Page 36 of Irish

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“I mean, I did to get the codes to log into things, like my authenticator app for my social media accounts.” Makenzie said, biting her lip.

“How much control did your former Daddy have?” Kylie asked. Irish knew exactly where she was going with this, and he didn’t like it.

“Too much,” Makenzie whispered. Irish pushed himself off the desk and reached down for Makenzie. Pulling her to standing, he wrapped her up tightly in a hug.

“How much, princess?” He asked gently. “Did you give him access to any of your online accounts?”

“Y-y-yes,” she said. “He had all of my usernames and passwords, but I changed them all after we broke up.”

“What about your authenticator app?” He asked her.

“I don’t think I ever gave him that info,” she said.

“Are you sure?” Irish asked her. “Think carefully, princess.” He rubbed her arms gently with his hands. Her eyebrows drew together, and she gasped.

“He did. Once. It was the day before I passed out at work and ended up in the hospital from malnutrition and dehydration. He found an old post I’d made about looking for the perfect daddy and wanted to delete it, but I was grounded from using my phone. He’d had me set up screentime and he controlled what apps I could and couldn’t use, how long I had to use them every day and who I could and couldn’t call. Anyway, I’d been bad and so he’d taken away my ability to use my phone outside of calling and texting him. He wanted to log into my account to delete that status but he couldn’t because it needed an authenticator verification, so I gave him the info to download the authenticator app and log in. I am so stupid. How could I be so fucking stupid?”

“You aren’t stupid, Kenzie. You were obeying your Daddy.” Kylie said.

Tilting her head up by the chin, Irish peered into her eyes. “How much control do you need me to take right now, Makenzie?”

“W-w-hat do you mean?” She stuttered.

“I do not want to trigger your memories of your ex and we are still new in our relationship. If we’d been together for a while, I know exactly how I would be responding and what I would be doing, but we haven’t, and I don’t want to do anything that will push you away or hurt you. Right now, you are trembling in my arms, and I can feel you spinning out and I want to Daddy your ass and protect you from the world, but I don’t want to do it if it means I am violating your boundaries. Do you want me to let you be the adult and figure all of this out, or can I take over from here as your Daddy and protect you?”Please, let me protect you. He wouldn’t beg her. It needed to be her consenting. She stared at him, her mouth open, but didn’t respond. “No matter what you pick, it won’t affect us. I will still be your Daddy and you willstill be my little princess. I won’t think any differently about you. I just need to know where to go from here, Mak.”

She blinked a few times and then nodded slowly. “Then stop talking and be my fucking Daddy already.”

Kylie’s laughter cut through the shock of Makenzie’s words. She was testing him, there was no doubt and she wanted him to take control. His heart raced in relief. He turned her around and pushed her over her desk and brought his hand down on her butt in quick succession.

“You do not talk to your Daddy like that.” He scolded her before letting her back up. It was a quick demonstration but one he knew she was asking for. “We will talk more about this when we get home. Pack your stuff, we’re going home.”

“What if I say no?” She asked quietly. Irish had to intentionally not smile. He recognized exactly what she was doing. It wasn’t his first rodeo. If she was like other submissives, he knew she felt out of control and scared. She needed to know he was in charge and would make everything right in the world. In order to be certain of that, she would push him to see how far he’d let her go. Would he give in to her and be a pushover because she was in crisis mode, or would he double down and be the consistent and the firm hand she needed to steer her through this?

He took her by the shoulders and grabbed her chin. Holding her face firmly so that she couldn’t look away, he dropped his tone to the best no-nonsense one he could muster. “What happens if you say no to your Daddy without a good reason? I would see that as direct disobedience and defiance. We have a rule about disobedience and defiance, don’t we princess?” He would stand there until she answered him. After a beat she responded.

“Rule number three,” she said.

“And what are the consequences for breaking one of our top three rules?”

“Daddy,” she whined, trying to turn her head toward where Kylie still stood. Irish held her chin firmly, not allowing her to look away.

“No, little girl, you don’t get a reprieve because Kylie is here. She’s seen it all, believe me. Besides, if you don’t want Kylie to witness you getting corrected, you shouldn’t misbehave in front of her. What are the consequences for breaking one of the top three rules, Makenzie?”

“A spanking,” she whispered.

He frowned down at her. “A spanking and?”

“And more.”

“Makenzie, this is your last warning before you get that and more right now. What are the consequences?”

“Our first three rules are the most serious and breaking them cause the most harm to myself or our relationship. If I break them, I get a spanking with your hand and an implement, and I have to wear a punishment plug while I write down what I did wrong and how I’ll make a better choice next time.”

“Good girl. Now, do you want to say no to Daddy, or do you want to pack up your stuff and get ready to go home?”

“I’ll pack up my stuff.”

“That’s my good girl. I’m proud of you for making the right choice.” He released her chin and dropped a tender kiss on her forehead. “Is it okay if Daddy keeps your phone for now?” He wanted to protect her from any other hateful or threatening texts that came in, but also needed it for the investigation into who was behind all of this. “You aren’t having your phone taken away for punishment, princess. It’s the scene of the crime, so to speak, and I want it for investigational purposes.”

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