Page 75 of The Crowing of Hell

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“Are you sure we’ve got the amounts, right?” Finn asked, peering over Kit’s shoulder.

Kit scowled.

“Want to leave?” Kit asked as he studied the container with the high dose of hydrochloric acid in it. Based on Kit’s recollection of science lessons, this should burn through metal and free them from the room.

Beside Brax lay six water bottles filled with flammable liquids from the cleaning items Kit had discovered. They’d ripped up some cloths that had been with them, and Kit had found some matches.

“Come on, I want my Kenny,” Brax said, bouncing on the sofa.

“Okay, keep back,” Kit ordered. He carefully poured some of the acid into the lid of the container and then poured it onto the door lock.

“Holy crap!” Finn cried as Kit pushed the lid back on the bottle and moved backwards. “Look at that fucker go!” The boys watched wide-eyed as the wood around the lock turned black, but the hissing and fizzing noises fascinated them. The lock melted before their eyes, and the carpet began sizzling as hotmetal dropped onto it.

“Um! I think that was the good shit!” Kit exclaimed. “Come on, we’re out of here. Let’s find Kenny and psycho dude.”


“Aren’t you going to say hello to Mother?” Eugene demanded. “Kendara, I told her you were polite!”

“Hi,” I stammered out, trying not to look at the evilly grinning corpse. Shit. How on earth did I get into this mess?

“Mother looks wonderful today. She did her hair and everything for you,” Eugene said and stroked the corpse’s hair.

“Yes. Very nice. I’m honoured,” I agreed, staring at the stark raving mad eyes in front of me.

Eugene had truly lost the plot.

“Come, sit and eat. Mother spent a long time preparing this. She doesn’t get around so easily nowadays,” Eugene ordered in a jovial tone.

There was no way I could eat with Mother staring at me. Eugene would take any offence directly. Then, I was saved by my boys.

A loud explosion came from somewhere, and Eugene leapt out of his chair. “What was that?” he demanded.

“My boys,” I murmured with a smile.

A secondary boom made Eugene panic and lookfrantically around. Fire alarms screeched through the air as a black cloud of smoke billowed towards us.

“Damnit, Kit, you made that too strong!” Finn yelled.

“Boys!” I screamed and got up from the chair. I staggered a little, but those were my kids.

Eugene looked between me and the doorway in horror.

“Stop them! This is Mother’s home!” he screamed.

“Boom, boom, shake the room!” Kit screeched as he burst in.

“My Kenny!” Brax squealed and raced across to me.

“No! She’s mine!” Eugene yelled, his eyes bulging from his head.

“Mine!” Brax snarled.

“Dude, is that a corpse?” Kit asked in disbelief.

“Time to go, boys. Eugene, thanks for the tea, but we’re off,” I said and grabbed Brax and Finn and began dragging them from the room.

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