Page 44 of Knox's Mission

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“Keep your film going,” Knox said before wading into the water, straddling the snake, and then grabbing hold of its body. The green reptile was so large, he couldn’t fully clasp his hands around it.

Knox struggledto hold onto the green giant slithering through his arms. He knew enough about anacondas to realize the three of them were lucky the damn thing hadn’t surprised them as they were known to do when attacking. Their backward facing teeth sinking into his flesh wasn’t how Knox saw this trip ending.

As much as he’d like to think he caught this snake off guard, he realized the vibration caused bytheir footsteps near the riverbank had most likely done the job. Anacondas detected vibrations and had eyes near their nostrils, which made it easier to stay almost completely submerged while waiting for prey…patiently.

Humans weren’t their first choice for a meal but they, like most predators, were opportunistic feeders. They took what was available when they were hungry.

The snake contracted, sliding through his grasp. He had a choice as he reached the end of its body, jump in the water or admit defeat. Considering they swam twice as fast as they moved on land, he let go and hopped onto the embankment. Both his ankle and bad wrist reminded him that he wasn’t as quick or strong as he used to be.

Amy’s lens followed the snake as it slipped through the water.

Lorna’s jaw dropped. “That’s amazing.”

Amy tapped a button on her camera, no doubt to stop recording. Her eyes wide, smiling, she said, “We don’t have a measurement but I’ve never seen anything that huge before on video.” Her gaze immediately shifted to Knox. The satisfied smile caused his heart to squeeze. “You risked your life to get this footage.”

He waved her off like it was nothing because he’d taken a calculated risk, nothing more. Surprising thesnake instead of the other way around gave him the advantage.

“Now you’re soaking wet,” Amy said as he shook off excess water before rejoining them.

“I’m amazed,” Lorna said, still sounding in disbelief.

“Once we get settled, we can watch the footage,” Amy stated before turning toward Knox. “Any chance we’re going to make the site you mentioned in the next few hours?”

He shook his head. “It’s doubtful we’ll make it today at all.”

“I don’t need sleep,” Amy offered. “How about you, Lorna?”

“I’m tired from all the walking and Donnie kept me up talking last night, but all I need is a few minutes of rest here and there,” Lorna said. “I should be okay.”

“We don’t want to push ourselves too hard,” Knox said. “The goal is to make it across the finish line. If someone needs to rest or rehydrate, we make that a priority.”

Patience was key.

“I could use a few minutes,” Lorna admitted.

“This is a good spot,” he said, picking up his machete and clearing an area. “Hydration stop or full-on rest?”

“Probably both,” she said with a look of apology.She didn’t need to worry. He intended to get all three of them out of the jungle in one piece.

Knox had no idea if that was the footage Amy needed with the anaconda, but she had one helluva story to tell once he got her back to civilization. One he hoped would give her enough notoriety to jumpstart her career so she could quit her part-time job at the bar.

He didn’t like her working around so many drunks.

Knox smiled at the thought.

Amy could take care of herself. She wouldn’t put up with a lot of crap from anyone, including him. Still, someone could end up fixated on her. Last time he checked, humans still caused more destruction and devastation than any other species. She could pick up a stalker, or worse.

Knox mentally shook off the line of thinking that had him closing his hand around the machete handle tight enough to cause his knuckles to turn white.

“Mom’s moving back to Seattle,” Amy said, surprising him as she fidgeted with the camera in her hands.

“When?” he asked.

“Two more months,” she said on a shrug.

“Can I ask why?”

“Said she can’t take the heat anymore,” Amy said. “I hardly come around, considering I work most nights and she works days. Says she feels useless now but she’s been reaching out to long-lost family members since Garrett’s…since he died. Apparently, she reconnected with a great aunt and wants to spend time with her while she’s still vibrant.”

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