Page 45 of Irish

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“Yep, when the women would spank each other. There’s a lot that goes on because people can’t admit what they really want out of life or have the hard conversations they need to have with their partners. A lot of lying, emotional affairs and even physical affairs. When you have a need, you’ll do anything to fulfill it, especially if your partner says absolutely not and makes you feel dirty for having it.”

“That’s when you need to find a different partner.”

“I agree. That’s how come I didn’t marry Eugene. If I did, I’d be in the same situation as them, living an unfulfilled life. But I don’t think I’d be able to go out and do whatever I wanted behind his back and come home and pretend everything was fine, either. That’s not okay. However, I didn’t make a vow to their spouse, and their personal relationships are between them, not me and them. People are allowed to have their privacy.”

“They are. Jay is super strict about privacy at The Citadel. I’m sure there are people who are members there who have spouses at home who believe they are at work conferences when they are attending a BDSM play party. Princess, promise me if there is ever a need of yours that I am not meeting, you will talk to me about it, not go behind my back and get it fulfilled elsewhere.”

“I promise, Daddy.”

Irish squeezed her harder. “Trust and confidentiality are a huge part of this lifestyle.”

“I know being doxed is a risk you take by having profiles on websites, especially if you use your photos and give people your personal information, but I wasn’t the one to violate that trust. At one point I thought, dang, if I’m going to be blamed for so much, maybe I should give them a reason to hate me, but I couldn’t do it. It’s not in my character.”

“I’m dang proud of you, princess. It takes a lot of courage to go through what you’ve been through and not lash out or seek justice.”

“Sometimes, I think they bullied me so much and blocked me the way they did to protect themselves. Other times, I realized, by making me out to be a terrible person, if I did say anything, they’ve discredited me in advance. Once they finished slandering me, my word wasn’t worth a thing. No one would believe me anyway. Even then, I kept their secrets.”

“That’s a fear led trauma response in itself,” Irish said. “It’s also a classic move a narcissist makes. Control the narrative, paint the victim out to be the perpetrator. If she’s crazy, no one will believe her when she says I abused her.”

“The truth is, while I had information that I could have used against them, I never wanted to hurt any of them. I never wanted to break their trust or tell their secrets. I never stopped caring about any of them, even after everything happened. I just wanted to live peacefully.”

“Mature adults would have let that happen. But mature adults would have talked things through and worked them out instead of mass deleting and blocking you from all forms of communication,” he said.

“Honestly, Daddy, I reacted to them kind of like I reacted to Trinity tonight, maybe bigger. Because I was battling healing from the hospital and I was so weak physically and to top it off, I couldn’t figure out which way was up from which way was down. I definitely wasn’t nice in my reactions. They didn’t take the time to see any of it though, I think some of them reacted from their own past traumas, too. I know several had childhood traumas around rejection and abuse. My reactions likely triggered theirs.”

“One of the reasons I run the camp, is because what happens in a person’s childhood can adversely affect them in adulthood. Trauma, no matter when it happens, if not treated, can impact a person’s reaction to everything around them. Learning tocommunicate affectively is something I wish more people spent time doing.”

“I agree. I think the continued drama was never about me, either. It was about discrediting me so if I ever changed my mind, they had full deniability. It’s like swimming in a pool during a storm. You don’t know if you are wet from the pool or the rain, all you know is you are soaked, and the water is coming from all directions. They keep wanting to punish me over and over, but why? I’ve kept their secrets close to my chest, their real names, their children’s names, their addresses, their professions. I haven’t told their spouses, bosses, or their parents about their secret lives, and I never will. What good would it have done? I would then have proven them right about me.”

“At the end of the day, you have to live with yourself and your actions. No one else’s.” Irish said. “As your Daddy, I hold you accountable for what you do, what you say. Like Lucky did with Trinity. She didn’t get spanked for anything you did, she got spanked for disobeying her Daddy. When you lay your head down at night, you have to live with the choices you made. Did you spread light and life into the world or darkness and drama?”

“Exactly. That’s how I feel, too. I want to be the light in the world, adding positivity, not pain and darkness. And, as you could see from the doxing that happened on LittleLife by whoever hacked my account, I could have burned their worlds to the ground a long time ago. But I didn’t. Not because I’m scared of the drama or the backlash, what more could they possibly do to me? No, because everyone is allowed to have secrets and who they choose to tell those secrets to, is a very personal and private decision. I’m glad Jay was able to get the account taken down. They hurt me, but I’ll never heal by hurting them back. If I dwell on them and the pain they caused, I’m just tearing off the scab over and over again. I think, Daddy, I’ve forgiven all of them,including Jamie and Joseph. I know you won’t let them hurt me again.”

“No, baby girl, I’m going to make damn sure they never hurt you again.”



Two weeks later.

Irish's boots thudded heavily against the worn carpet of Joseph James’s apartment corridor, his strides purposeful and laden with barely constrained anger. As a Navy SEAL, he’d seen his share of trouble, but the abuse he’d inflicted on Makenzie twisted his gut in a way that combat never could. As he approached apartment 3B, he drew in a deep breath, the scent of stale cigarettes and old wood seeping into his senses. He raised a clenched fist and hammered on the door.

“Open up. We need to talk. Now,” Irish demanded, his voice gravelly with suppressed rage. Savage and Hunter stood next to him, ready to do whatever was necessary.

Moments passed, each ticking by like a countdown to an explosion. Finally, the door cracked open, revealing the man’s startled face. His eyes widening with surprise, at the three large men filling his doorway. Before he could slam the door, Irish stuck his booted foot in the way.

“Do I know you?” The overweight, fifty something year-old man asked. Catfishing Makenzie had been the least of his crimes.

“Cut the crap,” Irish growled, pushing past Eugene into the modest living room. “Hacking Makenzie’s Little Life, doxingpeople and blaming her. The threats and text messages. They're sick, twisted. And I want answers and I want them now.”

“Makenzie?” The man dared to act like he didn’t know who Irish was speaking off.

“What’s all that noise?” A shrill voiced asked before a tall blonde woman appeared. Irish’s jaw dropped open.


He'd know the bitch from anywhere. He’d studied Makenzie’s LittleLife profile and read every message exchange multiple times. What the fuck was she doing here?

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