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In one strong move, I was flipped onto my stomach with my ass in the air. The shadows around me pushed against my back, forcing me into a sharp arch as Anubis gripped my hips.

The first hard thrust took my breath away. Anubis buried himself so deeply inside my womb I swore it wanted to come out of my throat. He set a harsh pace against my sensitive flesh, making me feel every inch of the beads around his shaft. They scraped and teased, gliding against our combined arousal, perfuming the temple.

Just the thought of someone walking by, smelling us, knowing exactly what went on here made my blood rush to my head, and my pussy pulse with need. The greedy ho wanted everything Anubis gave her. She was desperate for him to fill her greedy mouth with his godly essence.

It was the snarls and growls that snapped me out of my lust-filled haze, my vision blurred by the shadows around us. It felt as if we were in limbo, between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead as Anubis pounded my flesh.

The loud slaps drowned out my cries for mercy as I clawed at the floor of the temple, trying to find leverage against his carnal punishment.

“Please.” I wasn’t sure what I was begging for, but I knew it was the only way.

“Your pussy pleases me, little mortal. I can feel it gripping my cock, begging for me to feed it.”

“Yes. Please!” I cried out in a half sob as he buried himself so deeply inside of me, that my knees scraped along the ground. Anubis covered my back with his hot body and with a sharp inhale, I whined as something inflated inside of me, stretching me to the point of discomfort.

Anubis licked my shoulder and the column of my neck. “That’s a good little mortal. You take my knot so well, don’t you? Look at how pretty your pussy looks with me inside of you. You’re so wet for me.”

I whimpered in response to his encouragements, the feeling of his tongue and the light scraping of his teeth soothing something inside of my mind.

His hand slid across my rounded stomach, slowly sliding to my clit.

“I’m going to keep your womb filled, Mara. There’s no going back now. You belong to me.”

He thrust again and I shook in his arms, right before my knees gave way and Anubis wrapped me in a tight embrace and the shadows began to dissipate.


The early morningsun cast its gentle rays over the world as the realm of gods stirred to life. I lounged on my opulent throne, seemingly indifferent to the divine dramas unfolding around me. The grand halls, adorned with sacred hieroglyphs and opulent tapestries, seemed to echo my lack of interest as I absently traced patterns in the air with my fingers.

The usual serenity of the morning rituals was broken by the arrival of Nephthys, her presence as unexpected as it was unwelcome. Her eyes, usually pools of calm, now glinted with asharp edge of irritation. She was flanked by a few minor deities, each looking increasingly uncomfortable as they followed her lead.

I barely lifted my gaze from my idle contemplation.

“Nephthys,” I drawled, my tone lacking the usual bearing, “what brings you to disturb my morning?”

Nephthys stepped forward, her dark robes rustling like a gathering storm. “Great Amon, I come with a matter of some urgency concerning Anubis.” Her voice, though controlled, carried an edge of possessiveness.

Her jealousy was going to be her downfall.

I sighed, adjusting my position on the throne with a languid stretch. “Anubis again? What’s he done this time?”

Nephthys’ face tightened, her patience wearing thin with my apparent apathy to her supposed plight. “It’s not just something. His actions in the Underworld have been excessively harsh. There have been numerous complaints about his judgments being far too severe.”

Was that so? Yet, this was the first time anything was brought to my attention. How curious. My eyes flicked to Nephthys with barely concealed boredom. “I see. And you’re here because...?”

Nephthys took a deep breath, her lips pursed. “Because his actions are affecting the balance of the Underworld and creating unrest among the souls and deities. He’s supposed to be fair, not vengeful.”

Vengeful? Anubis? The jackal barely contains emotions let alone the need for vengeance.

Her irritation was palpable, and the minor deities behind her shifted uncomfortably, clearly caught in the crossfire of her escalating temper. One of them, a young scribe with an anxious glance, ventured forward. “There have been reports of Anubis meting out punishment beyond what’s warranted. His personal grievances seem to be influencing his decisions.”

I yawned, the gesture exaggerated as if I were trying to stifle my disinterest. “How charming. So, Anubis is letting his personal biases affect his work. What a novel development.”

Nephthys’ eyes flashed with a mix of jealousy and a possessive yearning. “It’s not just novel, it’s dangerous. If Anubis continues on this path, it could disrupt the delicate balance we’ve worked so hard to maintain.”

Yet, she bore me no evidence of his crime, strictly hearsay.

I stretched lazily, my expression one of mild annoyance. “Alright. I’ll speak with him. But really, I’m more interested in finding out why you’re so invested in this. Could it be that you’re jealous of the attention he’s getting? Or perhaps you’re just annoyed that your own domains are overshadowed?”

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