Page 9 of Witch's Fate

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She couldn’t wrap her mind around it. Not that she had time to.

Once she could move her muscles, she struggled to her knees. Her entire body ached. She glanced over at Malcolm, who was on his knees beside her. His great chest heaved with breath, and his head was bowed. Disheveled dark hair shielded his face.

After a moment, he shook himself and rose to his feet. She had a distinct feeling that he wasn’t used to being overpowered.

Kitty pressed her shadowy form against Sofia’s side. Warmth and power flowed through her from her familiar, just enough that she could stumble to her feet.

“You’re even stronger than we thought,” the High Witch said to Malcolm. “Tales of your power are well known of course, but to survive thirteen lightning whips? My, my. It seems that selling your loyaltydoesresult in great power.”

He sneered at her but didn’t speak. He was probably biting his tongue pretty hard right now. Though he could takea few of them, all the High Witches combined could overpower him. Power such as theirs was exceedingly rare, however, and it was likely he’d never come across a Mythean stronger than himself.

“I assume you’ll be more cooperative now?” the High Witch asked.

Malcolm growled.

The High Witch narrowed her eyes. “See to it that you are. Sofia, we still need to decide on a suitable punishment for your tardiness. Now that you have a partner of such extraordinary power…”

Shock hit Sofia like a bat to the face. That agonizing pain hadn’t been the punishment? And what did they mean, partner? “Malcolm isn’t my partner.”

The High Witch’s brow rose. “No? He threw himself in front of a bolt of lightning for you.”

“A momentary lapse in good judgment.” Malcolm’s voice was so cold that it chilled her lightning-heated skin. It also made her believe him.

“Perhaps.” The High Witch’s gaze met Sofia’s. “Either way, you’re the first person she’s ever brought here. And that changes things.”

Sofia held her gaze, wondering if she’d get zapped again. “Changes things?”

“Indeed. Enjoy the dungeon while we discuss.” The High Witch waved her ivory wand and Sofia felt pressure envelop her. She gasped, her air cut off, and fought to break free. The world around her faded to black and she came crashing to the ground a moment later.

She scrambled to her feet and gazed around wildly. Hundreds of skulls grinned back at her, lit by a cold glow thatcame from the ceiling. Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest. Every wall of the small room was covered in skulls, ivory and yellow and all featuring gaping black eye sockets.

She was alone.

Kitty hissed.

“What the fuck?” This had never happened before. She raised her wand and held it out toward one of the walls, searching for a hidden door, but her wand’s magic was blocked. She could see no exits.

And where the hell was Malcolm?

She made her way around the walls, pressing on the skulls to see if any would give way and reveal a secret door. The feel of them under her fingers made her shudder, as if their souls were still trapped inside.

The air changed suddenly, tingling with magic, and she whirled around.

A hulking golden wolf loomed in the corner. It was huge and wild, all muscles and teeth and so bright a gold that it seemed to glow. Unnatural. Not a real wolf. One sent by the High Witches?

Sofia stumbled back. Without her magic, it’d be just her against the wolf and she didn’t have the strength—or the teeth or claws—necessary to protect herself.

Fear strangled her, stealing her breath, as the wolf approached, its stride powerful. Kitty leapt in front of her, back arched and hissing like mad, determined to protect her.

“No! Kitty!”

Kitty was fierce, but too small to fight the wolf, no matter her enhanced familiar strength and speed.

Sofia was about to reach out and grab Kitty when the wolf stopped, looming over Kitty. He leaned down and sniffed Kitty’s head.

Sofia jerked back.

What the hell?

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