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“There’s talk of your being released tonight,” the nurse said.

“Is that too fast?” Kade asked.

“Not when the mother is healthy,” the nurse stated. “You usually get a better night of rest at home anyway.”

“And the baby?” he continued. “How is she?”

“In good hands,” the nurse said. “Sometimes, we keep them a couple of days just to be one hundred percent certain everything is working the way it should. Some babies just need a little extra time.”

Bree couldn’t help but wonder if all the stress had caused her to go into labor before the baby had been ready to come out.

They needed to name her because the generic label ‘the baby’ didn’t fit after Bree had held the little angel in her arms, not to mention needing to put something besides Baby X on her birth certificate or however these situations were handled.

“How soon can we see her?” Kade asked.

“NICU is open for parents during regular visiting hours.” The nurse eyed him up and down. Recognition dawned. Was it a bad sign she’d caught on? “They’re over for today, but you can come back first thing in the morning.”

Kade nodded. If he was disappointed, he hid it well. Or was he being strong for Bree? It wouldn’t surprise her if he were. He was also used to stuffing his feelings down deep in order to go on a mission. Zeke had explained compartmentalizing to her. Said he did it just like everyone else in the unit. Kade would be no exception.

The nurse checked Bree’s vitals. After being satisfied, she said, “Eat while it’s warm if you can. Someone will be here before you know it to bring release papers to sign.”

Tears pricked the backs of Bree’s eyes at the thought of walking out of the hospital tonight.

“Sleep will be good for her,” Kade cut in. “What about an early morning release after we visit the baby?”

The nurse pursed her lips. What was she holding back? Did the insurance company want to kick Bree out? Or was it something else? Was the hospital concerned about the Reaper coming around? Were they rushing her release out of fear?

“I’ll make a call and see if I can get her release pushed back a few hours,” the nurse conceded. Then again, the stubborn set to Kade’s jaw would be enough to persuade anyone the man wasn’t going anywhere until he damn well pleased.

Bree made a mental note to thank him later. For this. For being here. For everything.

The door barely closed behind the nurse when Kade urged her to eat.

“When’s the last meal you had?” she asked after taking a bite of lasagna that wasn’t half bad.

“I’m good.”

“Kade, you have to eat,” she said. “And what happened to the boot you were wearing?”

“I patched it up myself.”

“Do I want to know what that means?” she asked, offering a bite of food.

Kade laughed. The sound shouldn’t be sexy. But that low rumble in his chest, along with a smile that had been so good at seducing her, caused an ache to form in her chest. Sex was out of the question for many obvious reasons, and especially one big one. Even if it was physically possible, it would complicate matters.

“At least take my Texas toast and dip it in the sauce,” she said.

He studied her with a smirk. “You won’t give up until I do, will you?”


“Fine, then I better take it,” he said as she handed over the offering. Their fingers grazed, causing electricity to course through her. She pulled her hand back and reminded herself this was temporary. Allowing herself to be pulled into the vortex that was the sexiest, most decent, and most dangerous man in the world would be a mistake. Kade had the power to shatter her in ways she’d never known possible.

Reminding herself of the fact would help put up a wall. Right?

Surprisingly,a couple of hours of sleep was all Bree needed to feel awake. A cup of coffee with actual caffeine kicked her brain into gear and was pretty much heaven on earth. A walk down the hallway to see her baby with Kade was enough to refill the well and remind her just how important it was to protect that little one at all costs. For the same reason, she wouldn’t call her father to let him know the baby had arrived. He’d want to come visit. He would have questions. It was safer to hold off on the news.

“What do you think of the name Harper?” Kade asked as they stood side-by-side next to their sleeping angel.

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