Page 108 of Sinners Retreat

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Chapter Thirty-Eight


As we sling our bags over our shoulders and prepare to leave the island that late afternoon, the mood is bittersweet. Dating on vacation is one thing, but everything can change when you’re back in the real world. For some reason, I don’t think that will be a major hurdle for us. Instead of tackling the big issues out there, we swapped things around and decided to make a dog’s dinner of our last day on the island.

But we’re stronger for it.

With our bags in hand, Kindra, Bennett, Maverick, and I make our way toward the airstrip—heading in the correct direction this time, of course. Many of us will take the private jet back to Miami, then head off in different directions from there.

Grim plans to go back to Germany. Where in Germany? No one knows. He’s private like that. But if you ever see a wiry old man in a Speedo on Hiddensee Beach, keep walking.

Maudlin Rose plans to stay a few more days on the island with Jim and Jeff. We speculate she’ll fly to Germany after that, but it’s anyone’s guess. She keeps her secrets well.

Ice Pick is headed back to Texas, but he plans to come to New York when it snows. He says he’s never seen snow, and we’ve been meaning to invite him to stay with us for years. Now seemed like a good time. As long as he keeps his eyes away from Kindra, that is.

I follow Kindra up the steps to board the jet. The view is fantastic, and I’m not referring to the island. She’s chosen a pair of shorts that allow her perfect cheeks to peek out every so often.

We sit much the same as we did on the flight in, though we’ve exchanged Cat for Maverick. Speaking of Cat, I’m interested to see how she handles our return. Kindra worries she’ll never forgive her, but I’m inclined to believe the girl has a heart of gold and will welcome her back with open arms.

I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

As soon as we’re settled, Kindra grips my hand. “Oh no.”

“What’s wrong, pet?” I whisper in her ear. She’s gone white as a sheet.

She shifts and closes her eyes. “I forgot to take my meds before we left. I always try to remember to take something before flying, and I always forget. Something about being on a plane makes me”—she glances around and lowers her voice to a whisper—“shit.”

With a smile, I reach into my pocket and pull out a sachet of Imodium AD. I snagged it from Bennett’s travel bag before we set out. “I’ll always protect you when I can, even from blowout diarrhea.”

She smacks my arm and pulls the packet from my fingers. “Ass. But thanks.”

The plane rushes down the runway moments later, and we’re in the air. The island shrinks below us, and then it disappears from view as the clouds swallow the silver jet.

Once we’re flying level, the flight attendant comes by to close all the windows. Jim doesn’t want anyone to know where the island is, and he thinks we’re a bunch of topographical geniuses who can discern where we are based on cloud patterns. He has so much faith in us.

I lean closer to Kindra. “Have you secured the great earthquake machine in your bag? Wouldn’t want it to go off again.”

“You’re really not going to let that go.” Her cheeks shift to a bright shade of red, and I’m forced to kiss them.

“God, you two make me sick,” Bennett says.

Kindra begins to sing the theme toSpongeBob SquarePants, putting extra emphasis when she says the wordpineapple. Bennett’s lips slam shut, and he turns his head. Kindra’s song tapers off to a smile.

“I’ve always wanted a woman who could give my brother a run for his money,” I whisper into her ear. “How are you even real?”

She rests her head on my shoulder. “He gives me a lot to work with.”

“That he does.”

Within minutes, she’s snoring on my shoulder, and I’m not far behind her.

The plane lands in Miami, and the group begins to break apart as if we’ve never met. As we walk out of the terminal, we mustlook like a bunch of strangers. Which is good. We wouldn’t want anyone to get any ideas.

“Do you want me to give you a call when I arrive in New York?” I ask Kindra as we stand outside the airport. “My flight should land around lunchtime. You could even pick me up, if you’d like.”

She bites her lip and smiles at me. “We’ll see.”

Bennett pulls a rental car up to the curb. Leave it to him to waste money when we could have gotten a cab to the hotel. Maverick sits in the passenger seat, and he gives Kindra a little wave.

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