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With that, Ma’at’s form began to dissipate.

“So,” I continued, trying to sound nonchalant despite the shifting mood, “since I’m not exactly on the guest list for eternity, how about you show me a few more highlights of Duat before I’m, you know, unceremoniously booted out?”

Anubis’s lips twitched, the barest hint of a smile playing at the corners as he regarded me with an amused, if slightly resigned, expression. “I suppose we can make the most of the time we have. Let’s proceed.”

As we continued through the underworld, the weight of Ma’at’s revelation lingered, but I tried to push it aside. I focused on the fleeting moments of our unexpected connection, savoring them even as I prepared myself for the inevitable departure. The ancient corridors of Duat seemed to stretch endlessly before us, a blend of eerie beauty and chilling, albeit sometimes morbid, grandeur.

My mind raced with thoughts of how I could possibly find a way back to Anubis, despite the constraints Ma’at had laid out. It wasn’t in my nature to accept things at face value, and I was determined not to let this be the end of our encounter. I mean, who knew if this was the last time I’d get to have a chat with a deity who wasn’t just trying to trap me in eternal torment?

As we passed through a particularly grand archway, a thought struck me. My heart quickened as a plan began to form. Maybe there was a way to leverage my unique situation, to use my outsider status to gain an advantage. I was practically vibrating with the thrill of potentially outsmarting the underworld’s finest. And let’s be honest, if I could turn this mess into a victory, it’d be a great story to brag about—adding to my killer resume.

I chuckled at the inside joke.

“What if...” I started, more to myself than to Anubis, “there’s a way to make this work? What if there’s something I could do that would allow me to stay longer?”

Anubis glanced at me, his expression unreadable. “What do you have in mind?”

Before I could answer, Ma’at’s voice echoed through the corridor, her presence felt even if she was nowhere to be seen. “Ah, scheming already? I do enjoy a good game. But remember, Mara, the rules are not as flexible as you might hope.”

Creepy. Was she spying on us? Ma’at the voyeur.

I exchanged a determined look with Anubis, my mind already racing through possibilities. Had I finally reached the point where I was outwitting ancient deities? My inner voice was practically screaming,Talk about overachieving.

With a determined grin, I whispered, “Give me a moment.”

As we turned a corner, I began to formulate a plan, piecing together fragments of ancient lore and legal loopholes that might just give me a fighting chance. It felt a bit like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube while blindfolded. My heart pounded with anticipation, knowing that the next steps could change everything. Or at least make for a very entertaining catastrophe.

Just as I was about to reveal my idea to Anubis, a sudden burst of light illuminated the corridor ahead, casting long, ominous shadows on the walls. My breath caught as I saw a figure emerging from the light—an entity cloaked in shifting darkness and ancient power. The figure’s presence seemed to ripplethrough the very fabric of Duat, and my pulse raced with both fear and excitement.

Great,I thought.Just when I’m on the verge of a genius move, a dramatic plot twist comes in to upstage me.Anubis’s eyes widened slightly, his usual composure momentarily disrupted.

I glanced at him, my mind still reeling from the possibilities. The figure moved closer, and I realized that my window of opportunity was closing fast. Whatever was about to unfold could either be the key to my plan or the end of it.

With a deep breath, I prepared to tell him what I had planned when a large hand clamped on my shoulder and jerked me away from Anubis.

Ugh. Can’t a girl catch a break?


I lunged to grab her,but my hands grasped nothing but empty air. A guttural growl escaped me, and my fur bristled as my ears pinned back in frustration. I scanned the area frantically, searching for any trace of who had taken her.

I needed more time.

A new emotion surged within me, rising with a fury that was both startling and intense—anger. As if the feelings Mara hadstirred within me weren’t enough, a tempest of rage now roiled inside me.

Turning on my heel, I stomped toward the labyrinthine passages of Duat, needing to find the calm I once had. As I was pacing, an unsettling shift in the ambient energy caught my attention. The air grew heavy with an uninvited presence, and my instincts immediately alerted me to the arrival of one of the more troublesome deities.


Her entrance was marked by a ripple through the darkness, a sudden drop in temperature that made the very essence of Duat feel uneasy. The corridors seemed to contract, the shadows deepening as if recoiling from her presence. I braced myself, knowing full well the trouble she brought. Nephthys was notorious for her jealousy and her unrelenting need to be the center of attention. Her motivations were as tangled as the shadows she commanded.

“Anubis,” Nephthys intoned, her voice dripping with an unsettling mix of silk and venom, “I’ve heard you accumulated a pet of sorts. Where is she?”

I turned slowly, my expression one of begrudging acknowledgment. “Nephthys. What business do you have here?”

Her eyes gleamed with an unsettling satisfaction, and she took a step closer, the temperature dropping further in her wake. “Oh, just a casual inquiry. I couldn’t help but notice the commotion surrounding your new companion. It seems you’ve been indulging in quite the spectacle.”

I stiffened, my anger simmering just beneath the surface. “My business is none of your concern, neither is what you’ve heard.I suggest you leave before your curiosity leads you to more than you can handle.”

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