Page 18 of Arrow

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“What do you mean?” he asked her.

“You are ready to spank me but not fuck me? Is it because you don’t find me attractive?”

You’re not my type.Isn’t that what he’d said to her?

Arrow closed his eyes and mouthed numbers as he counted down from five. She wondered what he needed to count for. When he opened his eyes, he stood up and closed the space between them and took her hand.

“W-w-what...” she stammered, but her sentence faded away as he placed her hand on the front of his jeans, right on his hard cock.

“Does it feel like I am not attracted to you?”

The large bulge shifted under her hand, and she yanked it back as if she’d he’d burned her. “But, you said... I mean…” she stammered. “I’m not your type.”

He grabbed her hand again and placed it over his cock, holding it there, not allowing her to pull away. “I misspoke. I thought I had a type. A certain look that appealed to me, a certain personality. I did the same old thing over and over again, and you know what? It didn’t work. Whenever I'm wrong, I'll always admit it to you. I’m human. I made a mistake when I said you weren't my type. Meeting you made me question the idea of my “type” and what I thought I was looking for. As it turns out, I don't have a specific “type”. My type is you.”

My type is you.

“You barely know me.”

“I know enough. At times, my heart speaks its mind even before my brain processes the information. I overthink, over-analyze. I rarely let my heart lead, but with you, it's a whole different story. Emilee, I know you belong to me. I'm committed to being your Daddy, even if you can’t see it yet. Without a doubt,I am undeniably attracted to you. I’d much rather bend you over the couch and claim your sweet pussy than pull you across my knee and paddle your behind. You earned this spanking, Kitten. It is important to me you understand from the start that I am a man of my word. If I promise to do something, I’m going to do it. You need to know I am serious. I’m serious about my rules because I am serious about you. Disciplining you is one of the many ways I am going to show you I care.”


Just wow.

He released his hold on her hand, and she dropped it to her side. Now what? Should she thank him? Drop her pants and crawl across his lap and beg him to spank her? Kiss him? She didn’t know how she was supposed to respond to him.

“I don’t think it’s right to spank you before I’ve properly kissed you.” He lifted her chin and brought his lips down over hers.

Emilee's breath caught in her throat as his lips met hers. Soft at first, then more insistent. His mouth moved against hers with a hunger that made her knees weak. She parted her lips, inviting him deeper.

His tongue slipped inside, teasing and exploring. A small moan escaped her as his hands cupped her face, fingers tangling in her hair. The kiss intensified, sending tingles down her spine. Her head spun as his scent enveloped her - a heady mix of cologne and pure masculinity. His other hand found her waist, fingers splaying across her lower back. Heat pooled low in her belly as he expertly explored her mouth, leaving her weak-kneed and trembling.

His hands slid down her neck, over her shoulders, down to her waist. His fingers toyed with the waistband of her pants before deftly unfastening the button. The zipper lowered with a quiet rasp.

Emilee's heart raced. Grasping his shirt, she tugged him closer as he slowly lowered her pants over her hips. Cool air kissed her newly exposed skin, goosebumps rising over the silky flesh.

His lips never left hers as her pants pooled around her ankles. She stepped out of them, kicking them aside. Now clad only in her panties from the waist down, she pressed her body flush against his and his kiss deepened. He pushed his lips firmly against hers, and she felt claimed by this man. Her new Daddy.

Emilee's head spun. She could barely think, could barely breathe. All she could focus on was the feeling of his lips on hers, his hands on her body. As if acting on their own, her fingers entangled themselves in his hair, tugging him nearer.

When they finally broke apart, Emilee was breathless. She looked up at him with passion-glazed eyes, her chest heaving. “Wow,” she whispered. One thing was for damn sure, she’d never been kissed like this.

He pulled back slightly, his dark eyes searching hers. “Are you ready?” he murmured, voice husky with desire. He cleared his throat and took her hand, leading her back to the couch.

Unable to form words, Emilee nodded frantically.

As he guided her over his knee, her heart pounded against her ribcage. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “This is not what I thought you meant.”

Arrow’s low chuckle filled the surrounding space. “Did you forget you were getting your ass paddled, Kitten?”

She’d forgotten everything the moment his lips met hers. Her brain stopped working, she couldn’t think, all she could do was feel.

“It’s time to make good on my promise. You have broken several rules today and I’m going to demonstrate exactly why it is never a good idea to break Daddy’s rules. When we are done,we can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie together. If you need me to stop, remember to say red.”

How much would this hurt? Could she take it? She knew the physical pain wouldn’t do her in, since she had an extremely high pain tolerance, but would the emotional vulnerability of this position cause her to break?

She tensed slightly as she felt his hand rest on her backside—a gesture both comforting and forewarning. The room seemed to go completely still as Arrow raised his hand—and then brought it down with a resounding smack that broke the silence.

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