Page 47 of Irish

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“Women who were stupid enough to enter into long distance online relationships with men they’ve never met deserve the consequences they receive. I used a voice changer app and stole pictures from other users on KinkLife. It wasn’t hard. These girls are desperate for attention, desperate for love, they’ll do anything to get it. I groom them, talk to them like they are a character from my novel. Then, once they are addicted to me, addicted to my dominance over them, I get them to send me money. They do it too. Every one of them but fucking Makenzie.”

“Why didn’t Makenzie send you money?” Hunter asked causally. While he appeared calm, cool, and collected, Irishrecognized the other man’s body language. He was ready to snap both of their fucking necks.

Jamie leaned forward, her fingers brushing against the arm of the couch. “Because I didn’t want her money. No, Makenzie was different. She didn’t come along desperate to find a Daddy. She infiltrated my friend’s groups, she tried to replace me. She wanted to be me. Writing stories like mine. Telling the other girls not to listen to me anymore. It was me or her, and I sure as hell wasn’t about to give up the kingdom that I worked entirely too hard to build. I gave her exactly what she wanted, a Daddy. A Daddy that wouldn’t let her write anymore. A Daddy who wouldn’t let her hang out with my friends anymore. I punished her for stepping out of line.”

“She was hospitalized for the way you treated her!” Savage growled. “She could have died.”

Irish's knuckles whitened as he clenched his fists, he’d never hit a woman and he wouldn’t hit one now, but damn it, if the urge wasn’t there. The difference between a man and a beast was the ability to control oneself. He would control himself and not let her goad him into violence. She might have manipulated Makenzie, using Makenzie’s own insecurities against her, but she wouldn’t manipulate him. Relaxing his fist, he hung his hands down at his side, determined to see this through.

“It would have been her own damn fault. She was the one not eating or drinking. At any time, she could have blocked the number and went on with her life, instead, she picked up every time I called. And oh, to watch that adorable face of hers scrunch up and beg for one cup of water, just one. I made her weigh out each ounce all the while telling her what a fucking waste of human life she was and then, after she would put the cup to her lips and get a taste, I’d make her put the cup down. Sometimes, she would have to sit at the table and stare at the water, water she wasn’t allowed to drink for hours while I masturbated to hersobs. None of this is illegal. She chose to call me. She chose to obey me.” Jamie spat.

Irish took a menacing step forward, he’d heard enough. The hand on his shoulder stopped him.

“How many CIA black sites have openings for a female prisoner?” Irish turned to Hunter, keeping his voice deceptively calm.

“A female American prisoner?” Hunter’s ironic laugh filled the room. “Multiple. I know a few with terrorists who have a certain kind of love for American women. Serial rapist who take joy out of maiming their victims. Of course, there are a couple guards there, but you know, these cites… once detained there, you never return.”

“Make the call,” Irish told him. He waited until Hunter left the room before turning back to Jamie. “You messed with the wrong girl. She trusted you and it landed her in the hospital. She trusted you and because of that trust, she now finds it hard to trust any other human being. Don’t worry though, while you enjoy your stay in a CIA black site, she’ll be sleeping comfortably in my arms at night.”

“Are we talking about the same Makenzie? She’s fucking mentally ill, dude. If I were you, I’d get her some real help. Who the fuck has a personality so dependent on another person she lets herself get to almost death before she sticks up for herself? Someone told me she got counseling after her close call. I don’t know if there’s enough counseling in the world for that headcase.” Jamie laughter choked Irish in rage. Savage stepped forward, putting himself as a shield between the two of them. It wasn’t necessary. Irish would remain in control of himself, for Makenzie.

“Makenzie is a beautiful, intelligent and kind human being. After all the pain you caused her, she offers nothing but forgiveness. I am not as easily swayed toward forgiveness.”

“Do you think she was innocent in all of this? Did you read what she said to me? What she did?”

“I read her part in all of this. She lashed out in rage, and she was damn justified in doing so. Could she have made better choices? Absofuckinglutely. But nothing she said or did was worthy of the punishment you gave her. You tortured her for months, turned her friends against her, broke her heart. What I don’t get is why did you dox your friends? Why did you hack her account and bring it all back to the surface? Why couldn’t you let it all go?”

