Page 17 of Silent Screams

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I untuck my shirt from my denim skirt, knowing he can see it already. I’m wearing a sheer black bra.

“Open your mouth,” he says before taking a puff. I do as he says, the joint now tucked between my lips. Then he does the unthinkable and turns on the light on his phone. “I want to see better.”

I purposely take my time pulling up my shirt. He’s holding the phone, leaning over me, waiting for a glimpse. His other hand traces my stomach before I lift my shirt, pulling down one bra cup.

He stares at my breast, like he’s committing it to memory, hoping to draw it later.

“Who are you?” He asks again, snatching the joint from my lips when I pull up my bra cup and yank down my shirt. I’m glad when my leather coat shields me in warmth once more. “You know what’s the sexiest thing about the piercing? I wonder... if you can handle that kind of pain, what other kind of pain can you handle... ?” he winks at me.

The small tug of his lip tells me exactly the kind of pain he’s talking about. The kind that’s mixed with pleasure.

And because I just met him and I feel my heart skip a beat or two already, I warn him.

“I can take pain, but don’t break my heart.”

His laugh vibrates through his entire body. “Can’t you see? You’ll be the one to break mine.”

Harvey spent the weekend avoiding me. He stayed in his room all day and when dinner was ready, he told me he’d eat later.

A big part of me wanted to push him because I was starting work on Wednesday, and I wanted to soak in as much time as possible with him.

It didn’t go as planned. Nothing ever does.

So I spent the last few days reading, doing groceries and laundry, and baking muffins and granola bars for my upcoming work week. Gia also came over with Athena yesterday to lend me some of her work attire.

Here I am on Wednesday, sitting in my office chair, placing my purse in one of the drawers that Katherine told me to use as she went to fetch my boss to introduce us.

I take a sip from my glass water bottle, hoping to contain my nerves. This morning, a full-blown anxiety I haven’t felt in a while hit me square in the chest.

I don’t like leaving Harvey, no matter how irrational the thought may be. He’s alone this morning; I have to call Claire tonight to see if she can take on longer daily shifts.

“Gemma, this is Mr. Dreygon. Sir, please meet Ms. Ackerman.”

“A pleasure,” I say as I stand to greet the handsome man before me and we shake hands. He’s even better-looking in real life. I wait for him to speak but he simply wraps my hand in his before releasing it.

“Welcome, Ms. Ackerman.”

“Gemma works fine.” I can’t get a read on him; his dark brown eyes are the darkest brown I’ve ever seen. There’s no smile, no smirk, no welcome expression on his face. He’s as stoic as they come in both his posture and personality.

While his eyes swim in darkness, something else lurks there as well. He’s searching, eyeing my face as if he’s hunting for my soul.

“Gemma studied biology as well.” Katherine smiles at him. He doesn’t return it. His brow simply arches before his attention turns to me once more. “Mr. Dreygon studied business and biological science at Northern Illinois University,” she continues.

She then tells me she has a task to do but that she’ll be back in about ten minutes.

I eye his office door, hoping to get a peek. As a kid who often went to work with my dad, a proud owner of an architecture firm, office spaces always fascinated me.

Eventually my eyes are back to pinning his.

“Katherine spoke highly of you. I trust her judgment. I expect you’ll deliver.”

“I intend to, sir.” My voice doesn’t sound like me. I’m not this upbeat person who fawns over anyone. Not even a gorgeous man with dark brown hair, dark eyes, and a five-o’clock shadow whom women would pay to feel under their fingertips.

I finally notice the luxurious charcoal suit he’s wearing with a white dress shirt and red satin tie. I don’t need to know much about expensive brands to know he means business.

I’m wearing one of Gia’s plain black suits with heels.

I’d love nothing more than to dress like Marie, the girl who was wearing a dinosaur T-shirt last Friday. But it’s my first week here, and I doubtMr. Dreygonwould ever accept me wearing ripped jeans and a T-shirt.

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