Page 55 of Sinners Retreat

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The man’s hands are cuffed behind his back, and his feet are shackled to a stiff rod, so there’s no chance he can injure her. That means I can just relax and watch the show.

She steps toward him and grips his flaccid cock in her hand. Even though she’s about to chop it off, a flare of jealousy rockets through me. Seeing her handle another man’s bits shouldn’t bother me. Someone needs to remind my heart that she isn’t mine forever. She’ll hate me in two days.

Kindra pulls a blade from her pocket and saws off his penis. When I say she saws it off, I mean it in the most literal sense. The knife must be incredibly dull by design, because she hacks away for several minutes until it’s off. The Cattle screams through his nose for the entire ordeal—their lips have been superglued shut—then falls unconscious once he’s been separated from his tiny ego.

“Shit, the iron still isn’t hot enough,” she says as blood spurts onto the metal floor. “Can you put pressure on this thing while I wait?”

If holding that raw stump means she’ll stop touching him, yes, I absolutely will apply pressure.

I step forward and encircle the remnants of his cock stump with my hand. The man looks at me as he regains consciousness, pleading with his eyes as he screams through his nose again.

“I have no sympathy for you,” I say. “You’re a dirty nonce, and you deserve all of this and so much more.”

“Nonce?” Kindra asks.

“Sorry, pet. I use my native slang on occasion. It means he’s a filthy child predator.”

Her eyes light with understanding. “Speaking of your British heritage, why do you and your brother have different accents?”

“Our father was a bit of a philanderer. We probably have siblings on every continent, including Antarctica. When my mother died, she told me she knew I had a younger brother in America, so I hopped across the pond to find him.”

“How long did that take?”

I shake my head and smile when I recall the hoops I jumped through to learn his identity and location. “Too long. I only knew his first name and that he was three years younger than me. But the journey showed me that I’m very good at discovering things most people wouldn’t want discovered. That’s how I started my private detective business.”

She holds the penis toward me as she steps closer to the man. “Hold this. I’ll need both hands.”

With a grimace, I take the offered appendage. A penis isn’t the most attractive part of a man, but when it’s reduced to a limp slug of flesh, it’s even less appealing.

Kindra doesn’t hesitate as she presses the tip of the iron to his exposed meat. Smoke billows toward the ceiling and fills the small room with the nauseating scent of burning flesh. The man bucks and twists in his chains, but Kindra keeps chasing his wound with the iron.

“If you don’t hold still, it’s going in your ass next,” she says.

Could she be any sexier?

When she finally has the bleeding under control, we start up the stairs.

“So why did you decide to stay in America?” she asks.

“England just didn’t feel like home anymore. I’m not close with my father, and I didn’t have any fast friendships. I’m kind of like you. I stick to myself.”

“At least you have your brother,” she says.

It’s a stab to the heart. I still don’t recall killing her sibling, but it had to be me. He was strung up on meat hooks, and no one else uses my MO. If I knew more about his death, maybe I could recall why he had to die by my hand, but I don’t want to drag up such a painful topic just yet.

Cat and Bennett have gone to the back of the boat to set up the rods. We should have known better than to leave them to do anything, because fuck-all has been accomplished. Instead of readying our equipment, they’ve engaged themselves in a heated battle of cruel words.

Kindra steps between them. “Can you two just fuck already?”

“Kindra, ew!” Cat squeals. “I would rather fuck myself with that ghost peen in your hand than come within an inch of Bennett’s herpes magnet.”

“Herpes magnet?” Bennett’s eyes go wide. “I’ll have you know I use protection, and I’ve never had an STD!”

“Never?” I say.

Bennett’s shoulders drop, and he shoots daggers at me with his eyes. “I’ve never had anincurableSTD.”

Kindra and Cat both take a step away from him.

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