Page 44 of Irish

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She did, didn’t she? She couldn’t imagine anyone getting past Savage or Arrow, let alone through Irish.

“Is that how come she got a spanking?”

“No, she got the spanking because Lucky told her to not respond to any of it, and she did anyway. She disobeyed her Daddy to defend you.”

“And I called her mean,” Makenzie said, tears welling up in her eyes. “I was awful to her, and she was just trying to be nice!”

“Trinity is going to understand, princess. You can call her tomorrow and talk with her. It’ll be okay.”

“But, what if it’s not? What if she never talks to me again? What if she does what the other girls did and block me and refuse to hear me or answer when I call?”

“That’s trauma brain talking. I want you to take a deep breath and we are going to talk about what is true and what your brain is portraying as true, which are two very different things. Deep breath in. Hold it. Deep breath out. Good girl.”

They took several more breaths together before Irish spoke again, helping her process the situation. By the time she got out of the tub and Irish wrapped her in a soft oversized towel, she felt much better about the Trinity situation.

“We’re not going to have sex tonight, princess,” Irish told her, as he climbed in bed beside her.

“How come?”

“Because tonight, I just want to hold you. I want you to cuddle in the safety of my arms without any expectations, and rest.” After she got comfortable in his arms, he spoke again. “Jay has managed to get the account removed.”

“Huh?” She asked sleepily.

“When you were brushing your teeth, he texted me. He reached out to the LittleLife administrators and due to violations in the terms of service, your account has been completely deleted. Not deactivated, where it can come back up, but deleted for good.”

Makenzie breathed a huge sigh of relief. That didn’t mean there weren’t screenshots out there, and the original videos were still with Joseph, but at least, the account where people’s identities had been doxed, was gone.


“Yes, princess?”

“I don’t know why Joseph would have wanted to dox the other girls’ information.”

“I don’t know either, but it’s going to be one of the questions I ask him when we find him.”

“You are going to find him?”

“Yes, sweetheart and when I do, I’m going to make sure he knows you are off limits.”


“Yes, baby.”

“I feel bad for them.”

“For who?”

“For the Littles who had their identities doxed.”

“Wait. You feel bad for the women who were awful to you? The women who blocked you just because Jamie said you did something wrong? The ones who took the bastard’s side over their friends after he’d abused her?”

“Yes. Because they are Joseph and Jamie’s victims too. They manipulate and lie and hurt people and convince them lies are truth and truth are lies. But also, even with how mean they were to me, they didn’t deserve to have their lives turned upside down. I know a lot of secrets about them, but in the last couple years, I’ve never betrayed their trust. It’s not my place. If I betray their trust, that makes me as bad as them, right?”

Irish nodded. “I can see what you are saying. Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

“It’s more than that though, it’s about being able to live with myself. If I talked about the hotel spanking parties, or the illicit affairs, the swindling of people’s money or the way they had fake personas on LittleLife when in reality they were totally different people in real life.”

“Hotel spanking parties?” Irish asked.

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