Page 52 of The Crowing of Hell

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“Because boys blow shit up,” Clio said, grinning.

“And they’re Hellfire kids, which means they love to dismantle things. Like that shiny car outside. If that stood still for two hours, they would be under the hood, taking it apart to see what makes it work,” Chey added.

“And Kendara is right, they love her, but they blew her up. I can only imagine what they’d do to you,” Sallie-Anne murmured. Bunny and Alice laughed.

“Jesus, it would involve more than dynamite,” Alice drawled, her eyes alight with mischief.

“That may be the one time we’d encourage you guys,” Tati mused, her gaze on Sadie.

Sadie tossed her hair, and I longed to rip it out by its very roots.

“Bitch, you’re not wanted. Now fuck off,” Bunny said, stepping up. Madisen was beside her.

Sadie smirked and waggled a finger at us. “You’re gonna have to be nice to me when this baby is born and I live here.”

“I’d burn the house down first,” Kit threatened, and the menace in his voice made us all look at him. “You think I don’t know what you said to Dad? How he’s a cripple and not worth your time.” Kit stepped forward, and Tati moved behind him, putting her hands on Kit’s shoulders.

“Shut up, you mean nothing,” Sadie retorted, but Kit wasn’t shutting up.

“Who the hell do you think you are to walk into my home, my safe haven, and act like the skank you are? Bitch, I heard you with Dad that day, how you don’t want a cripple as a baby daddy. Well fuck you! My dad’s a fucking brilliant Dad. He nearly died, we could have lost him, and you call Dad a cripple? I’d rather Dad lost both his legs than just one and still have him. Because even if Dad is a damn cripple, he’s better than you!” Kit screamed at Sadie.

Tati wrapped Kit up in her arms as Brax burrowed into me as tears leaked down his face. Finn was grabbed by Sallie-Anne, who pulled him up tight.

“That was the final straw. I’ll be serving an injunction against you tomorrow and filing for custody of that child. You are fuckin’ high. Who do you fuckin’ think you are, showing up here in thatcondition? I’m taking you to the hospital, and you’re getting a drugs test done. And let me tell you right now, Sadie, if you don’t do it, I will be locking you in a cage until this baby is born. Then I’ll leave you there to rot,” Rooster growled in a deadly voice.

We all spun around to face him.

Sadie turned around, and her smile faded at the look on Rooster’s face. There was no doubt he meant it.

“I’m leaving,” Sadie snapped.

“Not without a fuckin’ drugs test. Do not push me. Because I swear to God, you’ll regret it,” Rooster said and grabbed her by the arm.

“Don’t bruise her!” I warned.

“She’s gotta prove it’s me that put them on her,” Rooster snarled and dragged her out.

Alice glanced around and focused on the boys.

“Back to work, let that dull your minds, and your dad will talk to you when he returns,” she said softly.

“Meant it,” Kit stated, approaching me. “Kenny, I’d burn the house down… but make sure she was inside and you were outside.”

I reached out and hugged Kit tightly and then sent him on his way. Finn and Brax both wanted similar hugs and soon it was just us women.

“Never a dull day here, is there?” I said and laughed.

Chapter Eleven.


It was two days since the ‘incident’ as it was now referred to, and I was finally starting to move better without wincing or gasping. The old ladies had taken turns keeping me company, which was kind, and the boys were diligently working on their punishments daily. I was betting they’d not play with dynamite at the beginning of the school vacation again.

The day had been red hot, and the evening promised to be no different. I was already uncomfortable because of the itchy scabs forming across my body when Rooster entered the house with another man. One glance and I understood this was someone I would never cross. He’d shoot me where I stood.

“Kenny, this is Onyx, the President of The Riders of Vengeance. Onyx’s VP, Venom, is coming in a fewmoments,” Rooster said.

“Don’t get up, Kendara; we’ve heard about the incident. Seems a rather strange way of catching a woman, if you ask me,” Onyx replied.

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