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“I’m still learning what I can and can’t interact with.” Her fingers slip into my pants and she draws them down my legs, fingers hooking into my underwear as well.

But when she gets them off of my legs, they fall straight through her grip again. “I guess you have to be touching it for me to manipulate it.”

“I guess so.”

She turns from the pile of red fabric on the floor and looks at me with eyes fully dilated, like a cat ready to pounce.

I scoot back on the bed to give my feet better purchase and she comes with me. But when I reach for my shirt, she grabs my hand. “Not this time.”


She kisses me. “I want to see all of you… when you’re truly mine. Not when something has forced us to race ahead.”

Her hands trail down my thighs, spreading me open for her.

“Say the spell, Genevieve. Let me make you come and lead you into hell.”

I lick my lips and have to shove down the tiny selfish part of me that wants to leave the boys to fend for themselves a little longer.

The words were easy to memorize, so I don’t need the book.

“Take me to hell as the living dead… by my sacrifice on this bed. I will follow wherever I am led. No sin of the damned will turn my head.” I kiss her and she slides down my body, leaving a chill in her wake.

She repeats the spell, softly against my skin and then kissesmy lips.

The icy feel of her makes me gasp and my hips move without conscious command.

Julia moves with them.

The candlelight makes her look monstrous, but I can’t take my eyes off of her.

I squirm as her tongue invades me, biting my lip and trying not to moan too loudly.

Her fingers work inside of me and I let out a ridiculous laugh as another thought strikes me. I want her to open me up and crawl inside.

She smiles up at me, even though I know she doesn’t know why I’m laughing and I draw in a sharp and broken gasp her lips latch onto my clit.

The teasing from before becomes nearly unbearable and I say her name in a whispered pant, not sure if I want to ask for more or less or everything and nothing all at once.

I just want her and I don’t want to remember that this isn’t solely for us.

The pressure and pleasure builds and I fight it, even though I don’t want to, but the orgasm rips through me and I cry out asthe sound of cloth tearing fills my ears. Heat washes across one side of me and Julia’s fingers hold my legs steady, even as they shake.

The rolling waves crash through me as my release ebbs and Julia crawls up me, her ghostly skirt trailing over my skin like silk.

“We aredefinitelymaking it back to the living world.” She kisses me and I hold her tight to me. “I want to hear that sound a hundred more times before I’ll even begin to feel satisfied.”

We’ll get up in a moment. We’ll save my friends souls… andthenwe’ll get everything we’ve both wanted.

I would stay here foreverif I could, but I have a mess to clean up.

Where there once was a dust covered painting—a pastoral scene, with an illegible signature—the canvas has burned away, leaving a charred frame that I would think held a mirror, if I didn’t know better.

“Is that?”

“Yes.” Julia looks at it and her eyes flicker with firelight that isn’t there.

She floats away from me and helps me sit upright, the heat from the open portal washes against my skin, so I don’t even look at my jacket as I get my pants and shoes back on.

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