrow in warning. Sighing, she moved over to the table, pulled out the wooden chair, and sat begrudgingly. Shifting from side to side, she realized it didn’t hurt too bad.

“I went easy on you,” he said, as if he could read her mind. She rolled her eyes. “Kitten, unless you want another taste of Daddy’s discipline, I’d refrain from rolling those beautiful eyes.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He moved quickly, plating dinosaur nuggets on two plates alongside sliced cucumbers, green grapes and cheese puffs. “Would you like some ketchup?” he asked.

“Yes! And do you have dressing for the cucumbers?”

“I do.” He set the requested condiments down in front of her along with a glass of cold milk.

“Nope.” She shook her head at him.

“Nope, what exactly?”

She pushed the cup of milk away from her. “I don’t do milk.”

“You mean you don’tdrinkmilk?”

“Right. That. Nope. Don’t like it.” She crinkled up her nose and scowled at him.

“Do you not like milk or is it something else? An allergy? Lactose intolerant?”

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