“You weren’t the only one snooping around. Her friend Beth wouldn’t walk away. When Joseph started talking to another girl, she’d pop into their inbox and warn them away. She messed with my income. She started to investigate my GoFundMes, making accusations of fraud. Stirring up trouble. One of my close friends started to believe her. Makenzie’s account coming back and the doxing with the distraction I needed. The girls ran to me, begging me to help. They had to play cleanup in their marriages, they didn’t have time to focus on me anymore. And it would have worked if Makenzie hadn’t started dating you.”

“I’m not just dating Makenzie. I’m her Daddy. I love her with everything I have. It is my job to protect her, to keep her safe from scumbags like you. I’ll love her for the rest of my life, and I’ll spend every day of it making her happy and convincing her she’s worthy of joy, love and companionship. She’s a beautiful light that pierces the darkness of evil. You will never have the love that we have. See, unlike your husband, I accept Makenzie for who and what she is. I nourish her and support her Little side and always will. She doesn’t have to hide from me.”

“That’s sweet and all, but I’m sure as fuck not going to no CIA black site.” Jamie reached under the couch cushions and pulled out a handgun. She waived in the air wildly before pointing it at Irish. “Not only am I not going anywhere, neither are you.Just think of how much more pain your death is going to cause Makenzie. She’ll spend the rest of her life blaming herself and wishing she was the one who’d died instead.”

Before Irish could respond, the door flew open with a suddenness that made Irish's heart hammer against his ribs. Sean’s silhouette filled the doorway.

“Everyone just calm the fuck down,” Sean said, his voice a low rumble as he stepped into the cramped apartment. He didn't look at Irish but focused on Jamie, who seemed to shrink back despite herself. “Put down the gun, Jamie. We have more than enough evidence to take you in. Feds are here, the building’s surrounded. It’s time to walk away while you still can.”

Irish watched Sean move, his stride confident as he approached Jamie. The tension in the room thickened, clinging to Irish's skin like the summer humidity of their childhood days. Jamie moved the gun from Sean to Irish and back again. Savage moved slowly, around the back of the couch. Irish, seeing him, engaged Sean in conversation to distract Jamie.

“Sean,” Irish started, his words laced with the frustration that bubbled up inside him. “You weren't there to see how much pain this caused Makenzie. Prison is too good for this sociopath.” His gaze pierced into Sean's, begging him. There were dozens off the books black sites around the world that Hunter’s team used to dispose of truly bad people.

“No. She’s American and while she did some fucked up stuff, and against my own sister, I can’t let a personal vendetta get in the way of her rights. She’s not a terrorist, or a threat to the safety and security of our country. Believe me, this is what Makenzie would want.”

“Brother,” Sean replied, his eyes steady, “you think I'd cover for anyone messing with Makenzie? I’ve arranged for Jamie to be transported to the highest security federal women’s prison in the country. It’s not Guantanamo Bay, but it’s not the fuckingWaldorf either.” His stance was unyielding, the protective shadow of the big brother looming large in the dim light of the apartment. “Makenzie would never forgive either of us if we did the wrong thing here.”

“Now.” Irish said, lunging for Jamie’s feet, right as Savage wrapped his arms around her waist the gun crashed to the ground as several federal agents came rushing into the room. Irish watched in satisfaction as Sean slammed the handcuffs over her wrist and read her rights.


Three months later.


Makenzie's fingers tightened around Irish's larger, calloused hand as walked across the parking lot toward the doors of The Citadel. The monthly Little’s playdate had become the highlight in her calendar. She couldn’t wait to see her friends and get their playtime on.

“Do you think Savage will be here tonight?” She asked Irish.

“If he got invited, he will be,” Irish answered. The Citadel put member’s safety first. The Little’s playdate was for only those who identified as Little’s and whatever bigs they personally invited. It wasn’t open to all club members like the regular demos and play parties were. It made the Littles feel more secure knowing everyone in the room was vetted.

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